
One should always keep one eye open when dealing w/ these dancers

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of Baby Dolls Dallas:

"... Had a nice visit to Baby Dolls, but also got a reminder to always be careful dealing with strippers. Got there at about 11:30 p.m. on a Tuesday evening after an underwhelming visit to the Men’s Club, which is less that a mile away. I took Uber so I don’t know what parking costs (if anything). I also don’t remember the cover charge exactly, but I know it wasn’t over $10 or I would remember.

This club is big and upscale looking—not extra luxe like the Men’s Club, but definitely upscale. Past the entry is the large main floor, dominated by a very large island bar. I’m pretty sure there were at least 50+ guys in there and the atmosphere was lively, but because of the size of the place, it didn’t look crowded. A couple of dancers complained to me that it was a slow evening, but it looked far from that to me.

The main stage is to the right. A series of six smaller satellite stages circle the main floor, two to the right of the main stage, two to the left, and two at the rear of the bar. Behind the main stage is somewhat secluded seating area apparently used mainly for lap dances. I think I saw a guy or two sitting alone back there, but I’m not sure why. There is wall separating this area from the main club floor, so you can’t see any of the seven stages if you’re back there. It seems really weird to me for someone to sit back there watching other guys getting lap dances. I don’t know—maybe they were waiting for a girl to come back from the bathroom or something, but it didn’t look like it.

To the left of main bar is a stairway leading to an upstairs area. At the top of the stairs is another bar, with chairs and tables on either side. These seemed to be the prime lap dance areas as most of the chairs were filled with guys getting dances. The sides of the top level form a mezzanine overlooking the main club area, with small private rooms along each side. There are no stages upstairs, all the stage dancing is downstairs.

I took a seat a the downstairs bar, which has a nice feature I have never seen before: an icey, refrigerated strip that runs through the middle of the bar to keep your drink cool. Beer was average strip club pricing—about $5—but I can’t remember exactly. I hadn’t even finished paying for my beer when I was approached by a cute, petite Blasian. She had a really cute face, caramel skin, and a nice slender body with a deliciously round ass, and what looked like a nice B-cup chest, but she was wearing a tight fitting body suit so it was hard to really fully assess the boob situation with her. She chatted for a bit and then inquired about some $20 lap dances. I was tempted, but I had been in the place for less than five minutes and was not ready to bite until I have the chance to survey the scene for a bit, so she drifted off and I looked around a bit.

Girls start at the main stage and rotate around clockwise doing one song on each stage, getting topless on each of the stages. The dancers were of a variety of shapes and sizes, mostly white or Latina, but also a few Asians and AAs. Most looked youngish, but there were a few MILF types, too. All were pretty good looking, ranging from 6 to 9 on my scale. The center of mass was probably in the 8 range. It’s nice to walk into a large, lively, upscale club and see seven nice looking strippers dancing topless simultaneously. It just the kind of debauched atmosphere I like. It was hard to get a count on the dancers because the place is so big and there were so many milling around.

Sitting at the bar, I was approached on a fairly regular basis by girls asking for dances. Some would chat for a few moments, but all got down to the business of asking for dances pretty quickly. Eventually a curvy Cubana stopped by that struck my fancy, so we went to the upstairs seating area. The dances were pretty good. Nice grinding and mutual contact, and she encouraged groping. After the first song she started hustling for more, or for VIP, but I wasn’t interested. I hung out at the upstairs bar for a while, where a fairly regular stream of dancers came by looking for dances. I got a few more dances upstairs, then moved back to the downstairs bar.

I sat at the downstairs bar for a bit and, to my great surprise, a dancer that had given me dances a couple of weeks ago at Follies in Atlanta walked by. I got a dance from her at the bar for old times sake, but I knew she wouldn’t be up for what I was really after (OTC), so I only got one. I sampled one or two other dancers, and made some discrete inquiries about OTC entertainment, but didn’t get any positive responses. By now, it was past 1:30 and closing time was 2:00, so I was beginning to think my evening’s entertainment would end when I left the club. That’s when the cute Blasian showed back up and asked me if I was ready for a dance with her. I was.

We went to the area behind the main stage for a couple of dances. I hadn’t seen her dance on stage that evening, so I was pleasantly surprised when she took off her top to reveal a very, very nice, set of natural B-cups. They were perfect, hand-sized mounds, topped with chocolate colored, puffy nipples that looked like giant Hershey Kisses. Yum. When I asked if she was interested in continuing the festivities at my hotel, she seemed a bit hesitant but didn’t say no. After a little bit of discussion, she said okay, she would come by after the club closed, so we exchanged numbers and I left.

Back at the hotel, I got a text saying she wasn’t sure if she could make it and wanted to know if I was open for the following evening. This was not an entirely unexpected development as one never knows how these scenarios will play out for sure until the play has ended. I replied I wasn’t sure. I figured that was the last I would hear of her. I had a pretty good time at the club, and no money was invested up front, so I didn’t really care that much. Fifteen minutes later I get a text saying she was in the lobby, so I go down to meet her.

She looked better in street clothes than she did in her stripper outfit. She said she was 21, and I believe it. She was wearing tight hip hugger jeans and a red, cropped tube top with no bra, so I could see those Hershey Kisses standing up underneath. She asked if she could stay the night. She looked so damn good, against my better judgment, I say sure, whatever you want. Anyway, it would be only a few hours since I have to get up early.

Upstairs we go. The first thing she wants to do is take a shower. When she gets done, she insists I take a shower as well. Okay, but being the suspicious bastard I am, I make sure the security latch is on the door, I go into the bathroom wearing my jeans, with wallet in the pocket, and I leave the door open so I have a good view of the room and the door, and her laying in the bed wrapped in a towel. After the shower, we have some fun, and then curl up for a few ZZs.

Now, I know this cute 21-year old didn’t have a burning desire to spend all night with me because of my magnetic personality and good looks. Maybe she had a transportation issue at that hour, or some other valid reason for wanting to stay the night. But I had this sneaking suspicion that she insisted I take a shower hoping I would leave my wallet in the room and take a shower with the door closed, in which case she would empty my wallet and take off, so I figured I would sleep with one eye open, so to speak. Sure enough, after she thinks I’m asleep, she got up and got dressed, then laid back down on the bed next to me and started gently tugging on my watchband. I wear a diver’s watch with a safety clasp, and she obviously couldn’t figure out how to take it off. I just pretended to sleep while she continued to try to figure out how to open the watch clasp for over a half-hour without tugging on it hard enough to wake me. It was really almost comical.

Eventually, she figured it out, opened the clasp, and started to pull the watch off my wrist. This is when I decided to “wake up” and ask her what she was doing, before she could take off out the door. She didn’t miss a beat—just denied she was doing anything and claimed she just woke up too, and that my watchband must have come loose accidentally (which it has never done before in more than 25 years of wearing it night and day). I wasn’t really even pissed because I didn’t really trust her in the first place. I had gotten what I wanted, but she apparently hadn’t. She pretended everything was OK, said she would text me and headed out the door. Haven’t heard from her since and don’t expect to.

Baby Dolls is a real nice club and you can have a bunch of fun there, but as always, watch out for yourself ..."



  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    good read, thanks for sharing Chulo

    two things

    1. What's a blasian?

    2. Am I correct in assuming strippers are bigger risk takers than most girls? Just seems unlikely that women would feel safe enough to meet up with a random dude that she JUST met in the club
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Blasian I believe is a mixed black/Asian chick (should be in UrbanDictionary.com)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah; having a stripper stick around after the deed is done is probably not a good idea especially one one does not know well.

    Down here in Miami there have been numerous news stories of young hot chicks trolling trendy bars and nightclubs looking for guys to go home w/ which they subsequently drug and rip-off and take their stuff and $$$ - seems to kinda be a thing going on these days.
  • Chili Palmer
    8 years ago
    1. Blasian: Black/asian hybrid. Often a very nice mixture of races.

    2. How many strippers have you had in a club instantly do reach ins and more after just moments of conversation or less? I couldn't even count that high from my personal experience. So yes, strippers can be more sexually adventurous when chasing that almighty dollar than the average sex worker. That's one of the things that makes them more appealing to those who don't wish to part with sensitive personal information.

    3. Anyone who lets a stripper stay the night deserves about the same fate as someone who uses the club ATM. At least this guy wasn't already head over heels "in love" and kept his guard up.

  • sinclair
    8 years ago
    The poster is lucky the blasian did not open the room door while he was in the shower. He could have ended up being robbed at gunpoint by the stripper's pimps/boyfriends.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    I was probably there that day. It is slow right now, especially early in the week. Most dancers just sit around.
    Papi, just to let you know, there's even more Cuban dancers now. You should come pay them a visit. Too bad they are not chocolate. Most of them easily pass as Caucasian.

    I will look out for any Blasians next time I'm at Baby Dolls, lol.

    Who in their right mind, would let a stranger stay overnight?
    No stripper will ask to spend the night at no extra charge. That's a huge red flag. She is out to rob you for sure.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    @Vavarian the blasian is probably only into rich studs. You gotta show money to get her attention, and watches and jewellery

    What a conondrum. How do you show off that you're not pump faking and really are a wealthy stud (even if you really are lying). You can wear your fancy watch your family bought/gave you years ago but then your the target of a stripper robbery. YOu can NOT wear jewellery, but you won't get that extra special awesome attention you what. What a pickle. Ah well, all fake everything and hope she is stupid ^_^
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    OTC is fraught with risks. I would never let a stripper stay the night.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    At least you didn't wake up with a kidney missing. It happens. :)
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