Best of both worlds

avatar for steve229
It had been a good, but not great, night. Nothing really unique stood out so far, and I was ready to pack it in.

Just then a young blonde I hadn't seen before came walking my way. I waved her over, and we chatted for a few minutes. There was something very familiar about her, but I couldn't quite place it. Even so, I found myself suggesting we try a dance in the VIP section.

As we waited for a room to open, her familiarity continued to gnaw at me, and my curiosity finally got the best of me:

Me: "So who do people say you look like?"
Her: (Smiling) "I get Hannah Montana all the time - do you know who that is?"
Me: "Why, yes I do."
Her: "Ok, well, you said you want the nude VIP?"
Me: "Yes, yes I do."


last comment
avatar for jeter6970
14 years ago
Daddy Cyrus was quoted as saying "Hanna Montana ruined his family" and that "he's worried for his daughter's well-being". Well if she's taken up dancing now, I say nice job raising your girl to be an entertainer!!
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Sounds like the chastity belt for the wallet failed. I'll make sure to buy VISA long come Monday morning.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
SamPepys: My thoughts exactly! What part of "horseface" don't people understand?
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Um, who is Hannah Montana?
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
art: Hannah Montana, aka Miley Cyrus, is a Disney "Princess" who could have played "Fiona" in the Shrek movies without makeup. OK, maybe not that bad, but she ain't all that cute, and she can't sing even as good as her "Achy Breaky Heart" daddy, Billy Ray Cyrus, who, while not untalented, chose some *really* bad music to demonstrate that fact.
avatar for EarlTee
14 years ago
OK, now you've made me Google her to see what she looks like. Not gorgeous, that's for sure. She has a weird mouth, the appearance of which would be vastly improved by the presence of my dick in it.
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