
stripper sexual harrassment come on now!!!


What a fucked up and wrong article. First off yes dancers are not employees because that makes more sense when it comes to income. Paying out more money comes with being considered an employee. Being self employeed makes more sense. And the comment about exposing your body. That's the fucking job!!! You are there to get naked I mean come on. Would it be nice to have medical coverage or disability if you hurt yourself...sure but again it cost money and that's why we do this job. It cracks me up that some girls want to be shy or hide what they do. Your main job is to show off your body for money that's what you do. Part psychologist and part pussy and tit show off. Club owners make money on what girls like us live on. Money and being the center of attention. Party girls that live on this make clubs money. You work long enough and your ass will get smacked and if your lucky that's the worst that happens. You surround yourself with drunk guys and put your tits and ass in their face... doesn't take a genious to figure out what happens. And the point of DJ and managers treating you bad is completely obvious. We (dancers) don't really care about most of them and they don't really care about us. They see a girl that is a whore. One that comes to work nightly and strips for all the free world to see. Not saying we (dancers) are but that's what they see. Some clubs are straight out legit others aren't. But girls flock to the money just like I do. And they know whats required before they even start. So to claim anything other then that is not right. Sexual harassment may happen but you know what your get yourself into most of the time. Some auditions is show up and either get hired or fired others require more. Again club dependent. Articles like this make me wanna talk for days...


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Just more sour grapes by Brandi Campbell.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    That was a great rant, Poledancer!
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    aww thanks :)
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    you know what I learned from this article....Dean Martin has a street named after him. Lucky bastard.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I wonder what she'd say when a stripper I know who worked in Vegas, had a bouncer jerk off and cum on her face when she was intoxicated? Would that be considered harassment?
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Either the independent contractor model or the employee model can work if both parties approach it with integrity.

    For example, sexual harassment should not be tolerated in either system. Either system should ensure that a dancer, who dances sufficient hours (ie - 40) in a week should walk away with sufficient money on which to live.

    Employees should get health coverage and workers comp. Independent contractors should have access to reasonably priced, pooled healthcare, which Obamacare is supposed to provide.

    In Ontario, dancers are employees who also participate in tip income. They are fully covered, like every citizen and resident alien, by the Ontario health system. (Note:. I will not discuss the problems of the Ontario health system, which are manifold!) I have not noticed any significant difference in the experience between Ontario's model and, for instance, Baltimore's. Actually, the average dancer "hotness" factor may have been slightly better in Ontario.

    I think that defining dancers as employees would go a long way toward destigmatizing dancing as a career choice.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Speaking about the pay structure/employment model.... It really just comes down to basic economics.

    Dancers will work where they receive more than they would at another profession or club provided other things are equal. Otherwise they would quit and opt for the better option. It isn't slavery.

    Keep in mind that there is more to compensation than hard cash (lifestyle, hour flexibility, access to drugs, free advertising for supplemental OTC income,...) and the differences in work (effort, skills required, willingness to provide extras, ...) across professions/clubs need to be factored in as well.

    To some, working at the local Wawa is a better option even though the pay may be less. Thankfully there are plenty that are happy to provide good 2 way contact for a reasonable fee (plus tip of course).

    I just realized this doesn't have anything to do with PD83's original post, but I typed it on my phone so after that effort I'll post it anyway.

    Harassment is bad. No question about that....

    But there is too much crying wolf unfortunately. It's like all the BS about bullying nowadays. Teasing and being teased is a part of growing up.
    Being leered at and putting up with some objectionable behavior is something that should be expected when agreeing to do this job. It's why the compensation can be very good. There is a line that can't be crossed, but I think the line is a bit different in SCs than for other work places.

    Sorry for rambling on.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    A lot of these suits are disingenuous. Many of these are just thinly veiled tactics used by dancers existing the business to fuck the system over for one last payday (lawsuit). They don't really give a fuck if or how it affects current or new dancers trying to make a living.

    With that said, yes, real sexual harassment is bad and should not be tolerated. But that is not what is being discussed by Ms. Brandi Campbell.

    The stripping business is definitely a SINK OR SWIM career. Not all women cut neither cut out for it nor other sex work. Too bad. Get a job at Wawa.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Here is a couple takes from the article that get me laughing....

    1. I could only charge $20 because of club rules..... Well bitch move to a different club if you think you can get more.

    2. Employee vs Independent Contractor......
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Fucking hit enter by accident....

    2. Employee vs independent contractor....

    - You are not the only independent contractors out there in the world. Most Realtors or anyone who works solely off commissions. They don't get work comp, they don't get health insurance, they don't get the same shit you are bitching about.

    - If you are worried about getting hurt (ie: turning an ankle and what not) get a disability insurance policy. It would even cover you when you get hurt outside of the job. Contractors get these and if they hurt their back while picking up their kids at home.... it pays because they are missing work!!

    - Well the club would have to keep more strict count on dances....ie: you did 5 dances for $20 a piece and now we need to tax that $100. Instead of you give us our cut and you do what you will with the tax man.

    We could go on and on about the tax implications and how more restrictions would be happening....ie: counting the actual money the dancers make and reporting it to the IRS. I know they wont want that... HAHA
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    This is as idiotic as the article that posited air conditioning offices enabled male privilege.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Think Progress is a left wing, liberal site and yet this article is even incredibly stupid by those low standards. First off; the sexual harassment laws don't apply just because you're a w-2 employee and not a 1099 employee. Same law applies t0 both situations. In addition, all strippers in at least massachusetts are w-2 employees even though I doubt they share their full service and blow job money with the club or other employees. Never mond, this is giving me heat stroke, oh I mean pneumonia....
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I agree with most of what you're saying. But dancers do have a right not to be harassed by staff.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    JamesSD +1
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Harassment..... yeah they don't deserve it from Staff or bosses...

    But the fine line that is sexual harassment (ie unwanted advances) from a customer is one that I think she might be talking about in the article. Think about what their job is... getting naked and making people believe in a "fantasy" type situation. I mean a fat ugly slob will have a 10 all over him and flirting with him. So if that customer talks sexual with her, asks for OTC or ITC, etc. That in the "normal" work field is considered sexual harassment. So again... she doesn't like the work environment..... LEAVE. Just like when she was talking about she should charge more than what the club said she could charge.... well then leave. If a worker in a factory can make $10 more an hour in a different factory.... odds are they will leave. Same principle.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    "I mean a fat ugly slob will have a 10 all over him and flirting with him. "

    Hmmmm... Why don't I have a 10 all over me and flirting with me? Oh, let's add a little to the custy description.

    "I mean a fat ugly slob with $$$$ will have a 10 all over him and flirting with him. "

    That explains it.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Flagooner...... Exactly.

    Also... if she thinks what I said above is sexual harassment.... How about if she comes up and touches a PL, sits on his lap, etc.... Should she be charged with sexual harassment???
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Only if he asks her politely to get off and she refuses. Being told to cease and not stopping is the crux of harassment.
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