Ladies and gentleman, take your seats. The greatest show on Earth is about to begin. This is going to be very, very, very entertaining. How many of us will watch the debate, tonight ?
How about we have a choice to vote our president using vp picks instead of the main contenders?
I guess none of us can run for president or going to strip clubs would come out. I don't know, compared to this election, that might seem mundane and ordinary.
"this shit is embarrassing for us as a country. Our presidential election has become a reality TV show. Sad."
...and it looks like Trump is going nuclear tonight with an assault on Bill's infidelities. Embarrassing to the whole world. The GOP (grope our pussies) is in disarray and they will probably end up throwing tRump under the bus.
Oh he can, mikey02. He did, now that all stops are being pulled out, it isn't at all surprising both sides are pulling the dirt out. LOL What a bunch of pussies the Dems and Repubs are. LOL
I can't remember a presidential debate when one candidate threatens to throw the other in jail if he wins. One thing I'll say for Trump: he makes any childhood bully look like an amateur! Every bully in the world needs to bow to Trump.
What is really funny about Trumps using almost a billion dollars of losses to offset his own personal tax liability is that the money that he lost wasn't even his own money, it belonged to shareholders, banks, and assorted other creditors, yet he wrote this off personally. Trump is a major con man, ala Bernie Madoff, he (Trump) is the one that belongs in jail.
Trump made it though the debate without grabbing anyone's pussy. That's saying something.
Thought it was similar to the first debate: Angry, confused, dude, who doesn't know what he's talking about yelling at a more disciplined, smarter, accomplished women.
Hillary had the crowd going at Wayne State University Monday afternoon. Around 3,000 in affendance as she used the experience ploy to hammer Trump. The beat goes on, both of them are in Florida today. Here we go again.
Hide your wives, your kids, and your husbands: A federally protected rapist is loose in Ft. Myers. Bubbas giving a speech this afternoon.
I was shocked at how many standing ovations and support Donald had in St. Louis Sunday night. The silent majority is clearly with him. His statement that Hillary would have been convicted and jailed for her crimes, if he was president, was the mic drop moment of the campaign.
Until next time, fellow mongers, remember to #GrabEmByThePussy
The GOP/Republicans did a post-mortem after the RNC 2012 and 2012 elections ... then forgot to make any changes, Lol! Now they let their party get hijacked by radical elements and are in danger of losing again, Lol! My party (GOP) is full of Navel Gazers! (Omphaloskepsis)
^^ no their takeaway was that the GOP lost the 2012 election because of the Latino vote. Logically, Trump then built his initial campaign theme on calling Mexican immigrants rapists, drug users, and criminals. Makes perfect sense.
LOL! Love this quote from the NY Times general counsel in response to Trump's libel claim:
"The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of one's reputation,” he writes. “Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women … Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself."
Fair enough, the smart people in the GOP looked at the 2012 numbers, looked at demographic shifts and said "holy shit, we can't win the presidency with just white people anymore!"
But the base rebelled against attempts to move to the middle on immigration.
I think Trump is officially done unless wikileaks brings out some amazing dirt on Hillary. That's the only thing that could still give him a shot IMO.
This is just like the leaked tape on Mitt Romney in 2012.
I guess none of us can run for president or going to strip clubs would come out. I don't know, compared to this election, that might seem mundane and ordinary.
...and it looks like Trump is going nuclear tonight with an assault on Bill's infidelities. Embarrassing to the whole world. The GOP (grope our pussies) is in disarray and they will probably end up throwing tRump under the bus.
Thought it was similar to the first debate: Angry, confused, dude, who doesn't know what he's talking about yelling at a more disciplined, smarter, accomplished women.
I was shocked at how many standing ovations and support Donald had in St. Louis Sunday night. The silent majority is clearly with him. His statement that Hillary would have been convicted and jailed for her crimes, if he was president, was the mic drop moment of the campaign.
Until next time, fellow mongers, remember to #GrabEmByThePussy
They really need to finish cloning or reanimating Reagan.
"The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of one's reputation,” he writes. “Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women … Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself."
But the base rebelled against attempts to move to the middle on immigration.
Interviewer: "how do you feel about you lying that Romney didn't pay his taxes?"
Harry Reid: "We won right?"