Why's the luckiest you've felt you've gotten with a stripper shedding some stripper-goodwill your way?
Here's mine:
I met a stripper at an upscale club in Vegas back in March. We decided to meet up the next day and I wasn't sure if this was P4P or she genuinely wanted to just hang out. Prior to our meeting she hinted about money and when we met I threw out a number, she countered and we agreed. It was an insanely high number to me probably low to her for Vegas standards.
Some issues arose that night (out of our hands) and at the end of the night I was hoping to get fucked only to find out she had her monthly visitor. I played it cool and chalked it up as a loss but hoping to meet her again down the road. We parted that night with her saying "I owe you one." We had already determined that I visit her home state often and even stay close to her home. So I knew I'd soon have an opportunity to meet her, the only issue is would she actually show up or even respond to my txts after I got home from Vegas.
Sure as shit I month later I meet her in her home state for some great off the clock free sex making up for my previous good deed. She shrugged her shoulders and said "well I'm a girl and girls have needs too." We were close in age btw.
Just like that she disappeared and I haven't heard from her since. I kinda had a hunch she's a higher end escort because she talked about traveling all over the west cost all the time.
It's amazing how you can remember all these great stripper conquer stories but easily forget all the screw ups and planned meetings that you were stood up on.
I'm not sure one victory evens out all the nights a stripper said "I'll come to your hotel after my shift" where the only woman that showed up was "Rosy Palms."
I went once to my usual and did not have the funds for fun. My regular girl came by and we talked for awhile and then she asked if I "wanted to have some fun". I explained my shortage of money and she said she knew I was good for it and proceeded to give me the $200 treatment for free. I have seen her since but have not paid for this session ,only the ones received henceforth. Something to be said for regulars I guess.
The comment about how one successful night can make you forget the many failed attempts is so true! Even though the women are fickle, it's easy to hang out long enough to see what might happen.
Slightly more than a decade ago, a random stripper in a venue gave me a BBBJ for free, on the house, inside the club's VIP. She approached me and straight up invited me to go to the VIP room with her, absolutely no VIP charge. She told me that the reason why is that she and many of the other dancers in the club privately really liked me as a person and are always immediately happy when I show up and she simply decided to take it upon herself that moment to show that she appreciated me as a patron. (I didn't live in that city, so the girls were used to all the patrons of that area treating them in a particular way.)
Now, a complimentary BBBJ in the VIP for free sounds great and looks great on paper, but to be honest, I couldn't fully enjoy it when it happened because I kept thinking there was some sort of catch either that day or down the road when I returned. She kept reassuring me there was no catch and she was right, there wasn't. The whole thing was awkward, for me though. Again, this sounds great and looks great on paper when you're expecting it or hoping for it to happen as a fantasy or if you've experienced this before. If this has never happened to you like it's never happened to me beforehand, meaning I'm not married, don't have a history of girlfriends so free BBBJ don't fall from the sky for me, typically. So, imagine you're at a strip club that you've been going to once a week for close to a year and you're privately enjoying yourself that night by just being there, you're alone as always, you've been at the club for like an hour or hour and a half that night and suddenly one of the random dancers that you don't know get lap dances from tells you come to the VIP room for free with her, she wants to give you BBBJ for free. You'd be like what's the catch? Who are you? Do you have an STD? Why me when we've never gotten lapdances together? Why now? What if I say no?
A little background on this club--it was a private, legit office that did legit business by day in an office park, turned word-of-mouth secret strip club at night. Since the business dealt with a lot of pretty models in a non-sexual entity by day, the girls posed dressed up for different advertisements, as the story goes and those models by night were invited back to the office to mingle with some cozy male clients and friends of the owners as a chill/relax event. Slowly it evolved into a secret strip club. I started going when it was a 'secret strip club' before it became too overwhelming to manage and folded.
Looking back today, I'm thinking also maybe that dancer noticed at that time, I was still shy about going into VIP and saw that if she could just get me in there, I'd be more comfortable doing VIP in the future. But she never blew me again, the venture folded not too long afterwards.
I do remember afterwards complimenting her like it was the best ever. Don't ever be an ass, let someone do something nice like that for you for free and you make any complaints about everything. Over compliment everything and say it was the best ever because it was free, jackass, don't complain! LOL
by the way, strip clubs is my life. i don't have a life, no wife, no kids, or much outside of SCs, so my stories come from that. and they are true, believe them or not. i like to chronicle them in this site now.
this happened probably in the early 2000s, not necessarily lucky monetary-wise, but just 'lucky' in a post-hook-up venture:
back then, i tried the escort off the newspaper route and i met this one tall escort. she went by the name of london. if you wanna know what she looked like, google irulan wilson from the real world. matter of fact this happened when irulan's episodes was on the air, so i remember when i met this escort, i kept thinking that she looked familiar to me. turned on the tv when i got home and the real world was on with irulan and i was like bingo. this escort was NOT irulan of course. just is the best way i can describe what this escort looked like. by the way, her escort ad was small print, in black-in-white, no picture. i picked it because it mentioned that she was a model and she was local to me, but i had no idea what she'd look like until i saw her face to face at her apt.
so, damn, this was back in the day when sometimes an escort (they still do, but not as often in this area) would have you meet them at their actual place they lived at which is so not safe nowadays. she even gave me a little brief tour of her apartment which was nice. i didn't know this chick nor she know me but the rendez-vous was at her place. we did the do, condom of course. here's where i put this down for my 'lucky-with-a-stripper' category though this was an escort i found from an ad in the back of the city paper...
so she was taking a bath with the door open after we did the do. she never told me to leave her apt and i didn't feel like going anywhere. she's a pleasant person. the door was wide open in her bathroom, she was sitting in a tub full of water and talking to me at the same time. she was very talkative and a gemini if i remember right. i was standing in the doorway of her bathroom. either i got enough courage to ask, or she got tired of me idly hanging around, she allowed me to join her in her open-door bath. free. so i did. removed my clothes, sat behind her in her bathtub and got to bathe her down while she kept talking.
she told me she had plans to go to a cabaret later on that day but she had car problems and pointed out her car in the parking lot to her apt. then asked if i'd drop her off at it. lol. we were still in her apt, she hadn't seen my car yet. i was in-between cars, so i was driving my mom's beat up yellow school bus looking volvo. not hip for a couple of young folks.
we go out to my car and what she's wearing is wild: google britney spears one more time music video. this chick was wearing something similar though it was just the white shirt, no sweater, tied to show off her belly button, no bra at all, a few bottons off the top loose, though she was like a b-cup and the ridiculously short plaid skirt. ridiculously. we looked like such a mis-match but of course i was loving having her in my car. that volvo had big window and it was a sunny spring day so everyone could see directly into my car. and yes, i got a lot of looks at every red light.
so we first drove over to see her gay brother who worked at a hair salon a few blocks from her apt. i can't remember why we visited him, but we both got out of the car and he was there working, so i met him. she introduced me as a friend. then we drove over to roy rogers and picked up some food to go, which i paid for. the whole time the windows are down and the music's up. she's talking and she's happy and i can clearly see through her shirt. which was so embarrassing to be in public with someone who so under dressed and doesn't care. but she was so fine.
i ended up dropping her off at her mother's house, her request. her mother wasn't happy with what she was wearing. she introduced me to her mother as a friend. that was the last i saw of her. back then, i had and still have a 1-time escort rule. i only got with one escort, once. no matter how good or bad. i just feel odd paying someone twice for something. i just feel like it's okay to pay one person once and move on to the next. so i didn't contact her again and she didn't contact me.
maybe 2-3 or so years later, i called her on a whim when i was thinking about her like did that really happen. she still had the same phone number. she remebered me right away and was laughing. she said she was outta town at that moment in totally different city but to call back or she'd call back when she was in town. she never did and i never called her.
i still chalk it up as lucky to connect with an escort like that and was able to spend a few extra hours with her afterwards for free and hangout just being people. and she was so fine. her actual apartment--it wasn't a hotel. met her family members, lol.
I went to a club that was usually jumping on a Friday afternoon, only to find that there were 3 girls to be seen, and only one of them worth seeing. I had decided to finish my drink and head for greener pastures when the single hot dancer approached me, asked to sit down and engaged me in conversation. She had a very Goth look, including having the whole left side of the head shaved to the scalp, but was very pretty under the mascara and black lipstick. We ended up talking for maybe an hour, with a few dances sprinkled in. She'd also come to the conclusion that another club would be a better bet, so I offered to give her a ride. She declined; "No offense, but I don't know you, and it's not smart to go riding with strangers, right? But thanks for offering!"
She went back to change, and I still had a drink to finish. I was getting up as she came out in street clothes (short black skirt, black knee-highs, black Chuck Taylors, Marilyn Manson baseball jersey, lol). She gave me what I thought was a consolation hug, but then she said she had a good vibe about me and would be happy to get a ride if I spent some time at the club with her. ''What a deal," I answered, "You get a free ride and I get to tuck more bills in your thong!" She said it wasn't like that, she just wanted somebody to bring her into the club, and if it was slow we could still chat. I agreed, and away we went.
Once in the truck, she scooted over close and got comfy. We kept yakking, and the drive was pleasant. About a half mile from the second club, she asked me to pull over in a Safeway parking. I figured she needed smokes, so I got pretty close to the entrance, and she redirected me to the middle of the lot. "I'm pretty freaky, but I don't want us getting busted." With that, she started unbuckling and unzipping until I was exposed and throbbing. "I just wanted to thank you", she said and swallowed me. She gave me some of the best head I ever had, then tucked me back in and we proceeded to the club.
You know what funny is? Seeing a girl who's just sucked you off meeting a regular and giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. We stayed in contact for a long time. I'd see her ITC and OTC, help her out with some money from time to time, and one day she just ghosted. I wish her well, wherever she is.
last commentShe's become more of a mistress than anything else.
Now, a complimentary BBBJ in the VIP for free sounds great and looks great on paper, but to be honest, I couldn't fully enjoy it when it happened because I kept thinking there was some sort of catch either that day or down the road when I returned. She kept reassuring me there was no catch and she was right, there wasn't. The whole thing was awkward, for me though. Again, this sounds great and looks great on paper when you're expecting it or hoping for it to happen as a fantasy or if you've experienced this before. If this has never happened to you like it's never happened to me beforehand, meaning I'm not married, don't have a history of girlfriends so free BBBJ don't fall from the sky for me, typically. So, imagine you're at a strip club that you've been going to once a week for close to a year and you're privately enjoying yourself that night by just being there, you're alone as always, you've been at the club for like an hour or hour and a half that night and suddenly one of the random dancers that you don't know get lap dances from tells you come to the VIP room for free with her, she wants to give you BBBJ for free. You'd be like what's the catch? Who are you? Do you have an STD? Why me when we've never gotten lapdances together? Why now? What if I say no?
A little background on this club--it was a private, legit office that did legit business by day in an office park, turned word-of-mouth secret strip club at night. Since the business dealt with a lot of pretty models in a non-sexual entity by day, the girls posed dressed up for different advertisements, as the story goes and those models by night were invited back to the office to mingle with some cozy male clients and friends of the owners as a chill/relax event. Slowly it evolved into a secret strip club. I started going when it was a 'secret strip club' before it became too overwhelming to manage and folded.
Looking back today, I'm thinking also maybe that dancer noticed at that time, I was still shy about going into VIP and saw that if she could just get me in there, I'd be more comfortable doing VIP in the future. But she never blew me again, the venture folded not too long afterwards.
I do remember afterwards complimenting her like it was the best ever. Don't ever be an ass, let someone do something nice like that for you for free and you make any complaints about everything. Over compliment everything and say it was the best ever because it was free, jackass, don't complain! LOL
by the way, strip clubs is my life. i don't have a life, no wife, no kids, or much outside of SCs, so my stories come from that. and they are true, believe them or not. i like to chronicle them in this site now.
this happened probably in the early 2000s, not necessarily lucky monetary-wise, but just 'lucky' in a post-hook-up venture:
back then, i tried the escort off the newspaper route and i met this one tall escort. she went by the name of london. if you wanna know what she looked like, google irulan wilson from the real world. matter of fact this happened when irulan's episodes was on the air, so i remember when i met this escort, i kept thinking that she looked familiar to me. turned on the tv when i got home and the real world was on with irulan and i was like bingo. this escort was NOT irulan of course. just is the best way i can describe what this escort looked like. by the way, her escort ad was small print, in black-in-white, no picture. i picked it because it mentioned that she was a model and she was local to me, but i had no idea what she'd look like until i saw her face to face at her apt.
so, damn, this was back in the day when sometimes an escort (they still do, but not as often in this area) would have you meet them at their actual place they lived at which is so not safe nowadays. she even gave me a little brief tour of her apartment which was nice. i didn't know this chick nor she know me but the rendez-vous was at her place. we did the do, condom of course. here's where i put this down for my 'lucky-with-a-stripper' category though this was an escort i found from an ad in the back of the city paper...
so she was taking a bath with the door open after we did the do. she never told me to leave her apt and i didn't feel like going anywhere. she's a pleasant person. the door was wide open in her bathroom, she was sitting in a tub full of water and talking to me at the same time. she was very talkative and a gemini if i remember right. i was standing in the doorway of her bathroom. either i got enough courage to ask, or she got tired of me idly hanging around, she allowed me to join her in her open-door bath. free. so i did. removed my clothes, sat behind her in her bathtub and got to bathe her down while she kept talking.
she told me she had plans to go to a cabaret later on that day but she had car problems and pointed out her car in the parking lot to her apt. then asked if i'd drop her off at it. lol. we were still in her apt, she hadn't seen my car yet. i was in-between cars, so i was driving my mom's beat up yellow school bus looking volvo. not hip for a couple of young folks.
we go out to my car and what she's wearing is wild: google britney spears one more time music video. this chick was wearing something similar though it was just the white shirt, no sweater, tied to show off her belly button, no bra at all, a few bottons off the top loose, though she was like a b-cup and the ridiculously short plaid skirt. ridiculously. we looked like such a mis-match but of course i was loving having her in my car. that volvo had big window and it was a sunny spring day so everyone could see directly into my car. and yes, i got a lot of looks at every red light.
so we first drove over to see her gay brother who worked at a hair salon a few blocks from her apt. i can't remember why we visited him, but we both got out of the car and he was there working, so i met him. she introduced me as a friend. then we drove over to roy rogers and picked up some food to go, which i paid for. the whole time the windows are down and the music's up. she's talking and she's happy and i can clearly see through her shirt. which was so embarrassing to be in public with someone who so under dressed and doesn't care. but she was so fine.
i ended up dropping her off at her mother's house, her request. her mother wasn't happy with what she was wearing. she introduced me to her mother as a friend. that was the last i saw of her. back then, i had and still have a 1-time escort rule. i only got with one escort, once. no matter how good or bad. i just feel odd paying someone twice for something. i just feel like it's okay to pay one person once and move on to the next. so i didn't contact her again and she didn't contact me.
maybe 2-3 or so years later, i called her on a whim when i was thinking about her like did that really happen. she still had the same phone number. she remebered me right away and was laughing. she said she was outta town at that moment in totally different city but to call back or she'd call back when she was in town. she never did and i never called her.
i still chalk it up as lucky to connect with an escort like that and was able to spend a few extra hours with her afterwards for free and hangout just being people. and she was so fine. her actual apartment--it wasn't a hotel. met her family members, lol.
She went back to change, and I still had a drink to finish. I was getting up as she came out in street clothes (short black skirt, black knee-highs, black Chuck Taylors, Marilyn Manson baseball jersey, lol). She gave me what I thought was a consolation hug, but then she said she had a good vibe about me and would be happy to get a ride if I spent some time at the club with her. ''What a deal," I answered, "You get a free ride and I get to tuck more bills in your thong!" She said it wasn't like that, she just wanted somebody to bring her into the club, and if it was slow we could still chat. I agreed, and away we went.
Once in the truck, she scooted over close and got comfy. We kept yakking, and the drive was pleasant. About a half mile from the second club, she asked me to pull over in a Safeway parking. I figured she needed smokes, so I got pretty close to the entrance, and she redirected me to the middle of the lot. "I'm pretty freaky, but I don't want us getting busted." With that, she started unbuckling and unzipping until I was exposed and throbbing. "I just wanted to thank you", she said and swallowed me. She gave me some of the best head I ever had, then tucked me back in and we proceeded to the club.
You know what funny is? Seeing a girl who's just sucked you off meeting a regular and giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. We stayed in contact for a long time. I'd see her ITC and OTC, help her out with some money from time to time, and one day she just ghosted. I wish her well, wherever she is.