Worst presidents!

avatar for Tiredtraveler
In my opinion the five worst presidents are in reverse order are;
5] Franklin Pierce; drunken gambler and grandfather to George Bush II
4] George Bush I ; an elitist who fed at public trough all his life, ultimate insider, married into political family, power whore, liar, cared little if anything about the citizen other than to increase his families influence. He was so corrupt and stupid he could not figure out how to undo Reagan's policies other than to raise taxes to punish us for supporting Reagan over him in 1980.
3] George Bush II great great grandson of Pierce, from political family, lazy, stupid, lived off family money gotten by government manipulation, vindictive, drug addict, draft dodger.
2] -1] Tie = Jimmy Carter; STUPID, racist southern democrat who made himself feel better by making everyone else miserable, brought his good ol boys up from Georgia to run things who were clueless corrupt southern democrat machine guys who were like a monkeys driving a car.
Obama; corrupt, Chicago machine operative, corrupt, hates USA, power whore, apologist, dedicated world government disciple wants all nations to be under world rule with him in charge, divisive, did I say corrupt!

Please notice I feel I have been fair since 3 are republicans and only two are democrats.
All insiders are corrupt. I hope and pray we have seen the last of the clintons, romneys, kennedys, and bushs.
The "elite" who think they should rule us need to be soundly defeated and put into their place or we will see the coming of a dark age the likes of which the world has never seen. The will be the government haves and slaves. That is the true goal of all governments and if you do not believe me read history.
Term limits and eliminate the can't fire government employees law..


last comment
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
Can't agree with George HW Bush I on your list. His wife (Barbara Bush) was 4th cousin 4 times removed of Franklin Pierce. Hardly a descendent of royalty.

HW was not an elitist. He joined the Navy as an ensign after Pearl Harbor at age 18 and was the youngest ever commissioned as an aviator at the time. After the war, he went to college, graduated, moved to West Texas and entered the oil business becoming a millionaire by 40. Having made his fortune, he moved into politics as a member of the House of Representatives, then UN Ambassador, ambassador to China, Director of CIA, Vice President and then President. That's a lot more service to his country than many (see Barack O).

The Democratic controlled Congress passed a tax increase which, against prior campaign promises, he agreed to sign as being in the best interest of the country at the time (costing him a second term as President).

James Buchanan (D) and Warren Harding (R) were much worse than either Bush, IMHO.

Fun discussion, though.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
The five worst Presidents ever: Jimmy Carter; James Buchanon; U.S. Grant; Warren G. Harding; Barrack Obama.
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
Another comment on GHW Bush. My father served with him in VT 152 in Pensacola after Bush had flown his burning Avenger for seven minutes with a dead tail gunner and a dead radioman to put his bombs on target before he ditched and was picked up by a sub.

During his time in Pensacola, nobody, not even the base commander, knew that Senator Prescott Bush, the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee was his father.

Wimp? I don't think so. Spoiled child of privilege? Not a chance.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
@ Dawg, interesting insight regarding Bush. I knew he was a pilot that was shot down and I admit I looked at him as the ultimate privileged insider. It appears that he was anything but at least in his early days. As I mentioned in another thread carter and obama are the worst from my perspective. It took years to recover from carter and I expect the same applies to the present guy.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I will restrict myself to the period since 1900, as I'm a little vague on the relative merits of such presidential luminaries as Tyler, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, A. Johnson, Grant, Hayes, etc.

My favorite Presidents since 1900: Coolidge and Reagan. (No one else is even close for us lovers of freedom and limited government.)

Most destructive Presidents since 1900: Wilson, FDR, Johnson, Carter, GW Bush, and Obama. (See, there's a Republican in there!)

America has just endured 16 years of the two Presidents who have done the most long-term damage to our nation's finances and foreign policy. We, and the world, will be paying for Bush's and Obama's egregious errors for decades.
avatar for jester214
8 years ago
Obama and the Bushes don't compare at all to the seriously bad presidents. Guys like Harding, Buchanan, Grant or Hoover. In recent history Carter was terrible and Nixon's utter lack of scruples make it hard to ignore him.
avatar for dw.buck
8 years ago
worst pres ever
GW Bush
avatar for dw.buck
8 years ago
and Trump
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
W, Nixon (only because of Watergate) and Carter are at the bottom. Bush Sr. was okay IMHO, Ford was actually in the upper third but he didn't have a lot of time. Pity he lost to Carter.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
In descending order:
Carter- pure idiot. Dumbest person ever to hold the office
Obama- corrupt, narcissist, socialist, racist, elitist, lying bastard
Clinton- criminally corrupt rapist, philanderer, socialist, amoral, globalist, serial liar
GW Bush- globalist. My biggest problem was his decision to cut taxes, increase spending, and massively grow government. Damn liberal republicans.
The last is tough, but I would give it to FDR, who was the pinkest president we had up until Obama.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
Good presidents are all alike. Only bad presidents show any difference. Hard to compare Hoover with Carter but they are both bad. Trump is out of consideration until fours of service or impeachment. I blame Nixon for everything that is wrong about our politics now so each to his own.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
8 years ago
Nixon total lack of scruples doomed him, otherwise he's a hero for opening the doors to China and the USSR. The presidents before him felt the only way to relate to them was to build more nukes.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I'd definitely take another Clinton presidency over a GW Bush (tied for worst pres in my lifetime) or even GHW Bush (pretty bad, too)... hell, even as someone who pretty much never votes democrat, Clinton was downright competent compared to those guys (or Carter, or Obama)
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