
so tempted to write in George McGovern

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
But I know the importance of today, and I know that I can send messages and make statements in other ways.

Like most of us, Hillary Clinton is clearly influenced by the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, and the Women's Movement. And we can see this.

But she started out as a White Suburban Republican, and she even worked on the Barry Goldwater Campaign. We can still see this too.



  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    At least ole George has some semblance of scruples, respect for others, and patriotism.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Anyone who votes for Trump or Clinton deserves the fucking mess they will make in the next four years.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    With Clinton we get a competent administrator who will uphold liberal social issues, yet with the paranoia of Nixon. In Trump we get a narcissist who has no clear cut vision on how to govern or what his policies will be.

    I understand people who voted for Romney, McCain and the rest, but I will never understand why an American would vote for Trump. He loves Russia more than the US...
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    George McGovern had been a B-24 pilot, flying 35 missions over German occupied Europe. But he absolutely refused to use his military record in the campaign.

    McGovern entered the race in 1968, just two weeks before the Democratic National Convention, pledging himself to the goals which Robert Kennedy had given his life for.

    But McGovern lost to Hubert Humphrey, who was not for an unequivocal end to the War in Vietnam. While Richard Nixon unveiled his race baiting Southern Strategy.

    So when 1972 came around, with so many Democrats running, and Humphrey still looking like the front runner, the excitement was intense, as the fight was on to get McGovern nominated. My world view was definitely shaped by that primary campaign. It showed me what is potentially possible.

    Hillary got her start with Children's Defense Fund, with Marion Wright and Peter Edelman, as they had been the organizers of Robert Kennedy's 1967 trip to the Mississippi Delta. They saw malnutrition caused diseases thought not to exist in the United States. Mississippi was shifting away from share cropping to mechanization and a wage labor system. And they were refusing to distribute the federal food stamps money, because they knew that with the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, that they were not going to be able to keep things as they had been. So they were trying to starve blacks out of the state.


    MC5 - Looking At You (Live 1970)
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    I have respect for McGovern and to mention Hillaryin the same discussion as him is disgraceful.
    I have no doubt George McGovern respected and loved the USA as he defended it as a soldier. I disagreed with his politics but I also knew he would not sell us out.
    Unfortunately the same cannot be said for many of the candidates and presidents of the last 28 years.
    Most if not all were political machine candidates that wanted to protect the status quo of the DC elite from both parties.

    Hillary is a narcissistic, sociopathic, greedy power hunger harpy demon. She started in the young Republicans then switched when she saw there was more money and pwoer could be had by the socialist democrats who were a small minority in the democratic party then. She has never ever ever given a shit about anyone or anything except the person she loves best...herself. If Chelsea or her child got in her way she would not hesitate to have them murdered. The only reason ole Bill is still around and raping is because I'm sure he has insurance that would put her in the gas chamber is he dies under mysterious circumstances. The story that her father was a humble draper is horseshit. He was a successful drape manufacturer in Chicago. She attended Welsley College which was and is expensive in the extreme and is where she was instilled with the philosophy that men are to be used and discarded for personal gain.
    She cares nothing for the USA, would start a nuclear war, dance on all our graves if it she could survive and rule over the ashes.
    She is nothing but a cleaned up female Stalin.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Hillary shifted to the Democratic Party after the 1964 Goldwater Campaign, because she was, like most of us, influenced by the Civil Rights Movement, Anti-War Movement, and Women's Movement.

    But she was never part of the left wing of the Democratic Party, she has been part of the conservative wing, the Democratic Leadership Conference, which has included many southerners and had included Joseph Lieberman.

    Hillary is not crooked. But she is a neo-liberal capitalist. And because she is female, the right wing media has been able to trash her.

  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Hillary is not crooked

    HAhahahahahahahahahah....where do you get your news...The San Jose Free Press?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Hillary has done very well for herself. Too smart to be crooked.

    http://www.bing.com/search?q=National Presidential Results&p1=%5Beleconv+keys%3D%22result/president/US%22+scn%3D%22results%22%5D&FORM=ELRACE

    Saying Clinton 104, Trump 137, but Clinton 89.7% chance of winning.

    Usually the early and absentee vote is highly republican. But the longer the counting goes on the more Democratic. And Clinton expected to win California's 55 votes, plus Hawaii ( 4 votes ? )


    On Democracy Now they talked about student loan debts, people "living in their parents' basements".
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Minnesota shifted from pink to light blue. Usually the Democratic vote gains as the counting goes on, offsetting the Republican early and absentee vote.

    I expect Wisconsin and Michigan to follow.

    Clinton expected to get Colorado and New Mexico.

    No votes counted yet, but Clinton expected to get California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii.


    http://www.bing.com/search?q=National Presidential Results&p1=%5Beleconv+keys%3D%22result/president/US%22+scn%3D%22results%22%5D&FORM=ELRACE
  • nj_pete
    8 years ago
    I wrote in George Washington!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

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