
Sugar Daddy Advice

Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
So I've been seeing this stripper OTC for a while and it's pretty much turned into a SB/SD situation. Really. Yesterday I didn't even want to fuck. We just sat watched the debate while she was naked next to me.

So I got to thinking ... hey there are a few guys on TUSCL who mentioned sugaring.

I've been dropping $500 a week at minimum. I feel like she's getting lazy. So I want to switch to sugaring because I drink too much while in the club.

So....what are the best sites and what is a pretty good price monthly allowance situation,?


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    PM Juice, he'll show you how to be a SD on an extreme budget
  • Htxx
    8 years ago
    I just agreed to pay mine $3k a month. She see's me 4x a week, all overnights at my place. Haven't had a "bored" issue yet after 1.5 years. In fact she keeps getting more creative. I like it, I love it, and I want some more of it I think is how the song goes...
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    For 36,000 I'd buy a WRX-STI and beat off.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^ that's not a bad idea.

    I messed around with the sugar daddy concept a few years ago and maybe I don't make enough money, enjoy my money too much or have a fear of commitment.

    Most of the girls I talked to were way too fucked up to ever work out. They were 7s and wanted $5k a month to meet twice a month.

    There are many cities out there where I could easily line up 4 strippers to meet me once a month for $200 each visit, so I'd be fucking 4 different strippers once a month for $800. What is the need for a sugar baby?

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I've had arrangement-like relationships with strippers, and have been wandering around SeekingArrangements for a couple of months. Regarding "allowances": Structure-wise, every single girl I've spoken to on SA has been open to starting with per-meet charges, with an option to go to monthly allowance structure at a later date; point being, you don't necessarily need to begin by thinking in terms of monthly allowance. Before I meet them, I typically like to have a general conversation about expectations, and I've gotten most girls -- more than 90% -- to agree that $350-$500 per-meeting to start, is fine. But I'll also say that I've had a pretty decent number of girls agree to the expectations, agree to meet in person, and then just stop responding when I try to set up the meeting ... could be a number of reasons for that, but one of them could be, they're not happy with $350/meeting after all.

    To put it into perspective, I am definitely bottom-trawling a bit... at $350/meeting, I'm looking at as little as $700-$1000 per month total. If you're willing to spend $3000 per month or more, it definitely opens up a whole new class of top-tier girls to you...
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    "For 36,000 I'd buy a WRX-STI and beat off."
    You would think a divorce lawyer with no kids could afford, two WRXs, a Ferrari F12, and still have enough disposable income for a SB.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I know that others have had luck on sugar daddy web sites, but I prefer to meet my sugar babies at strip clubs. It's a very flexible arrangement that can be pretty much whatever you want it to be. For me, I was never willing to pay a particular amount of money per month or week or whatever. Instead, I just paid them an "allowance" per visit. And I took them shopping semi-regularly, and for the DS at least I paid certain bills like her phone and her rent once.

    And Subra is right, you get what you pay for. If you pay $350 per visit, you'll get a somewhat motivated 7 that can be a lot of fun. But if you pay $500 to $1000 per visit, you can get a complete GFE, bareback if you want, with a 9+.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    I've also done both, and the biggest difference is that you can reach a different demographic on line.

    By example:
    Longest dancer arrangement for me was almost 3 yrs on-and-off. Met her when she was 19. She was pregnant at age 15, her father was an alcoholic. Parenting was dysfunctional, in general. Money was always an issue and she's always on the financial edge. She had an abusive boyfriend in the past who put her in the hospital. Thankfully she's engaged now and out of stripping altogether.

    I've posted before about my current SB: Asian triathlete, 24-yrs old, in grad school. Her mother's a pediatrician, father in pharma sales. We plan things a week in advance. She's usually ten minutes early. So far, typical "date" is about an hour of road cycling, then back to my place. We trust each other and it went unprotected on the second date. I give her cash, with no gifts (I hate shopping) and I tell her to put it toward her career. Of course she can buy designer shit, if that's what she wants.

    There are lots of counterexamples for sure -- dancers who have their shit together and college students who're messed up. I'd say what @Smith does -- finding a $60K-per-yr SB in a strip club -- is the most grossly inefficient of all.

    LOL, they have a name for falling in love with your SB on the sugaring sites -- it's called getting the "feelz." Over here, it's called the @JohnSmith effect.

  • Htxx
    8 years ago
    I had done all the website stuff for sugar daddy. This chick I met at a local club here in Detroit. Hell I think probably a few guys who post on here here have probably fucked her too. Doesn't matter to me, I like her and have a great time with her. That's what you work for spend the money the way you want and on who you want. Done paying the ex-wife now it's up to me to enjoy myself the way I want that's exactly what I'm going to do. Picking her up in 90 minutes going to have one hell of a good night my best to you all for a great weekend toO.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    RM-->"• I've also done both, and the biggest difference is that you can reach a different demographic on line. "

    I agree with this, in spades. It's something you notice as soon as you start meeting girls. It's part of the epiphany around arrangements -- the context allows smart, well-adjusted, relatively together women to join the sex industry, while simultaneously convincing themselves they're not part of the sex industry. The interactions, and quality of the women (minus attractiveness) has been above what I've experienced with strippers, it is clearly a different demographic.

    That said, I've run into a number of strippers and escorts on SA. In fact, I have two strippers with whom our initial arrangement meeting will be at their stripi club, while they're working. Obviously, for them SA is more of an extension of their job, but obviously enough, I love strippers and strip clubs, and am looking forward to meeting them.

    Amusingly, one of the women I met on SA, I sent her a message and she didn't get back to me for 4 days. Then she gets back to me with "sorry I didn't get back to you, my phone service got shut off." Yes of COURSE it was one of the strippers; all of the civilians I've met have been rock solid reliable, considerate, and drama free.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Good luck with your search, @Supra. Can't remember if you're targeting college girls, but there's such a huge concentration of schools up there in Northern California. I lived in Palo Alto and Alameda for a while and know some of those areas pretty well. Interesting place to live -- but don't miss the congestion and threat of earthquakes :)

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Thanks. I'm not TARGETING college girls, frankly I'm more curious about what it would be like with a more mature woman, but SA is flooded with college girls, so that's the demographic I run into the most. I have met some sweet, smart, amazing young women, who I'm quite certain would never be part of the sex industry (and again, probably are in denial about being part of it now) if it weren't for SA.

    Don't know how long ago you moved away from here, but quality of life is significantly worse than it was 5 years ago, which was a lot worse than it was 10 years ago, etc.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I too have been experimenting with the SeekingArrangement site for about the past month. And while it's certainly more expensive than strip clubs, it also has certain attractions that make it worthwhile. As Subraman said, albeit somewhat more politely, it allows women to be hookers without having to actually admit they are hookers.

    I've met up with three girls from SA so far. One is a cute little tatted, redhead who would make a fine stripper indeed, both from the body standpoint and the sex one. She's a student at one of the local colleges, so scheduling has been a challenge, but she doesn't seem to even notice that I'm a fat, ugly, old man only slightly less than three times her age. *Seem* to notice. :) Doesn't want a ridiculous amount, either.

    Another is a mixed AA/Asian sub freak who is an engineering student at UofL. I'm the uncle her daddy set to keep her out of trouble in the big city. She is a full on BDSM pain slut when we get to the hotel. Bondage, servitude, whipping, face fucking, nipple clamps, hot wax, gagging, the whole nine yards. Absolutely loves when I deny her orgasms while doing everything in my power to make he cum. Simply explodes almost on command when the time comes.

    The last one I've only seen once. She definitely has daddy issues, and is into the DD/lg thing in a big way. I'm planning to visit her at her downstate college sometime after Thanksgiving for a very reasonably priced weekend.

    Unlike Subraman, I *am* targeting the college girls, though the AA sub is 25 and working on her doctorate.

    One 30 year old sounded like a good prospect, and I thought things were going swimmingly when she either blocked me or deactivated her account.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Interesting - thanks for sharing - this may be a very credible reason why SCs may be struggling a bit - seems w/ SA both parties can get more bang for the buck, the PL is not limited by silly club rules and the SB does not have to pay out a good chunk in terms of house-fees and tipouts
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Sal is probably Adam sender using an alias. (If you don't know who he is, then don't call yourself an intelligent business man).
  • magicrat
    8 years ago
    I once asked a young SB I was seeing if she had ever worked as a stripper....and of course she had. There is a lot of cross contamination in these adult pools.

    The only other thing I will add is that upping your allowance does not always equate to a better quality Baby or experience. In the SB world it's called GPS (Golden Pussy Syndrome) and it is usually undeserved.
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