
Well well well ... Surprising SW thread

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babb--->"Why is this in hustle hut??? Because our attitudes about our customers effects our hustle more than anything. If we hate our customers and have shit attitudes about them, we burn out and we attract negative customers or boring customers which leads to MORE burn out and more frustration and exhaustion. One of the most draining aspects of our job is the emotional aspect - it can be exhausting and draining constantly chatting up guys who are boring, rude or just fucking strange. But, I'm here to tell y'all that it doesn't have to be emotionally exhausting. It can be energizing and fun! And guys come to see strippers that make them feel good, whatever that may mean to them! The better our attitudes towards our customers, the more money we make, the more customers feel good, the more customers come in, the more money we make, the happier *we* are because we aren't burnt out all the time, the more money we make... you get the picture." --->

Well call me pig and roll me in the mud. I'm with babb. In a place overflowing with bullshit, one thing that always stood out to me was the absolute bullshit excuse of SW girls' behavior of "this is our support site, we're venting". A little venting CAN be therapeutic now and then. But that's not what goes on there -- the environment is absolutely toxic, girls pushing each other into deeper and deeper bitterness while cheering on unethical and often-illegal behavior by strippers, and building an almost-militant and toxic view of customers. There's almost nothing healthy about the place, and "it's our support site" doesn't change that, only a complete moron would believe that's an explanation or excuse for anything. I don't expect all sunshine and smiles, being a stripper is hard...

Anyway, lecture over, let's see what babb and the SW girls have to say.

babb-->"1. All of my customers are human beings. That means that they have human issues, suffer from human problems, have human emotions and experiences.
2. 2. Customers are in the strip club to see STRIPPERS. Whether or not they are in to see me specifically is up to them, but that has nothing to do with how I treat them. Every customer comes in because they want to see the girls. I can appreciate that people come in to see gorgeous, naked dancing women, because I am one, and that makes my job worthwhile. 3. Every customer comes in because they want to feel better. From that basic understanding, I can figure out what it is that will make them feel the best and give it to them. 4. Customers LOVE women! 5. I love the smiles on their faces after they tip girls on stage or get a lap dance or a VIP!! I love how much fun these guys can have, just being entertained by my presence or watching me play with my boobs! " ---->

Not bad, babb, not bad. But let's see if your compadres play along.

miss.a.p1600-->"There actually are threads like this but I don't think they get enough attention as the ranty ones. I created one a while back on "green flag" phrase - good postive things you hear customers say and I'm sure there are many other ones too.
But good reminder to be grateful for the guys that know how to treat women in the adult Industry well " -->

Well that's surprising ... miss.a.p1600 is routinely one of the nastiest and most bitter stripper on SW, and that's saying something. But apparently there's a real person underneath all that!

ScarlettKitten-->"I appreciate the really generous customers who are also fun and interesting. I genuinely enjoy making men feel good and getting paid for it. I'm really grateful that stripping is a source of income, and for the good customers that exist." ---->

DonaDiabla-->"Actually, I love this thread I do not get burn out from doing sex work after almost 14 years. Sex work is fun and creative to me. Personally, I enjoy customers who understand that sex work is not about romance nor true love. My customers come to have a great time and be entertained. I give them a great time and always perform to the best of my abilities. " --->

OMG is it getting a little dusty in here? My eyes are getting all watery ...

Props to babb for having the guts to start such a thread in SW!


  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    VERY surprising for SW indeed!! I'm one of those customers they describe: I'm enjoying the fantasy of a hot sexy g/f for a few hours. I'm not going to fall in love, try and save her, try and take her home (well, unless it's in the cards)....I'm there for the fantasy entertainment.

    I will say, in my younger days, I wasn't nearly as clear headed. I bought SS by the ton, and it cost me from time to time.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    it can be 'hard' being a pl.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Subraman, you're going to get in trouble for reading hustle hut! The pinks don't like that. With that said:

    Can't give enough feedback to say that miss.a.p1600 is the most bitter. I haven't read a lot of her posts, certainly not the ones in the areas the guys aren't supposed to post. She does post some positive customer things. So I'll give her props for that.

    I like Dona. She seems to hustle fairly and is all business. I like to see that.

    There are *some* customer gratitude threads. I think they're in Stripping General. Maybe the Letter to Customer thread and one other that escapes me. I've seen some posts in there so they do exist. That's the one exception I make to poking around up there.

    The positive attitudes and gratitude I see in the four posters above I actually DO hear from there dancers in my club -- particularly on Fri or Sun. To real life full, grateful strippers do exist. Sun shift esp. it is supposed to be fair and a good value with positive feelings on both sides and no crying. ;)
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Remember: never ask anyone to do a job you wouldn't be willing to do yourself. :)

    Subraman (completely out of context here, yet quoted for effect) --> "at a strip club, I know for a fact that he's been around the clubs enough to know that girls don't always emerge from this experience intact, and ..."
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dancers always talk about how draining the work is. For the ones who really give an aggressive come on, to me it has always been clear that they psych themselves up for it. I am careful not to decline them in any impolite or bridge burning ways. But it is still hard for them. This is why I know it still carries lots of weight if you pick the girl yourself and come on to her.


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  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Part of the problem in SW is the tight-moderation to where posters are not necessarily allowed to speak their minds w/o either getting jumped on by other dancers or being banned - thus you get mostly just a certain style of posting.

    Also - any job dealing w/ the public is a tough-one - whether it's customer service reps; waitressing; etc, most of those people are probably gonna talk bad about their customers if they can do so anonymously.

    A lot of people hate their job and struggle at it - w.r.t. sales it can be hard to get custies to part w/ their $$$ - some hot chicks probably don't have to work at it but avg-looking dancers (not too mention the fuglies that insist on being dancers) are probably often frustrated they can't get custies to spend on them.

    Many dancer also seem to have the wrong mindset and viewpoint; they think and act as if it is about them; i.e. that custies are there to tend to them and make them feel good vs the other way around - and in business/sales it's about the custy - many dancers seem to expect custies will give them $$$ just b/c they (dancers) show-up and are there at the club - many want to make the big-bucks but don't realize or accept not every customer will want them and just b/c they decide to become strippers does not mean every custy is gonna want to get w/ them - for many of them a custy is cheap if the don't get dances w/ her vs the custy just not wanting to get w/ her and preferring to spend on a different dancer.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Papi, I think you're right, particularly:

    Tight moderatiion: you're exactly right, the girls are not free to speak their mind, not being aligned with the group-think gets a ban very quickly. I don't think the girls realize how harmful this is, it's one of a number of factors that keep SW from actually being a "dancer support site" and instead keeping it a site that is toxic. If anything, if they want to keep the strong moderation, it should be disciplining the dogpiles and nastiness against anyone who doesn't align with the group-think.

    And, part and parcel with that, I agree with "wrong mindset and viewpoint". Part of the groupthink there is that "the customers are there for our convenience", an attitude that is both juvenile and destructive to any business. But it's part of the groupthink, so instead of the girls trying to correct that attitude, they reinforce it in each other. The place really is a mess.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Quick followup: Maybe I gave the girls too much credit. The original girl got 3 replies, and there haven't been any since. So maybe this was just a tiny glitch in the matrix after all.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Still a grand total of 3 replies. Okay, this is getting less and less surprising, lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Those lying thieving whores

  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Papi said "Many dancer also seem to have the wrong mindset and viewpoint; they think and act as if it is about them; i.e. that custies are there to tend to them and make them feel good vs the other way around - and in business/sales it's about the custy"

    Clap clap clap. Bravo Papi. Well said.

    So according to the stripper, a good customer is someone who gives her a lot of money and on top of that is entertaining. I will admit that I am not the most fun or entertaining guy. If I was, I would be at the bar chatting up civies not at the strip club. I am paying for YOU to entertain ME. Don't expect me to carry the conversation all the time. Sometimes they just sit there and don't say shit.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    For dancers intimate acts and seeing how guys respond to them is always going to be very personal and very emotionally demanding. So even though they are making money, it is never going to be just about business.

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