
Houston--back after hiatus, but is it too late?

Avatar for Sowhatt


I've been AWOL for about three years now, and have been in three clubs in the last two weeks. The only thing I can see is that prices for dances aren't outrageous anymore, but that seems to be the only good thing from what I remember!

Almost no hustle (granted, haven't been back to treasures yet), terrible waitstaff, and severely reduced action seem to be the order of the day.

This, well, this sucks. I was really looking forward to getting back to it, but if this is the state of the union....ugh.

Can anyone help me on what happened, an I going to the wrong spots now? Mostly galleria area.


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

We don't currently have a Houston guy that posts on the discussion board regularly - hard to peg Houston at the moment - lots of clubs but hard to know which are the spots to go to -per reviews Treasures is not what it used to be but may still be worth a shot -St James is always popular - Chicas Locas/Michael's seems to get a fair # of reviews but seems the club has been taken over by non English speaking Cuban dancers - some custies like them; some don't.

Avatar for Sowhatt

Guess I might have to Uber to the church soon

Avatar for shailynn

This is a theory not a fact...

I have read a few articles over the past year or so stating Houston is the number one city in the country for sugar daddy / sugar baby relationships. Maybe a lot of potential strippers aren't working and going that route these days.

Avatar for mjx01

Didn't houston suffer a l.e. crackdown not too long ago?

Avatar for Sowhatt

Houston had a political witch hunt about three years ago right as I was departing he scene. Fines, pasties, boy shorts....it wasn't pretty. But even during all of that we struggled on admirably. I was gone during the big oil recession last couple of years which has hit the city hard (not me thank god), so maybe that's responsible. I'll see if I can find a talkative girl to tell me about the oil guys.

Avatar for topmandd

Think it's all about the $$ now - but can tell you don't think there's much ITC as there could have been in the past - but i've never experienced the past part. What i can tell you is I've been to two clubs and MAJOR locals scene. Said it before, but if I was the owner and saw gals just sitting at the bar for 30+ minutes at a time, I'd be smacking them up a bit to tell them to take a walk around every 10 minutes. I know I've optimized one or two ATF's at other cities, but at least we wound up in the back room for a major amount of time. Been at these places for hours and never saw one back room action with them. Seems like it might be down to Detroit now - as I've heard even Providence has had too many cracks. Story of my life - day late and dollar short.

Avatar for Sowhatt

So you're saying houston is now a city where I have to be an established regular to get good service? And spend high dollars? This just keeps getting better and better.

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