
Drinking enhances the experience

I'm on a business trip in Portland. The clubs serve alcohol and the girls get naked on stage, and in the lapdances. This shit is blowing my mind. It's nothing like this in LA. In LA, it's mostly juice bars, so they get naked in those spots, but in the alcohol clubs, the girls keep their pasties on or they go topless. Now if only the girls were hot in Portland.

Where else can you get your drink on and see some pussy? Is this common?


  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Juice has a bar in LA? That guy is a God!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    You are not on a business trip you fucking retard. You're on a school field trip and you've been on a school bus for 13 hours eating Skittles so you're delirious.
  • HolaTX
    8 years ago
    If you didn't find the girls in Portland attractive, that kind of makes me want to go check it out. :-)

    I was in Hawaii some years ago and the clubs were nude with alcohol.

    Texas has a good model of BYOB at nude clubs. I like it better than going to a club that serves alcohol, since I can bring in beer that at the store costs $10 for a six pack, but since it's craft beer, wouldn't be available at an alcohol-serving club. The trade-off is that the entry fees tend to be higher to make up for missing out on alcohol sales. Other places also have BYOB nude, but I find that the metro area has to be pretty large to draw enough cute girls to work in them to make it worthwhile.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Hola- I like that BYOB model, I can get with that!
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Follies you can smoke a blunt, have a drink and enjoy full nude grindage and on stage.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Drinking definitely enhances the experience :)

    In the nude clubs here, no alcohol is served. But every nude club has some way for PLs to be soda, or bottled water, or whatever. What I do is, buy one of their bottles of water, go to the bathroom, spill out the water, refill it with vodka, and hit the floor. My ATF squeals with delight, and in clubs where I'm well known, sometimes there's a constant rotation of ATF's friends coming through to sit next to me, and take a casual swig of "water" :)

    Other things I very often did when I went to nude clubs:
    - Arrange to meet ATF an hour before her shift, at a local bar, to pre-lube. Often her friends would show up also (this is a situation I like, obviously).
    - Many of the nude clubs allow the girls to go off-campus for a 30-45 minute break. They all head straight to the local bars ... usually cliques of girls stake out one bar or another. Anyway, at a place where I was a regular, I'd often get invited -- not just by ATF, but by other girls I knew -- to accompany them. Obviously, I was going to be buying the drinks, but I always loved it, and I sometimes received significant rewards ITC from girls I bought drinks for
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Damn Chess, maybe Follies is worth the hype! Check your PM.
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    As someone in a place where you can regularly see a butt naked woman, while holding a drink in your hand, its just not that big an experience for me. Plus if I'm drinking a little too much, it could lead to some very poor decision making/money spending. If I'm out with the guys, I'm guys on a party night vibe its cool. But If I'm in PL mode then:
    1. It's an added expense which is drawing funds out of the $$$ pot that I want to spend on the real reason I'm there (i.e. I'd rather nurse a domestic light beer - not because I want the beer, but because I have to have something);

    2. If I were to get buzzed, this could only lead to: bad decision making, bad money spending, not keeping my wits about me, and not paying attention to my wallet;

    3. If I were to get into the car with a buzz after and the worse happens, that would wreck my life in several different ways.

    At the same time, I've found some of the juice bars over in Tampa kind of weird. But for guys who don't have the option to see that nanny, while having drink, I totally get the appeal.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"3. If I were to get into the car with a buzz after and the worse happens, that would wreck my life in several different ways. "

    I applaud your thinking here. I take public transportation to the city, and lyft/uber/taxi to the strip club, when I know I'll be drinking hard.

    -->"2. If I were to get buzzed, this could only lead to: bad decision making, bad money spending, not keeping my wits about me, and not paying attention to my wallet; "

    You've already made the bad decision to go to a strip club, while you're sober! How much worse could it get? Ha, joking of course. Maybe I'm blessed, my Miser Bone overrules my Horny Bone pretty much 100% of the time. I've never gotten drunk and spent too much, and I always walk into the club with my full wallet -- usually, more cash than I plan to spend, my credit card, ATM card, etc. On the other hand, plenty of guys I roll with put their wallet away and walk in with just the cash they plan to spend, because they make bad financial decisions.

    My worst decisions when I'm drunk, tend to be around making more daring choices as far as the girls. But luckily, with my way of strip clubbing (pick one girl as soon as possible after I walk in, stick with only her the entire time) usually prevents that
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    @Subra Yeah one of my areas of "bad decision making" while under liquor would be involve a lot of money throwing, and saying "fuck it" to dancers that I normally wouldn't be interested in/want to spend money on.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Weed enhances the experience
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    In the moment drinking's funner, looking back sober's more memorable. I go sober now or maybe a 1-2 drink buzz.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Booze in clubs are a mixed bag. Yeah it can help the experience but it can also have you make some bad booze-fueled decisions, like hitting the ATM one time too many.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    How many states/cities allow us to have alcohol and see pussy?

    It sounds like Atlanta, Portland, Hawaii do, and Dallas is BYOB nude.
  • HolaTX
    8 years ago
    NC and TN do BYOB nude as well. I never found one worth visiting in NC and the ones I went to wanted you to pay per bottle, but I visited one in Nashville a number of years ago and remember being attracted to one of the dancers who was working.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    Atlanta is one of the few major cities that serve alcohol in full nude clubs. There are around 35 clubs in the Atlanta metro area and all of them are fully nude except for two of them: Club Wax and Deja Vu 2.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    That's awesome. I remember a club in Columbus, Ohio in the late '90s that was BYOB and full nude. It was a rush to be able to carry a fifth of liquor in with you! I wish there were more clubs that either serve alcohol and full nude or are BYOB and full nude. I agree, it enhances the experience.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Lopaw- You're right about Starz.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    The best places to get pussy and alcohol are Miami/southeast Florida and Atlanta. There is also one nude vegas club that has alcohol, and a few byob places scattered around.

    Weed enhances the exprrience much more than alcohol. And if you follow my system you can get high at any club.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Alcohol is why I go strip clubbing.
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