The late Alucard, may he rest in peace, did a major service to this board by pushing back against the ILLITERATE, the HATERS, and the VILE ATTACK DOGS. One of his tools was his list of ASSHOLES and I hope to continue this tradition to HONOR the man. So I am starting a new list:
1. tg [current chief ASSHOLE of TUSCL and trying to be STUPID OBNOXIOUS CREATURE of the year] 2. Dr 3. db 4. t.
Additions? Suggestions? Reminder for the ASSHOLES........
How do you know that anything any of the VILE ATTACK DOGS say is true? Hmm.......
I have clearly explained that my mission is to HONOR the memory of on of our best posters by calling out the VILE ATTACK DOGS & the ILLITERATE TROLLS. I use this identity like the Lone Ranger's MASK and have posted many DETAILED & TRUE REVIEWS with my main identity
And I will be adding to this as the WORST OF THE WORST make themselves obvious. Oh yes, I will be adding to THE LIST! ;)
It's the internet. I don't know if anything is true. I do with you well. Trolls, indeed, are a problem on this site since this seems to be the only place that will take them. You are fighting the good fight.
Too complex for you Dougster? I'm not surprised. Your tiny CREATURE BRAIN could never comprehend & understand the real Alucard. So it makes sense that you can't keep up with me either. I'll give your little CREATURE BRAIN something to contemplate:
I'm waiting for you......,,,with a number 3........
last comment--> He outs suspected zero review posters as suspected cops or LE personnel phishing for intel to bust girls.
But like many poorly-socialized attack dogs, he will bite you, ferociously. You take the good with the bad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have clearly explained that my mission is to HONOR the memory of on of our best posters by calling out the VILE ATTACK DOGS & the ILLITERATE TROLLS. I use this identity like the Lone Ranger's MASK and have posted many DETAILED & TRUE REVIEWS with my main identity
And I will be adding to this as the WORST OF THE WORST make themselves obvious. Oh yes, I will be adding to THE LIST! ;)
5. m2
6. sh [this ASSHOLE acts like he is just a rapscallion but then he goes ATTACK DOG]
7. Jn
8. ie
Your tiny CREATURE BRAINS can't comprehend what I'm trying to do. But I will make TUSCL a BETTER PLACE!!!
I'm waiting for you......,,,with a number 3........
..., number 3!