
Dance of the month

Thursday, September 29, 2016 12:02 PM
It's the end of September. I think I'm gonna start this tradition on here. Basically at the end of every month we describe the best dance we got that for that month. Dance excludes negotiated extras or known extras. So basically if you go into a extras club and get fucked in VIP, that doesn't count. But for example say you're getting a regular lapdance, and the girl takes your dick out and starts sucking or stroking it or whatever, and she just wants you to pay the cost of the lapdance, that would count. Of course best dance doesn't have to include extras. What was the best dance you received this month? For me, I was getting a dance from this girl, it started out decent. Good grinding, full two way contact, I then sucked her titties a little bit. Then she took off her panties and started playing with herself, she started breathing hard, and she told me she wanna gonna cum. She came while we were making out intensely. She had me feel how wet she was, and then she sucked her pussy juices off my finger. What about you?


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Did this girl give you a dance in the cafeteria or during pre-algebra?
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    ^^^You're about as funny as Bill Belichick. I like your alter ego Juicebox69 better.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I only went to the club once and didn't get any dances that night.
  • Beaver_Hunter
    8 years ago
    I thought this was going to be about next months homecoming dance
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "Dance excludes negotiated extras or known extras. So basically if you go into a extras club and get fucked in VIP, that doesn't count." You have excluded all my experiences for the month.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I don't get the thrill of watching a woman playing with herself
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    LMAO Jackslash. @Tiburon- I wouldn't call it a "thrill", but it turns me on some.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Front Room Friendliness! Larry, it would be about as good as that dance you've described, except that you'd be leading it and making out with the girl. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Lap Dancing used to mean lap sitting. What else happened varied widely. In the Front Room, you can often make all kinds of things happen, but also you can have more time to talk to her, and you can often get her breathing hard, which tends to happen anyway when you makeout with her. In the Front Room you can lead it. In our underground SJ Mexican Bar circuit, there were no booths or backrooms, otherwise people would have gone to jail. But in the front room it was often extremely flexible. SJG
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Hey Larry: [view link]
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    I just hooked up with my new GFE in Toledo Ohio at her Club. (I will only say it is in Michigan not Ohio) When I arrived at her club she was sitting at the bar all by herself. When she saw me coming in the door she rushed over to me and gave me a big hug and a DFK. She asked if I wanted to sit in one of the enclosed booths. I said sure. From the time we say down her tongue was in my mouth playing hockey with my tonsils and my tongue was in her mouth. She took off her top so I could play with her beautiful tits. She never put her top back on until I left. Under the table there was enough rubbing back and forth to start a fire in my pants and in her G-string. We kissed and hugged and rubbed and stick shifted for at least one hour. ALL FRONT ROOM ALL AT NO COST. NOBODY SAID ANYTHING TO US !
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^ The Master Himself, none other than TUSCL's own Jestrite50. After all of that, I'm sure he either took her into a back room, or just home with him. SJG
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Very nice Jestrite! The only question I have is it in Toledo or Michigan?
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    The best dance this month was me in bed jerking my dick off into a sock with ocean breeze cent lotion to amateur porno on pornhub
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    A hot AA dancer at a well known brothel (er I mean STRIPCLUB. Silly me) with a bad rep for lame dances hit me up and I went for it. What the hell...it's only money.We went in the back and she proceeded to tear my clothes off and scissor me til we both were exhausted. Yum. Dance of the Month. So Far. The month ain't over yet and I'm holding out for something even better tomorrow!
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    Walked in and saw my CF sitting at the bar, so I walked over and joined her. She gave me a kiss on the lips and an enthusiastic hug. Then she put one of her legs over mine, and also started with the stripper hand shake. She was wearing a very tight, thin white tank top and the nipples on her D's were trying hard to poke through. I made a comment about it, and she said, "Well, maybe I should just let them out!"....and she did. She said I should feel how hard her nipples were....who I am to turn down such gracious invitation? lol In the lap dance room, she was her usual very sensual self, x2. She has done LFK with me at times, but this time the kisses were prolonged, and very sensual. Her movements were more intense and she moved my hands where she wanted them. She whispered in my ear "I love how your hands feel on my ass"....which I thought was over and above the usual SS...which she also whispered, like "I love dancing for you more than anyone else", etc.. She also allowed some titty sucking, which was a first for my visits with her. It was the hottest session I have had with her so far. That was first week in Sept....planning to visit her again tomorrow...hope it is just as good!
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Aaaah Lopaw, I'm jealous! You're right people, there's still two days left in the month. Make these last two days count!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Sadly I did not make it to the club this month nor last month. I need to turn in my PL card, I know! But I saved $300!
  • tacklebox
    8 years ago
    Both best and craziest dance. Saw a girl I have gotten dances from before. She seemed very glad to see me and greeted me with a hug and a kiss. In the front some kissing and in the shorts handshake. In the back (in a non extras club) she pulled it out and did the rc grind directly on the goods. Then without warning, she leaned forward, grabbed him, and sat on it bare. WTF! But the damage was done so I let her ride me rc for a couple of songs. She kept it tight and deep when another couple came in the open room. Just the cost of the dances. Guess I will get tested. lol.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    it's all a blur.
  • gothamyte
    8 years ago
    good thread. i'll break the rules and give my lap dance of the summer, since fall has begun. and my other lappies in sept haven't topped this so far. i was out in the regular main floor at the SC aka the strippies i can't remember which month this summer thinkin' nothing was gonna happen tonight. this particular strippies used to get some good hanky panky goings on, but lately rules have changed in the county and lappies have become mundane to no frills to boring. but a dancer spotted me and acted like she knew me from some experience before--she had a big smile on her face, greeted me warmly. first time i saw her she had the same reaction and gave me a good lapdance--this was like a week or more earlier. but it was just a good lapdance--nothing to confess to a preacher about. this second time things were a li'l different. we were still in the main room where everyone can see everyone, people are walking by you, security making rounds, she sat on me, but facing away from me, reached her hand behind her, pulled me all the way out and gave me a HJ as she was also giving me a lapdance. quite talented. then she reached into her bag, put some oil or cream or something into her hands and kept on with the HJ. she kept going into her bag and putting extra cream on that one hand to HJ me properly. i woulda LDK'd but i was so nervous with everyone literally walking around and by us, i mean we were in the main floor with everyone and she wasn't exactly hiding my dick, i had to do all leaning forward to hide myself, i was pulled all the way out. also, there are cameras inside the club monitoring so i couldn't act like i was fully enjoying it as i wanted to. finally gave her the ol' tap on the shoulder to say, "last song" to her and rolled out. didn't pay extra. sorry. just paid the normal lapdance prices per song. hey, i wasn't expecting to see her or for this to happen...i wasn't really prepared. haven't seen her since and i dunno if i'd recognize her if i saw her. hope she didn't get bounced from the club if they saw her on video. or caught her doing that with someone else. and i pray she does it again next time i see her. haven't had a dancer do that to me for that long period a time and stay committed to it. big shout out to her for being so nice to me. that was just a very nice thing for her to do to someone who was not expecting it. lol.
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    larryfisherman if you read the post again you will see in the first line I said the club was in Michigan. Not in Ohio
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    first place to layla. close second to tatum.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    [view link] Here's video of Larry's dance of the month
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Lol twentyfive, something like that. All right, the month is officially over!
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    honnestly the best dance of the month for me was the last one. young girl in a school girl outfit... topless dance... she is komando.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^ commando? Just for my and our curiosity, care to say where this was, at least give us some idea? San Gabriel Valley? SJG KISS - Take It Off [view link]
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    yes. butt i can happen elsewhere. i was pleasantly surprised to enjoy this unexpected experience.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Not so used to seeing girls in the school uniforms, but w/o panties. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^ turning into a powerful fantasy. Used to be a younger clientele oriented swingers club in San Francisco, Club Luscious. They had their School Girl Nights, and advertised, "Panties not recommended". SJG
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