
Buying a Stripper a Cell Phone

Okay, some may come out and say don't save her or be a white knight or whatever the acronym is, but have any of you ever bought a fav a cell phone? How or what kind of plan/setup did you get her? Was there any agreement in place between you and the dancer?

My initial thoughts were to get like a hotspot with no plan and pay monthly for like 1GB or something and it can rollover if available for one month. So being she already has a cell phone but no service, she could use like a free 2nd number app or Line2 that'll work over wireless. As I think more, I'm thinking a cheap Wal Mart prepay or some other prepay could do the job too.

So if any of that didn't scream PL, I'm truly considering this only because she is a fave, has kids, but no cell phone. She does communicate through Facebook, but I'm not sure on what lengths she has to go through to do so. I know how it is to have to raise kids and although I do split that responsibility with my ex wife, I can only imagine not having a cell phone.


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Dude, if her situation is so fucked-up that she can't even have cell ph service then your help w/ the cell ph IMO is just the tip of the dysfunctional iceberg, meaning she's probably gonna need a whole lotta other shit more than that and the cell ph is just the start - where is the baby-daddy & why can't he provide even a working cell ph for his baby -momma.

    I smell an endless headache situation here, at the very least you will probably have to continuously pay for her service but I would humbly predict even more & greater requests for assistance - IMO it's def the right thing to help people out, but strippers often can't help themselves & pouring money/resources into them is often a bottomless-pit & at the end of the day one has burned thru a whole bunch of $$$ and the stripper is still in the same predicament, hopeless w/o your continued assistance - IMO it's a fool's errand.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    But if your motivation is so you can keep in contact w/ her then that is more like a business expense.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I gave a stripper a pre-paid cell phone, which limited my risk. The stripper then disappeared. This was not the stupidest thing I've ever done for a stripper.
  • BigPoppa99
    8 years ago
    Okay, I feel you. Was in a similar situation. I bought my ATF a very good pay as you go; type of phone. I also helped her get started by paying the first two months- so she can start saving. In lu of money, she paid me back ITC. Worked out pretty well.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    My fave didn't wear a watch so I bought her one. She liked it.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Why isn't the facebook option good enough for you? Too public? Most young people have at least a junk laptop, making facebook ideal. Plus it doesn't get shut off for non-payment nor does the contact info change -- unlike cell phones.

    For people on the "margins" of society, facebook is about the only consist and reliable why to get hold of them. Mailing addresses and home situations change. Phones change or get shut off. Computers or phones die. But more people can find a computer or someone else's phone SOMEWHERE and log into facebook at least a few times a week. Also people on the margins are more likely to respond to a facebook message/request than an email, IMO.

    With that said, I don't have Facebook.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I'm not sure the deal with her baby daddy. They have 2 together from what I understand. I know he recently got out of jail. Not sure how long he was in, but at least over 2 years best I recall since I met her.

    I have thought about what if I follow through with this what'll be next. I'm definitely look forward to the replies on this thread. Only once have I gifted something to a stripper and that was straight money which we agreed she'd pay me back, but we know how that ended.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Oh also, SUPPOSEDLY her and baby daddy aren't together since he got out. But I can only assume dude doesn't have his stuff together.
  • busta_nut
    8 years ago
    I was involved with a dancer for about 2 1/2 years and for about 1 1/2 over that was exclusive. Her phone broke early on and I put a cheap one on my plan. It cost me $ 10 per month. The good thing is that I had peace of mind because I had total access to the phone account. I could see the history of all the calls and texts and she never knew it. The phone made it for about a year before she dropped it and the insurance paid for a replacement. But I was able to feel comfortable that she was being "faithful" without all the anxiety.. and if the bitch would have fucked up... she would have been without a phone at least temporarily.
    would never do it again...the phone.. lol... date a stripper... yeah.. hahaha.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I think there's a good-chance she's w/ the baby-daddy, after-all they have 2-kids together & she probably can't do any better being a stripper w/ 2 young kids, I assume he doesn't work & can't provide for her & IMHO if you help her out you're probably maintaining the both of them - I'd say don't get involved w/ her personal life b/c IMO you can't really change her condition - the best you can do is pay her for services rendered if you enjoy being w/ her & she can provide for herself w/ the $$$ you pay her.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    Don't do it. PLEASE don't do it.
  • samsung1
    8 years ago
    Yes buy them a cell phone and add parent monitoring to it so you can spy on all their texts. You will be surprised how popular they are.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    No cell phone?
    , just like me then, it's no problem at all.

    People feel addicted to the devices when they don't need to be. You just need to plan ahead of time when you are away from a regulat phone. Talking while driving leads to accidents even though many don't seem to care. Personal time is no longer personal time if work expects you to answer 24/7.

    I'm likely going to end up with one soon paid by my employer for the most part since they want to be able to contact me probably more than I want.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Get her a beeper
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Lol Papi Chulo. I'll get her one.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "But if your motivation is so you can keep in contact w/ her then that is more like a business expense."

    yeah see if you can write that shit off on your taxes.

    no contract - cheap one at walmart - although buying minutes and data will add up over time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Tracfone is probably the best pre-paid value and it rolls over
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    Interesting topic, as I was thinking about buying my CF#2 a new cell phone.
    She has 2 kids and is struggling financially right now.
    I would not pay for the monthly plan though.
    It would only be the second time I have helped a dancer with extra money outside the club.
    Leaning towards not doing it, as I doubt I would get any "extra" benefit from it.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    This is an exercise in proving to yourself that the reason there is limited contact outside of the club is because she wants it that way.

    So, get whatever is cheapest up-front. It will cost less than trying to figure the same thing out by spending ITC for sure.

    There have been stories written here, though, about how the stripper would take the burner phone a customer gave her out of the drawer every week or so to check for sales opportunities and send that once-a-week text to keep him hooked. After all, when a woman really likes you, she will do the little things things like pull the phone you got for her out once a week and text HI BABY REMEMBER THAT TIME YOU SPENT $500 ON ME AND YOU WERE SUCH A GENTLEMAN? :) :) :)
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    Straight talk via Walmart is a good option too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Tracfone is prepaid so a limited amount of minutes & data - if you're area has MetroPCS they are often the cheapest w/ unlimited minutes & data plans - chicks are on the ph constantly so an unlimited plan is probably best.

    How is the $$$ at the club she works at, is it a dive where custies don't spend, is she able to sell dances - if so then she needs to get her butt in gear & take care of her bills.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Although this is EXTREMELY stupid and likely a setup for a rely on you scenario, if you really want to make it work, get dat bitch a mvno service. It's cheap and noncommittal. Can go as low as $19 a month
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Although this is EXTREMELY stupid and likely a setup for a rely on you scenario, if you really want to make it work, get dat bitch a mvno service. It's cheap and noncommittal. Can go as low as $19 a month
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I bought the DS a nice cell phone, and I pay for her service. She is one of the phones in my "family package." However, she is incredibly special and unique. I would never do this for any other dancer.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I don't know if it's a setup, BS, or clever hustle, but I genuinely want to help her out and also keep the lines of communication open for OTC.

    Now that some have chimed in, I would like to maybe get her a start, like a prepay deal from Wal Mart. I don't want to have anything that has me doing a monthly payment or whatever for it to operate.

    I looked over her Facebook today and seems she's cut baby daddy off. I know many have said don't do it, given the nature of these women we're dealing with. However, haven't lived that life or been down real bad, its hard to imagine not having a cell phone since its like a norm these days.

    I had a platoon sergeant when I was in the Army who didn't have a cell phone. Yeah, he hung around the company or was where he needed to be at all times, but he was great in getting info out to us and did an overall great job as a leader in my opinion.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    According to your OP, she already has a ph but no service, meaning IMO she will only have a usable ph as long as someone is paying the service for her, fhe problem w/ folks like this is not being able to pay the monthly service so as I see it as long as you don't keep paying the service for her then most likely she'll be w/o a ph (service) - just my 2 cents, not trying to force the issue just giving it to you how I see-it
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Your are right Papi Chulo. I keep overlooking minor details. Without getting to the bottom of it by just talking to her, I'm trying to explore some options.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Me being "Mr glass half empty", w.r.t. the baby-daddy:

    a) she may post one thing in FB w/ the reality being different (i.e. other people trying to help her out or her own family may not want her to be w/ him so she keeps it on the down lo)

    b) in situations like this I've seen the baby -daddy come in and out of the baby-mama's life, in fact would not be surprised if she had another kid w/ baby-daddy in the not too distant future

    I absolutely can be wrong about all this but I've seen these scenarios b/f
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    As I stated in my original post near the beginning of the thread; from my POV it's not about the ph, just that it can be the start of a slippery-slope where you take on more and more of her issues/financial-burdens b/c you sincerely wanna help her out, but the problem IMO is that unfortunately in most of these circumstances your help is like pouring water on a bucket w/o a bottom - there's a reason she's in the predicament she is & it probably isn't just bad-luck.

    What I post is not to tell you that it absolutely would not work out, just making you aware of what can likely happen that way you'll see it for what it is if it does happen - hope things work out well.
  • chandler
    8 years ago
    Tracfone is by far the cheapest deal I know of. I gave a stripper one that I no longer used that now goes for just $10 new. A pre-paid card for 90 days of texting is $20. Straight Talk's equivalent would cost over $100.

    Then a couple weeks later some other PL went and bought her a new smart phone for like $400.
  • rentz2
    8 years ago
    Things I will never do for $200
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    if you are gonna buy a stripper a cell make sure it is on some kind of prepaid card plan like boost mobile. And make her or her other PL's pay for the cards.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I bought my ATF's phone, and paid the bill, while she was still here. She never failed to respond, even if just to say "I'll call in a bit," so I consider it worth it. Her husband pays it now. :)
  • Ugluck75
    8 years ago
    I have bought some minutes for my ATF in the past but am kind of glad that I have not lately and certainly do not want to get a phone for her. We do not even text that often anyways even though we do regularly meet up so there is no real need in my mind. Plus I kind of grimace with the thought it will be used for all sorts of SS like drugs and hooking up with regulars etc.
  • ididthisonce
    8 years ago
    Did it (got her one) back in the 1990s and it turned out badly. Had a stripper put me on her plan once cause I was married at the time.
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