My experience with seeking arrangement and What's your price using a free accoun

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
My experience with seeking arrangement and What's your price using a free account....payed accounts coming this Friday then a follow up a week later on my findings.

Of course this is a small sample size but I've accomplished alot in a few day's of joining. Free accounts on both sites so I can't communicate but I can depending on the site send winks, offers, and favorites people's.

On Seeking arrangement I've had over 20 ppl message me already and 5 of them favorites my account. Most are from out of state or Inga Lily but after I hit up over 200 local girls within 100 miles of my location I've been getting more in state messages. Although I still get the filling I'm to broke for the girls on this site lol

On What's your price I've winked and sent offers to over 100 girls within 100 miles of my location. So Far I've received 10 accepted offers of $50-$100 and 2 offers for me to pay them $100. This site seems more in my budget and I seem to get more locals to respond. I really haven't had any strange UK, or Japan accounts contact me on this site unlike the other one. Witch is funny because it's ran By the same guy.

This Friday I'm buying a months upgrade to both sites and seeing what happens with the conversation and hopeful some dates with a lil something something involved.


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avatar for TravelingGolfer
8 years ago
Thanks for the update Juice. I signed up for a WYP account, to check it out, but just have a free account for now. A few observations I've made so far. WYP seems to have less women and a fair amount of them seem to not have been active in a while. I've noticed some women on WYP who are also on SA. Casting a wider net I guess. I may upgrade my WYP account once my SA paid subscription expires, to check it out further.

Here's my gut feeling. With WYP, I think you'll wind up paying the $50 or $100 'date fee' to get them to show up, plus you'll be buying them dinner. I have a feeling the majority of women on that site won't hook up for that alone. I have a feeling you'll either need to give them more cash that night, or on a 2nd date, to get intimate with them. It seems most are looking for sugar relationships or just to get a free dinner and their appearance fee, without anything intimate. I could be wrong and there may be exceptions to the rule, but I have a feeling that's how it will go down. So, ultimately, you could actually wind up paying a little more on WYP because you have to pay them the appearance fee, while on SA you can see them for free the first time.

Anyway, thanks for keeping us in the loop. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures and good luck!
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
^Ah. Prey upon the 'ole Sunk Costs Fallacy. That's clever of them. Nickel and dime.
avatar for mrrock
8 years ago
I've had a whatsyourprice account for a while. You don't really pay a monthly fee or anything but you buy credits to unlock convo with the girls who wink you or offer to date youbfor x amount. I've been on a good half dozen dates with girls from there. They are flakey just like strippers!

The last one was bi-polar so fairly nuts but she fucked cheap! Lol Well worth it if you arnt looking for anything substantial.
avatar for Beaver_Hunter
8 years ago
How complete did you fill out your profile and did you lie your ass off?
avatar for Beaver_Hunter
8 years ago
Is there a way to see the daddies profiles, so I can get an idea what is typical in a profile?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Unless you've really got money to pass out, I would suggest just meeting girls the old fashioned way.

avatar for bman77
8 years ago
SA is a good site to have some fun on. You'll come across some women on there that aren't sex worker types and can usually spend a a few hours with the girl and hit a few times instead of an hourly escort rate. It is so much better than hiring an escort it's not even funny.I've met a few bartenders, a surgeon's ex-wife, a salon owner, a few government workers, and just recently a middle school math teacher. Now to be sure, there are still escorts,strippers, and scam artistson there, but that site has a surprising number of normal, educated working women. 200-500 for a date has been my experience, with the date usually being meet for drinks and then hangout and have fun a few hours. The $500 girls were 8's or above to me. The money goes a lot further than hiring an escort or going to the VIP room. you can usually hit it a few times and take your time.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Travel and everyone else thanks for the to respond because I'm working 16 days 6 days a week last few weeks so damn lol.

I get the feeling what you say is correct. I've been doing a lot of online research on them and it gives the impression that it will be like this.

Although I'm still relevant young in the hobby I've learned a lot with experiences and online forums and older men answering questions.

It seems for the most part wither it's strip club, massage parlors, hookers, online dating, online sugar, escort agencies and what ever else that helps facilitate the pay for play situations...that the typical fee is a $100 or so for getting to know each other with sex for the most part not happening with some cases being sex does go down...usually sex happens after at least $500 has been transferred and people get more comfortable with each other.

So I'm cool and actually prefer this because I don't do well in bed on a one night stand situation. I do my best once I've developed some kind-of relationship with them then enjoy more of a lovemaking situations...

I will keep ppl updated on my findings as I'm actually going to dedicate about 2 years to this to gain a large enough sample to make more informed decision to keep this as a tool or not in finding pay for play
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Bm bro it the hammer on the head...that's what I'm praying for

Over the years I've been upset with the lack of true value my money gets me

I'm willing to spend $500-$1,000 for super hot girls if I can get more time with them and more of a GF experience at my home or hers.

Don't get me wrong I will always strip club because it's a beautiful platform to find a lady that can provide a GF experience OTC

Witch is truly what I'm looking for that and Max value for the largebamounts of monies I will spend
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Beaver no I did not lie about my account I was actually honest on how of a budget daddy I am
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
My account shows I make $50k and down and my networth is $100k and down

I also have down that I can't give allowances but pay as you go basicly lol a true broke beginner sugar daddy...I'm also 35 and look young.

If I'm getting responses I can only imagine what a older guy with money like John Smith gets
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
I think John met his dream civie on a horny milf site.
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