Paying her to leave.

avatar for ClearHeelsHotAssCantLose
I always heard that old joke, "you're not paying for the sex, you're paying them to leave."

I thought it was kinda funny, but not true. I've been in relationships most of my life, so now that I'm single, I get pretty lonely at times. I've always wanted my strippers and SB's to stay longer and I've felt like I never get enough time with them.

However, lately, I'm finding that a few hours with them is just enough time. I like them and really enjoy their company, but after a few hours, I'm kind of ready for some alone time again.

I'd like to find a dream civie again, but to be honest, I'm not sure I could go back to living with a woman. I think I'm getting too used to living alone and appreciate the independence. I feel this way now, but wonder if I'll think differently in a few days, once I'm by myself for a while again. We'll see.

What do you divorced guys think? Would you prefer to have a live in lover again or is it "been there, done that" and I'm cool living alone for the rest of my life?


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I'm happy to live alone. Being retired, I can do what I want all day every day. A live-in lover would cramp my style. So far this week, I've had 2 strippers spend a few hours at my house, and my CF is scheduled to come over today (not tomorrow--I don't want her interrupting the football games). The strippers provide plenty of female companionship, but if one lived with me she would be telling me what to do.
I used to get that lonely feeling up to my 30s, now in my 40s I def like being able to do with my free-time w/e I please - I really don't get those romantic feelings anymore, IDK if it's my age or all fhe SCing that I-do/have-done - being able to go to the SC when in the mood for female companionship and after that just doing my thing feels like it fits, it's a way of getting what I need w/ very little overhead, it feels efficient for lack of a better word.
I'm divorced. I have a friend who's been divorced for going on 15 years. I actually stayed with him after my divorce for a place to live for a while.
He enjoys the freedom of being able to do what he wants when he wants and not haveing to answer to anyone for anything.

I enjoyed the freedom for a while. But after a few months, I wanted to be with someone again. So I ended up on a few dating sites (by the way, I definately recommend them. I got laid so much from those sites it ridiculous, just have to sort through the bull shit ones).

So now that I've settled back in with a civie, it comes with a bunch of costs. I no longer have the freedom to do what I want when I want at any spur of the moment. While dating someone is different than being married, you still have those "rules" that are expected of you and you have to explain things if asked.

Whereas, my friend who is still single and lives alone, has the freedom to do what he wants anytime he wants to and doesn't have to ask permission from anyone. (But he doesn't get laid like I do all the time either).

So I suppose it's whatever you feel is more important. Your freedom. Or sex. I chose the sex. (Probably no surprise to anyone who posts on this fucked up forum. Lol.)
Getting laid whenever you want kinda depends on who you're with, often times it csn be more of a sure-thing w/ strippers - now if one is single and not into P4P then yeah the dry spells can be rough
Dry spells can be rough, but so can getting used to fighting for your free time. And for goodness sake , never like a lady friends sexy picture on facebook!!! Even if you have your info hidden from the all but you,,,, she will still magically find it! I think girlfriends consider it a sport to change their mans lifestyle, so whatever you are doing now and enjoying, you can bet it will be WRONG before long.
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
I don't think I'll ever get into a long term live in relationship again. P2P let's me have the best of any relationship. Once it becomes work or no longer fun, I cut it off. I have variety. Her problems aren't "our" problems. I have friends and family for emotional relationships.
K - you "cut it off"?????? Seems a bit extreme.....

Hey, if she never leaves, she'll start telling you to take out the trash. If she does leave, then.....Oh, wait, you still end up taking out the trash. ;-)
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
"Hey, if she never leaves, she'll start telling you to take out the trash. If she does leave, then.....Oh, wait, you still end up taking out the trash. ;-)" Yes but on my schedule not hers.
Interesting perspectives. Thanks. I'm curious what my thoughts will be on this as I get older. The longer I live alone, the more I may get used to my freedom. I could see things going in either direction. I could get a girlfriend again like warhawks or just enjoy occasional companionship like jackslash or papi. Time will tell I guess.
At my age the most common reason I hear to get married or at least live with another woman if for companionship. One of my grandmothers outlived 3 husbands. That may be great for the old dudes that no longer have any interest on sex but it won't work for me. If I had a relationship going with a woman anywhere near my age, I would lose interest in sex pretty fast unless I cheated on her. So I may not get laid everyday but when I do it is with a very young woman and makes me appreciate it more.

I have lived alone for the last 13 years and loneliness has not been a problem. ED is my biggest problem. :)
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
OP: "Paying her to leave"

Always reminds me of a joke. An engineer, a lawyer and a mathematician are discussing which is better: a wife or a mistress. The engineer says a wife because it's a more stable situation. The lawyer says a mistress because if it ends the mistress doesn't get half. The mathematician says both because then you can tell your wife your with your mistress and your mistress that your with your wife and get some math done!
Lol. Pretty good Dougster.
avatar for DallasCowboys
8 years ago
I've been single for the past 10 years, granted I'm only 20, but sometimes I like it.
^ LOL - so you had a girlfriend or wife when you were 9
My viewpoint has changed radically. At first I loved the independence of living alone, and I had a small harem of gorgeous young women to meet my every sexual fantasy. I thought I was set for life, or at least until the money ran out. But totally out of the blue I met a true, genuine DC. My strippers have suffered from a severe loss of income since I met her.
I agree with what warhawks wrote. I chose abundant, free, amazingly satisfying sex over total independence and strippers. But I still have all of the strippers numbers. Just in case.
actually you are all funny. better single with a black book of nice beautiful ladies and live the bachelor life... hopefully with a nice income stream.
@dougster I don't get the joke.
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