
Difference between Hot and Pretty

Living well and enjoying my retirement
I see many girls both IRL and at the club that I would consider pretty some even downright gorgeous, but very few of them would I consider Hot, which in my vocabulary would be one of the highest compliments that I use when describing a woman. Do any of you guys feel the same way ?


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Sure - I see plenty of women that are attractive but they are not my type thus don't get my juices flowing - plus I get way more turned on by the body so if she's very pretty but does not have the curves I like then she doesn't give me a boner - I use the boner test
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Yes... in fact there are a few girls who I think are really beautiful, but for whatever reason, I don't feel like they exude the slightest bit of sex appeal, and I have little drive to have sex with them. Here's one: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=…

    Meanwhile, there are sometimes girls who are like a 7.5, but drive me absolutely wild with desire
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    I don't know the difference between the two

    It's all a blur to me
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Women can have pretty faces and or hot bodies but I've never heard anybody say she has a pretty body or a hot face.
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    I like to keep it simple. I see women as either cute, pretty, or sexy...or some combination of these.
    "Hot" would be the ultimate combination of all 3 traits.

  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Bingo Cowboy, but you need to add personality, it is the most important of all of her attributes.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    I agree completely, 25! My favs have seldom been the prettiest women in the club. However, they have always had that indescribable something that just drove me crazy!!!

    My ATF in particular floated my boat. She had some tattooing, was a smoker and had breast enhancements - all things that would normally have turned me off. She was very pretty but far from the best looking girl in the club. Thing was she was also the sweetest, sexiest woman I have ever known. She spoke about sex like it was as natural to her as breathing. She was unfailingly cheerful whatever life had thrown at her and never asked for a donation. When her grandchild was born and was having severe problems it was me she texted for moral support. If I wasn't happily married, I could have happily gone out with her.

    I wasn't alone in that assessment! She was consistently the busiest dancer on the day shift. One of the other girls, who is actually a good friend of my ATF said that while my ATF was out for a partial hysterectomy they had a good chance to make more money.

    Since she (sniff, SOB) retired, I have gotten dances from a woman who may be one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. One of the BEST natural racks I have ever known. Yet, she doesn't come close to Summer's innate ability to turn me on.
  • I agree with 25's first post, Papi, and Subra. There are women who would be considered "beautiful", who just don't get my juices flowing, if their bodies don't match my preferred body type. On the flip side, a 7.5 could have my ideal body type and I would consider her hot and want to f the shite out of her.
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    Hotness is about desirability. Pretty or beauty is about an ideal of form involving symmetry, structural aesthetics and relations with theoretical hypotheticals.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I was at the club last night and thinking I might bail due to boredom and it being too busy, when the most beautiful woman I've ever seen introduced herself. She was both "beautiful" and also super hot. I wanted to fuck her right then and there, but of course that will be a process as she's not available for OTC (yet). Usually the girls I get dances from aren't the hottest in the club by an objective standard as I like all kinds of 'looks', but in this rare case she is the hottest.

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    'hot' is a rare combination of looks, behavior, and timing.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Years ago, I had a boat I considered beautiful, but I did not want to fuck it. I have several married friends and some are very attractive women (or are married to attractive women), I even have a few friends who are very attractive single women. In Twentyfive's vocabulary, none of these pretty or beautiful women I am friends with fall into the "Hot" category.

    I do know a (very) few civi women who are truly HOT, HOT, HOT, but it is hard to be friends with a woman when you drool all over them (figuratively). But mostly my drooling is just wishful thinking. I guess my strip club experiences have spoiled me. In a strip club, when I see a really HOT woman I "know" that I can get her into my lap, I know she will get naked (or nearly so) and grind on men and I know I can paw and fondle her. Most of the (even the hottest) strippers I see in a club I can fuck, if I am willing to fork over the price. It may be I am jaded, even mercenary, but for years what Twentyfive defines as, "Hot" is for me mostly limited to a beautiful young woman who is coming on to me and is willing to fuck me.

    I guess what I am trying to express is that beautiful, and Hot, and attractive, are more expressions of our own (projected) expectations than actual, definable standards.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Definition Hot:

    The stripper I used to bang that worked in Vegas strip clubs, that looked like she could have been in a White Snake video, was hot. She looked a little trashy, and didn't transcend well when taking her out somewhere normal (she couldn't pull off a 'classy' look to save her life).

    I girl can be pretty without having a slamming body, but "hot" has to have some sort of combination of: ass and tits all over the place, legs for miles, hair that begs to be pulled and the clothing to match that says "I wanna fuck."
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^Great description @shailynn. That is what I mean.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^Great description @shailynn. That is what I mean.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Pretty is how girls are supposed to look, according to conservative standards. But Hot is different. I goes all the way out to the most extreme, the "Come Fuck Me Look".

    So girl just naturally are that way. But lots more learn to enhance it.



    Deep Purple - Lalena
  • LecherousMonk
    8 years ago
    I think "pretty" is what chick's called a hot chick, the same way "handsome" is what guys call a hot guy, because calling someone "hot" implies that one finds her sexually attractive, rather than merely aesthetically pleasing.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ you have a foursome if 4 people have sex
    A threesome if 3 people have sex
    A twosome is 2 people making love
    So I'm sure that you can figure out what a handsome is.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Pretty you want to take home to meet mom, hot you just want to take home
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Thereandbackagain put it succinctly and correctly, IMO: Hot is about desirability, pretty is about aesthetics.
  • loper
    8 years ago
    A hot woman exudes a willingness/desire to fuck you or pretty-much anyone. Doesn't mean she will, just means she's flirty and appears to have no limits.
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