Ignore Function

avatar for Clubber
I wonder if founder could expand it to ignore postings with target words in them. That would eliminate a ton more meaningless posts for me. Anyone like that idea? There is a plethora of words to be ignored. :)


last comment
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
What's a matter you don't like Juices rap songs?
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I would ignore any message with plethora in it.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Hmmm clubbers favorite search words to skip over a post:


"Four loko"


"Larry fisherman"


avatar for Clubber
8 years ago
I will admit "juice" would be one of my words.

"Politics" no. I will not participate as much as possible, but I like reading some of the best and the more idiotic postings. Sometimes I can acquire ammo for other media outlets.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Clubber on ignore for ignoring everyone ..........................;)
avatar for Clubber
8 years ago

Getting there. Only 55 at present. :)
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Not me I hope.
avatar for Tiburon
8 years ago
@clearly not you or else he would not have responded to you...derrr
avatar for Clubber
8 years ago

I know 25 so well, I KNOW when to respond! :)
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Why do you always start a thread about the ignore function....it's starting to crack me upbclubber lol
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Because he knows how to haunt us. :)
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Good point Vince
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Juice on ignore ....................)
For ignorance!
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Tiburon on Ignore for thinking he's smarter than Clubber HA HA MF !
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
txtittyfag, HELL NO !!! Clubber is a big biker dude !! You ask him !!
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Just for the record txtitty Clubber is one of the good guys here VM & I both know him very well, and even though I haven't met VM, if Clubber tells me someone is OK, I'll always go with that.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
TUSCL is one of my favorite forums for the very reason that it's not moderated. I'd never even consider using the "ignore" feature. People here horse around and state their unvarnished opinions. Big biker dudes should have thicker skins, no?

Someone tell @Clubber that we have the rest of eternity to ignore each other.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Amen Random member
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Unmoderated or not, we need ignore functions to was out trolls like SJG and LarryFishdick. Other people use it to wash pointless and washed buts from idiots like RandomMember. I've purposely driven twentyfive and GACA to put me in ignore so I don't have to waste time debating them. Sometimes there is so much mindless drivel posted - posts and comments- that its too much effort to sort through them for the fun posts that actually make it worthwhile.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Actually I put gammanu on ignore because he is about looking for a fight every place he goes He just looks to start,but he is a pussy. I called him out he backed down, so I just put him on ignore because he is just another SJGuy wannabe, I prefer the real one(SJG) at least he is sincere and intelligent even if he is often wrong.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
BTW Random I agree with you more than I don't I enjoy juice's clowning around basically because there is no nastiness on his part. But I have zero patience for people that think their opinion is the only way and my personal take is it is possible to disagree without being disagreeable. Most of us here seem to get that, but there is always that outlier.
avatar for Clubber
8 years ago
Thanks for the votes of confidence, guys. Sure hope to see all later this year.


Haven't been on the HOG much lately. :( :( :(

Between all happening in my life, just about impossible to ride. I am hoping that in the next week or so, we may give it a whirl with a short ride to the Keys.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
And again twentyfive with his lies and hypocrisy! I asked you to name the time and place in Ft. Myers and you dropped the subject because you are a bitch punk, and too afraid to take a beatdown like a man. Typical nigger, all talk and no action without twenty of his homies to back him up.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Jackass thinks that by spiking the ball during a timeout that constitutes a score. I asked you where and when, boy you punked. You are the laughingstock of TUSCL, everybody knows you are a racist David Duke wannabe and a drooling product of incest between two Downs Syndrome patients. Actually I take that back most unfortunates with that affliction are usually kinder and non bigoted, as you demonstrated you certainly are. I wouldn't need two homies for you just a butterfly net and a straitjacket. Then I'd return you to the institution you escaped from.
What a tough guy you are on the internet, has anybody on here actually met you, you couldn't give me a beat-down,even if you showed up with your mommy holding an AK47.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
Outstanding thread...lol
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Txtitty i don't really care one way or the other I rarely read his posts past the first two or three lines but I think he really believes what ever he is saying even if it's just at that moment. You don't have to agree that's just my opinion.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
Whether SJG is a troll or a real radical activist, he is completely insane
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^now that I agree with.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
Actually SJG's sense of humor rivals that of Alucard
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
I'm not getting dragged into another pissing contest with an unemployed porch monkey. Drink yourself into another colt .40 stupor so you can forget that you're the one who calls me out and then back down like a pussy bitch when I call you on it.

I actually dislike using "bigoted" words like nigger, faggot, wetback, etc., but I'll call a spade a spade and if the shoe fits then I'll make twentyfive wear it. No, I'm really not racist, but I have no tolerance for hypocrites and lefties who can't admit how bad the past eight years have been for our country.
To the OP's original point, the ignore function should really work to block both parties from seeing eithers' content (hint hint, Founder)
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
The fact is you started this round just like the last one I'll find it and post a link later on this weekend. You got spanked again you proved everything I said about you being alt. right. If I were you I would quit now while you are just a laughingstock before you get into real trouble.
DROP MIKE. Over & out.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
I agree that clubber often starts 2 kinds of threads to troll and seek attention and that's his repative ignore threads much like Alucard would do and his I'm quitting threads lol

Dude has been a cum dumpster for shadow for so many years he has converted into a bitch tit
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Here are the links i said i would post to that jackass's idiotic statements


here's one where he calls out Vince Micheals and backs down

And here is the one where he starts arguing tells me he will kick my ass, invites me to Ft. Myers to kick his ass and pussies out of telling me where i can find him to give him a spanking that never got from his mommy.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^^Look at gammanu's statements look at all of the racist slurs he uses then make up your own mind about whether he is an Alt.Right.com or KKK member.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Juice, confess. You've always been a bitch's tit. :)
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