Steve Kerr on Kaepernick

avatar for NinaBambina
Who the fuck is Ninabambina?

He supports his cause. Also, it sounds like the Warriors may possibly do some sort of protest, although that's just speculation on my part.


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 yrs ago

I'm disgusted with what is going on around the country just like Kerr said. Thankfully though we have Trump to make America great again.

avatar for crsm27
8 yrs ago

Well that is good for them that they support it. I could post articles of people who don't.

If you had not heard what Pitts Steelers Player James Harrison said, "if you are not standing for the anthem you better have a broken leg.... if you don't I will give you one."

So you see with every protest there are guys for and against it.

Like I stated in another thread....

I am glad he is protesting because that is his right and freedom of expression. Also he isn't the first person to protest by not standing for the National Anthem. Chris Jackson (who played for golden state) did it back in 1994 or so.

avatar for mikeya02
8 yrs ago

Good thing Kaepernick wasn't wearing a cap. That would be asking for it.

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

The majority has already conceded that it is his (Kaepernick's) right to be as offensive as he likes. We have the right to ignore him and that is what I will do from now on.

BTW JS69, America is already great, the only thing that con man will make great is his hype.

avatar for jackslash
8 yrs ago

Kaepernick has been protesting against injustice in a peaceful way. I don't know why he's drawn so much negative reaction. Maybe people should be more upset with all the sports figures who only care about making lots of money or assaulting helpless women.

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

Colin Kaepernick is gonna be on the cover of the next issue of Time Magazine.

I would say he's making a pretty good impact.

avatar for mikeya02
8 yrs ago

A black man shot and 2 nights of riots in Charlotte. What impact?

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

The impact of it's a discussion now. The NFL season is going on, but on all the NFL shows they still talk about Kaepernick. America went from just talking about him "disrespecting" the flag, to now actually duscussing why he's doing it. He's got the number one selling jersey in the NFL right now, and he's a backup. People want change, and they want it now. The first step to solve any issues is to talk honestly about it.

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

^^^ good comment Larry, I just wish everyone could agree on what changes need to be made and then implement them!

avatar for Mate27
8 yrs ago

Nina's confirmation bias shines!

avatar for Cowboy12
8 yrs ago

I have no problem with what Kaepernick is doing, and I hope real change results from his actions and the raised awareness. I wonder what people would say if someone like Tom Brady sat during the Anthem as a protest to all the refugees and Obama is letting into the country?

avatar for chessmaster
8 yrs ago

"say if someone like Tom Brady sat during the Anthem as a protest to all the refugees and Obama is letting into the country?"

He would be everyones hero of course!

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

^^^ more NFL fans hate Brady than Kap. Brady is miles more successful so yes he could get away with more, but there you go again making this a race issue since Brady is Caucasian and Kap is African-American.

avatar for jester214
8 yrs ago

^I saw a poll earlier that said Kaepernick was currently the most hated player in the NFL. Something like 30% of those polled named him, Brady made the top five.

avatar for NinaBambina
8 yrs ago

"more NFL fans hate Brady than Kap." LOL, not anymore.

"...but there you go again making this a race issue" Crazy, someone 'making race an issue' in this discussion which is about a protest/movement that is centered around race issues.

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