
Invitation to kiss?

This is my last kissing thread I promise.

When a stripper does the nose to nose thing and holds it there, or puts her lips really close to yours, is that a invitation to kiss her?

The worst thing would be attempting to kiss a stripper that doesn't want to be kissed. Awkward.


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I think it's totally situational. Here in the strict no-extras clubs, that's usually nothing more than an indication that she trusts you to obey the rules and seek her consent if you want to go further, and she wants to tease you and give you a little thrill. In most cases, you try to kiss her, she won't be repeating that activity
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Go damn you're retarded.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    When I push a stripper's face down to my crotch, it's an invitation for her to kiss my dick.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    But I think it better if you show some artistry in doing it, rather than just making like she made you do it. A lot of it will also depend on what the conversation between the two of you has already been. And of course, better in the front room, feeding her money as a show of respect, because in the front room you can lead it.

    Nose to nose I would try to say just like a word or two, more just to let her hear your voice than for the meaning. Then take hold of her by the shoulders and let her relax like that, then proceed easy and gentle, and just let it develop.

    Anyone else's ideas?

    But seriously Larry, what planet are your from, needing to ask such questions? Is it perhaps because you were for a long time in a horrid relationship?

    Myself, I am still suffering from Post Marital Stress Disorder.

    About attempting to kiss a girl ( not specifically a 'stripper' ) who does not want to be kissed, it is not that awkward if you can do it nicely and if she can feel that you are just letting her see how attracted to her you are. And then, it is not at all uncommon that the girl who declined will demonstrably reverse herself a short while later, or just make it very easy for you to try again. And yes it also works like this in strip clubs.

    But be forewarned, if you start doing things this way, you will likely end up waking up with the girl the next morning.


    Real TJ Street Girls

    Heart- Little Queen Live at Cal Jam 2 , at all their early performances they have these loud speaker arrays with the short horns. Their own people must have made those.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    It might be an invitational but it's usually not. I'd do whatever Mary Jane told me to do.
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    I worry that you fall in love in the club way too much by the underlying themes in your posts.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @SJG- we're talking about strippers, not civilians. I don't think the same rules apply.

    @goosman-you're right, but as soon as I leave the club and I see how much I spent I fall out of love quickly.

    @jackslash- you're hilarious man!

    @js69- you do what Mary Jane tells you to do, I do what Tequila tells me to do :)

    Subra good insight as usual
  • K
    8 years ago
    I was going to be snarky and say grow a set and ask her. i decided to be nice in case you are serious.

    Ask her. May I kiss you? or is it OK if I kiss you. if you don't want to be that bold, you can tell her its OK for her to kiss you.

    Baby steps. Some day you'll be asking her if she sucks dick in the VIP room or if she'll take it in the ass if you spring for a motel room.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    This 15 year old talks about kissing way too much.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @K- so simple, but yet so effective. Thanks.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I agree with subraman. It's generally a tease. She trusts you to control yourself. The ones who do kiss (lips, no tongue, or at most just the tip of the tongue) seem to give you the indication via rapport in the front room or they give a subtle control indicator like holding their palms up, finger tips out, under your chin, like they are blowing you a kiss, subtle, sexy, and in-control. this is a no-extras club though. Most things they do are to keep you in the seat, buying more dances. From what I read kissing is far more common in extras clubs.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" From what I read kissing is far more common in extras clubs."

    A cruel irony, if you ask me. You get to kiss the girl who BBBJCIMWS'ed juice, but can't kiss the girl who hasn't blown 4 other customers before you
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Yes Larry. If the bottle points to you, you get to kiss the girl.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    absolutely yes. maybe not french unless she initiates that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    95% it's just part of the "fantasy" as many strippers describe what they do - i.e. you are supposed to think you will kiss but you won't get one; that's how they (dancers) see-it.

    Strip-clubs are not the real-world so no use trying to implement real-world logic to them - if she's close enough I try to give her a peck on the lips since that is nothing out of this world (if she's a bit too far for me to reach her lips then I just ask her if I can kiss her) - if she's receptive I go for more; if she's not (95% of the time IME); then I respect her wishes - no need to feel awkward in strip-club bizarro-world
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Feeling "awkward" in strip-clubs is actually a sign of weakness that many shark-strippers will use against you.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    Likely just from Alaska.
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    Well in the clubs I have frequented and a dancer goes eyes to eyes nose to nose mouth to mouth she's going to get kissed ! I start with an Eskimo Kiss then a butterfly kiss. By then they are laughing and I zoom in and kiss them on the lips every time. None have stopped me however some (just one or two have given me a tap on the cheek with a smile and said "naughty boy"). I have an every Monday appt at a club with a girl who has huge H Tits and I have kissed her all over her body but when I go to kiss her on the lips she turns her head and takes it on the cheek. I will definately kiss her I look at it as a challenge now. I just got her phone number last week so progress comes in small steps but I don't give up.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I usually get kisses after I make it rain $30k on them. They even kiss my dick, even with their pussy lips after all of the patrons leave us in private because everyone knows I've bought out all if the dancers. Is this normal when you guys go to clubs?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I'd suggest a quick peck on her lips and see what happens. She may pounce on you with some DFK, scream for a bouncer, or something between the two. I'd go for it and hope for the best. Most dancers don't like kissing PL's. I didn't get to kiss my ATF for almost a year. One day she asked if I wanted to kiss her, and that opened that door.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    doesn't hurt (usually) to try.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Larry, if you treat her like a civilian, which you always should, then it is a completely civilian situation and so civilian rules apply.

    Better though if you can take the lead while still in the front room, and instead of letting her get that close direct on, just getting check to check nuzzling with her, or very close looking into her eyes. Looking right between her lips is good too. Then when it is obvious that the time is right, kiss her.

    If she pulls back, wait a while and try again. Often on the second try they open right up.

    My experience is that usually girls give it up.

    A lot of it has to do with how you are able to lead her in conversation too. If the girl decides that she wants to know you, or wants to see you outside, then usually its green light from then on.

    And if it is to be no, you have found that out in the right way and in the right place.

    Interesting to read the plurality of POV's on this subject.




    Humble Pie - Catfish Blues
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    Unless you are going to get pregnant, I wouldn't concern myself with zika and kissing.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    Perhaps I should edit to "Unless you are going to get pregnant, or make someone pregnant...".

    Used to work with a guy who went by the "name" Jabber. :)
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