Different approach

So I've been experimenting with different approaches, and I'm gonna try a new one.
So basically I bring a lot of money to the club, and I want these girls to know I have a lot of money and I am ready to spend. I've done the make it rain thing obviously, but that puts too much attention on me, not only from the dancers, but from everyone else in the club.
I'm gonna start wearing a suit to the club. I always bring money to the club, but if I just sit down in a seat, very few girls will come over. I think it's because I'm young, girls assume I'm not there to spend, just to look. I think if I wear a suit to the club, girls will know/think I have money. The goal is to be able to have conversation with any girl in the club without me asking her to come over (even if she's tied down by a whale).
Do the strippers assume guys with suits have money?
Do you see guys with suits getting a lot of attention from the strippers?
Thanks for the insight in advance.
So basically I bring a lot of money to the club, and I want these girls to know I have a lot of money and I am ready to spend. I've done the make it rain thing obviously, but that puts too much attention on me, not only from the dancers, but from everyone else in the club.
I'm gonna start wearing a suit to the club. I always bring money to the club, but if I just sit down in a seat, very few girls will come over. I think it's because I'm young, girls assume I'm not there to spend, just to look. I think if I wear a suit to the club, girls will know/think I have money. The goal is to be able to have conversation with any girl in the club without me asking her to come over (even if she's tied down by a whale).
Do the strippers assume guys with suits have money?
Do you see guys with suits getting a lot of attention from the strippers?
Thanks for the insight in advance.
Sometimes you do have to ask girls to come sit with you. If you sit at their stage and tip, it helps a lot.
If you're you're going to new clubs, a suit might help, but it might also backfire. Many of the girls around here assume a guy is one of two things. One, a guy on his way home from work who won't spend much, and two, a poser who wants them to think he has money. :)
They aren't just motivated by ITC proceeds. They are still just like other girls.
Papi-yeah in the back of my mind I'm thinking the suit might be overkill for a young guy.
Home mortgage. Of course not, that would intimidate them too much as a responsible human being; the last thing they are looking for.
Bizarro world these girls live in, so I assume you are trying to fulfill their fantasy as much as getting them to full fill yours?
Understood. Some make it a practice of giving her $20 in such cases of declining to go further.
In Sunnyvale Brass Rail the custom is to buy her a drink. Most guys give out some cash too. But some also set up OTC.
Best is in a club where you can turn on some charm and get the girl sitting on your lap and continue to get to know her verbally and physically. ANd in the most extreme of clubs, the girls do it this way, and they don't give you much chance to refuse. :)
If you look the girls over carefully and watch how they interact with other people, and sit at their stage and tip, you should be able to decide who you want to put time and money into, and likely take home with you.
But, the down side of the system is that you are not partaking of ITC mileage, and not getting any front room GFE.
I'm not wearing my fucking Hickey Freemans to a club to get stripper glitter all over them. I'm also confident enough in myself and my wallet to not need a fucking suit to get the attention of a stripper.
I didn't plan on clubbing that day due to a very important customer meeting, but it broke up early so I headed to a club before heading home for the day.
I don't know if you're up for wearing a skirt, larry.
C'mon - YOLO!!!!!!!
But thats only when you are establishing yourself. After a few trips put some swag back into your wardrop...you don't need to be a Carlton acting ass nigga in there
Over the years, myself and a couple of friends actually "investigated" "reasons". Dress does play a part. I get a totally different reaction (positive) if I come in biker mode rather than civilian. Might be they see me then as a loser BF possibility. :)
One thing that was always proven correct was the drink of choice. When the three of us would sit, one of the guys would get a drink and myself and the third, beer. The "drink" man got the most attention. We changed that up and the results always followed the "drink" man.
The two above examples tended to contradict each other with regards to money. Biker less money, more attention. Drink man more money, more attention.
Bottom line, strippers don't have "rules"! :)
That is, you don't want to be a poser, and suits are impractical in many ways. Coming from home and going to a place where you are known, you shouldn't have to use it.
If you like a girl, just approach her. You shouldn't have to depend on girls approaching you.
Suits are good in AMPs because often it is coming right from work, because they expect you to fully undress and they have hooks to hang your stuff on, and because Asian culture is more conservative.
Another part of The System (tm) is that you are declining dance offers and have no interest in front room physical friendliness. This way is not usually the best strategy if you are in a looser strip club.
I have found that it works in the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, but that is strictly no touching, and it was coming right from work, and a kind of work where a suit was advisable. Girls were targeting me for OTC. I've experienced this there many times. They would go for me, and if I didn't jump, they would go for the guy in the sport coat and slacks. And that later is more practical too.
On the other hand, girls have been lying on the Hip Hugger ( no defunct ) bar, and in total defiance of the rules giving me intense DFKing, to try and set up OTC. I was not dressed nice at all, but some girls just like doing it that way, and they want results.
So if you approach a girl, they can read in you what you are about. I think you just need to dress in a way that you are comfortable with and that feels right for you.
You want to think it through. If you are dressing just to impress women, then you are starting to become like women. That is not a good way to go. You should always dress as you feel comfortable.
I worked in situations where I needed to wear a suit, and I did get used to it, and to getting certain kinds of female attention because of it. But overall it panders to certain tendencies in women which I find distasteful.
You're going to have to decide for yourself. I think there should be ways to dress nice, that are still more practical than suits.
Girls do have radar for whether or not a guy is employed. But spending money compensates for that.
They also like business cards.
You had posted before that there were some girls you wanted to take home with you. Why not just go after them, and then they should be more than enough to keep you busy.
#1. I never wear a suit into a club. That's not me. I wear a golf shirt/sport shirt and dress slacks. That's what I wear for work and it doesn't look like you're trying to be someone you are not.
#2. I do not waste a girl's time. If I allow her to sit with me and I make conversation with her I will at a minimum buy her a drink and give her $20 for her time.
#3. I am not a tight wad. Girls don't like a cheap ass. If you aren't spending money it doesn't matter how much money you brought in to the club it ain't gonna matter.
#4. Making it rain: This is a cultural thing with many AA men. I would never ever do it. Most guys that make it rain don't buy dances in my observation.