Groundhog Day happened to be on cable tv the other day and, as I had nothing else to do, I decided to watch it. I assume most of you know the movie. Anyway, there are parts where Bill Murray's character becomes so frustrated with having to live the same day over and over that he keeps killing himself.
I was thinking about being hypothetically dropped into a Groundhog Day situation, and found myself seeing a number of positives from the mongering perspective:
1) An endless supply of dance money that would be constantly replenished when you "started" the day again. 2) The chance to drink as much as you wanted at the club (if you're into that) without consequences 3) The ability to find out dancers' likes and dislikes with an eye toward using it on them the next time to make a good impression without them remembering. 4) The chance to, if you wanted, have fun with a girl without using protection. 5) (related to #1) The opportunity to throw crazy amounts of money at any girl for an OTC experience
Anyway, just a thought experiment. If given the chance to be stuck in a Groundhog situation for, say, a whole year, would you do it? How would your club habits change?
I am all for 1. I do 3 and 4. I won't do 2, I have more respect for my body than to poison it. 5, I won't do, strippers are a passing fancy not worth dropping obscene amounts of money on,.
What would be sad, is you would be stuck in some backwater town without a club and you would have JUST enough time to barely drive to the nearest club and thus get about 1 hr per day to work your "magic"
Jackob85- you'd have the whole day, each day. Book a private charter flight out of a local regional airport (hire a private jet on your credit card- who cares? The charge is gone the "next" day!) Head to Detroit (though if you're in Punxsutawney, PA the storm is headed from the West and there'd probably be lake-effect), better you could head to Hong Kong or any club in the Continental.
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