Steve Kerr on Kaepernick

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?…
He supports his cause. Also, it sounds like the Warriors may possibly do some sort of protest, although that's just speculation on my part.
He supports his cause. Also, it sounds like the Warriors may possibly do some sort of protest, although that's just speculation on my part.
If you had not heard what Pitts Steelers Player James Harrison said, "if you are not standing for the anthem you better have a broken leg.... if you don't I will give you one."
So you see with every protest there are guys for and against it.
Like I stated in another thread....
I am glad he is protesting because that is his right and freedom of expression. Also he isn't the first person to protest by not standing for the National Anthem. Chris Jackson (who played for golden state) did it back in 1994 or so.
BTW JS69, America is already great, the only thing that con man will make great is his hype.…
I would say he's making a pretty good impact.
I wonder what people would say if someone like Tom Brady sat during the Anthem as a protest to all the refugees and Obama is letting into the country?
He would be everyones hero of course!
LOL, not anymore.
"...but there you go again making this a race issue"
Crazy, someone 'making race an issue' in this discussion which is about a protest/movement that is centered around race issues.