
Obama thinks he could have won a third term



  • Dougster
    8 years ago

    Now there's an interesting hypothetical. I'll have to think about that one.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Nope disagree, regardless of anyone's political views.

    If most people were happy with Barry, his party would have likely gotten re-elected. You hear in the news that many African-Americans aren't happy with what he did for them over 8 years so I doubt they would have rushed it to vote for him again like they did in the past.

    I will say if Biden or Bernie won they likely would have beaten Trump... at least that's my opinion.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Bernie would have beaten him??? That's a bold statement.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I couldn't see Bernie winning a national general election.

    Obama still has high job approval numbers. I don't know why. He is a great politician, just way over his head when it comes to anothing other than campaigning. He would have motivated more minorities and youth to get out and vote.

    Even though this election was about a new Washington I wouldn't have bet against him.

    There are a lot of idiots in this country.
  • rentz2
    8 years ago
    He would have won easily
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Ah you all make good points. My reasoning is I live on a college campus and people here were psychotic Bernie. I am surrounded by students and people working for a large university. He actually came to town during his campaign and there were people lines up for a good 500 yards trying to get in (no joke). Guess my view on that may be a little skewed. To this day there still are tons of college students running about with their Bernie t-shirts on.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    And man buns.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Barrys statement clearly show his juvenile attitude and inability to accept that his party was rejected, his beliefs were rejected, and four more years of failure were rejected.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Oh flagooner is right, there is no shortage of man buns around here, that and nut hugging sweatpants.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Senator Bernie Sanders is sort of like President-Elect Donald Trump in that they're both good protest, anti-establishment candidates. Senator Sanders is probably more for the working guy than President-Elect Trump (IMO) but both men do to appear to that type of voter.

    Like Trump I think Sanders' pie-in-the-sky stuff would have been blocked in the Senate, anyway. So in reality we'd would have just gotten the "protect candidate" parts and not the "democratic socialist" parts. :)

    President Obama is very charismatic and an adept politician. He may have beaten President-Elect Trump and Senator Sanders. But who knows for sure? I do feel he could have easily beaten Secretary Clinton a third time. :D That wouldn't even be a fair fight.
  • rentz2
    8 years ago
    "Barrys statement clearly show his juvenile attitude and inability to accept that his party was rejected, his beliefs were rejected, and four more years of failure were rejected." His party and beliefs got more votes than the other overall. I know how the system works but nearly 3 million more people in this country liked those beliefs than the guy who won how the system decides
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    And rentz2, where did the annointed Hillary get her "more votes?" Actually, in only 55 counties (out of over 3,000 in the US) did Hillary get more votes than Trump. Notably, her greatest vote totals came in CA, where votes from counties with high populations of illegal aliens were higher than ever. Still, in liberal California, Trump won more counties than Crooked Hillary. In Detroit, a third of the precincts recorded more votes for Hillary than they had registered voters (yet Trump still won the state).

    It is entirely possible that those, "3 million more people" were mostly illegal aliens, dead Chicago voters, Detroit frauds and other attempts to skew the results. Not saying it was, but I am saying that only 1% of the counties voted for Clinton, and we all know that the one percenters should not rule over the rest of us, right?
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    "It is entirely possible that those, "3 million more people" were mostly illegal aliens"
    LOL! What a thoroughly idiotic assertion. You can manipulate the election results any way you like. It came down to about 80K votes in three states.

    "Trump doesn't know much, but that one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him"
    --BIll Clinton
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Yeah when in doubt or grasping for straws play the race card.
    Slick willy did the same 8 years ago when his wife was running against obama.

    Look it up if you don't believe it.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Donald Trump will be our next president because he won the election based on rules everyone knew prior to the election.

    Whether you like the electoral college or not, everyone knew that it is electoral votes that matter.

    I dont think she did, but if Hillary went after the popular vote at the expense of electoral votes not only was she misguided she is stupid.

    For anyone to point at the fact that she won the popular vote.... They are just grasping at straws searching for a way to make themselves feel justified in complaining.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    With her entitled attitude hillary thought she had several states sewn up, guaranteed wins, so she basically ignored them and ended up losing them.
    Regarding all of this she received more votes drivel, she won California by over 4 million votes, that's where her majority votes came from. Cali may be the most populous state but the vast majority of Americans want a say in how they're governed and they don't want the citizens of Cali calling the shots for everyone else.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    It's hard to explain to an idiotic liberal or democrat who will refuse to accept facts. This election, where the electoral votes overruled the popular votes, is exactly the reason why we need to electoral college. When I lived in Illinois, it always seemed wrong that Chicago kept dragging the rest of the state to the left. Equivalently, it would be wrong and a disservice for California's population to overwhelm the rest if the country.
    Make no mistake: democrat party operatives orchestrated voter fraud in 2008 and 2012. They orchestrated it in 2016. But more Americans voted for Trump than anyone imagined. Russia did not help. Come did not help. True facts about Clinton and the DNC were brought to light that underscored just how terrible they are. The truth shall keep us free.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    You guys like your candidate, Trump must have a massive inferiority complex. Tha election is over Trump won yet he still reacts to any slight like a baby. Get over it already it's time to govern, all of the country,not just the part that agrees with you. You wanted control you have it let's see some work and progress, you own it for now. If you fuck it up as usual don't come crying about shit, just suck it up Geez I never saw such a bunch of sore winners in my life.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Lol. It sounds like you are talking about Obama. Even 7 years into his presidency he was blaming everything on Bush. Is there anything he took responsibility for?

    Now that he is finishing his presidency and his actions won't hurt the demo in this election he is leaving Trump with a lot of land mines.

    Oh, and it is a good thing he is taking vacation. It reduces the harm he can do. Why does he need this vacation anyway? He'll have a long one coming in just a couple of weeks. Great work ethic there. Might as well do it while he can still get us tax payers to cover the costs of private transportation with excessive security.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I had to log out to see who flagooner was talking to. Twentyfive, Nina's bitch-boy and one of the biggest losers on the board. Suck it up, faggot! Republicans won. Now we must simply hope that they govern like the small-government, freedom-loving conservatives that elected them.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    WRT the county results. True but it's not the whole story. Some of the precincts are gerrymandered into a Republic majority 55/45 and some of the liberal/progressive areas are fenced off and taken as losses (Mrs. Clinton's biggest wins). Also not all of rural America is full-on red. There were some votes cast for Mrs. Clinton in some *very* rural counties -- she didn't win those counties -- but it's not as if only a few counties in only a few states voted for her. The picture being painted here is a little incomplete. You guys make it sound as if NO ONE outside of the urban centers of CA, NY, FL, and IL voted for Mrs. Clinton.

    Granted, I am happy with the result. The main attraction to the Republican party for me in the Libertarian heritage to the party. So that is welcome change. Maybe we'll have more personal accountability and more personal responsibility now. For a while now, the Republican party had just been Democrat-lite. Maybe now we can get back to small government, strong properties rights, and personal responsibility.

    I'm also surprised to see the voter fraud myth keeps getting perpetuated with little to no evidence to substantiate such claims, save for the same old circumstantial evidence. Now for DNC fraud? That was a big deal. Total fraud and cronyism and substantiated with actual evidence.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    @ gammanu

    25 is a good guy. We just differ in our political philosophies. If I didn't get along with everyone that thought differently than me I wouldn't have any friends.

    Wait. I don't have any friends.

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    My take on this is simple if you guys were happy that you won that's fine to paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen at the debate with Dan Quayle I voted for Ronald Reagan Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan. I am so tired of every one taking shots at the past it is high time to start working on the future. Go forth happily, this back and forth is unseemly, of a man who has won the presidency of the United States of America.
    BTW gammanu is one of two racist bigots here that keep getting their virtual ass handed to them. I can't in good conscience engage with him he is too stupid and I feel sorry for his parents for having such a dissapointment for a child.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    25 is a racist punk, so I treat him as such. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion of others; of course, sometimes the perspectives are hard to reconcile.

    If you really need friends, become a stripper. I have heard they get well compensated for their friendship.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I'd be homeless if I relied on people paying to see me naked.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Back to the topic, it really seems that Obama is trying to do as much damage as he can on his way out the door. Israel, Russia, Syria, China, he is just creating as many problems as he possibly can for his successor. This is unprecedented and borderline criminal.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Yep. He really loves this country and wants to ensure a smooth transition.

    Sarcasm intended.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Obama is a punk
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    There is a political back lash against Obama. But he has still be an outstanding President, best we have had since JFK and LBJ.


    100 boobie squeeze challenge
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    What good did he do? Seriously
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