
Paying for a stripper's time

Should you pay a stripper to dine with you? I say no. It's enough that you're paying for her food and presumably getting better acquainted for possible OTC fun. I've had five restaurant meals with strippers, three of them immediately before or after hotel room BJs and the other two just getting-to-know-you sessions. Though these meals didn't lead anywhere, they provided great eye candy and were better than eating alone :)


  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    OTC? I wouldn't. I pay for ITC time, yes, that is often true. And I'm starting to break that habit. But I wouldn't pay for OTC time. I consider that time (drinks, meal, socializing) to be uncompensated time to lead up to the 1 hour bedroom time, which you do pay for.

    If I wanted that shit, I'd just get an escort (they bill same rate per hour whether you're fucking them or not).
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    When I was greener as a SCer I would have said no b/c I was more naive and thought it was not business w.r.t. her spending time w/ me.

    Now - if I feel she for some reason, w/e that reason may be, genuinely wants to spend time w/ me; then no - but o/w if it's just b/c it's business and she's doing it b/c she feels she has to (e.g. to keep a reg happy; etc); then I would say yes to paying her for her time - it is my default PL position that I don't take up a dancer's time ITC nor OTC unless I plan to spend $$$ on her - so if I'm gonna get the benefit of having arm-candy then there should be something in it for her and I don't think a free meal is doing them any great favor since what they want and need is $$$ to pay the bills.

    Having said this I'm still not sure I'd pay b/c I don't like paying a dancer just for her time but at the same I don't like to take-up their time *just* for my benefit - but if the OTC date was to include payment for something other than dinner; then I would not pay-her for dinner on top of that but then again I'm not inclined to asking dancers out for dinner unless again for w/e reason they may actually want to hang-out.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    I agree with not paying for her time during meals. If you already have shared meals with 5 and only paid for the food, why would you pay for the time with a 6th?

    Of course, the details matter. If you want to eat lunch with her every day, it would be reasonable for it to be compensated. When it happens rarely, I would see it more as more of a perk like how vendors take me out for lunch now and then.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I have taken a couple of strippers out for lunch/dinner with no sex involved and no, I did not pay them for their time. When I do make an offer to a stripper for an OTC P4P I tell them how much I'm offering for the sex and add that I'll throw in dinner if they want but I don't pay for the dinner time. A few months ago one agreed to the $300 for an hour of sex but wanted $500 if it included her time for dinner. Well she didn't get anything. I didn't like her attitude.
  • Player11
    8 years ago
    if u want her sit at table at club money for her time can keep her there
    I simply make them offer for otc p4p. when sex over they on way. I have taken them out duinner afterwards and only pay for date. one flirted w waiter trying solicit for prostitution - disrespectful bitch. another paranoid these older women talking about her being whore bc she w older man (me). current one leaves when sex over fine w mw. she lets me take naked pics for free b4 sex. I did her thru her marriage now she in relationship but she available for p4p whenever I want - their being relationship does not interfere w them meeting up 4 p4p - I guess ben trumps all
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    @ppwh: I wouldn't pay for time with a 6th! I stated my view and am asking what others think.
    @Player11: Huh?
  • K
    8 years ago
    I don't . These sessions are to discuss what will be paid for and how much . It helps us avoid misunderstandings and also develop some chemistry .
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    You already are paying. The currency is food.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I pay for the stripper's time she's sucking my dick.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I say no.

    Ask ricky. He spent over 3K talking to a dancer once
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    When I take them out for a meal, the meal is their compensation. I agree with the others that have said. No cash for their time. If they don't want to, no great loss.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    I will buy a dancer drinks if she wants to hang out but no on just paying them to be there.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I don't pay for a stripper's time to eat. I don't get all uppity about it, I don't have any stake-in-the-ground, "her meal is her payment fergoshsakes" or whatever. It's just that this is the way I like it, and there are plenty of strippers who are happy with this arrangement, so there's no reason for me to compromise or change.

    ITC: as I've said many times, a meal is the single best investment in the club -- a $13 burger (which we often split, so $9 spent on her counting waitress tip) buys me close to an hour's time. Perhaps I couldn't get away with this if I was going to Saturday night shifts, but on Wednesday dayshift? Very few girls in the place won't buy into this

    OTC: I pay for exactly one thing, the sex. All time spent drinking, eating, partying, is just free time. No girl has ever argued this -- this is one of the huge reasons to pick strippers over escorts (strippers are better looking than escorts, plus 5 hours with an escort could cost $1000 easily, where with a stripper, I pay the $250 or whatever I negotiated for the sex and that's it)
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Subraman is absolutely right about the high value of buying a meal for a stripper in the club. On Friday afternoon, during the recovery time between our two VIP sessions, my club favorite and I shared a remarkably good dinner -- steak, fries, Texas toast, and salad -- that was the house special for $5 each! Now what I actually paid was $40 for two $5 dinners, a $9 pina colada for my girl, a $9 shot for another girl who sometimes blows me when #1 isn't working, a $7 beer for me, and a $5 tip for the waitress, but it was money very well invested for spending most of an hour with my two favorites at that club and a friend who joined us. (He bought his own drink!)

    I just wouldn't ever pursue a stripper who demanded that I pay her for her time while eating in a restaurant. There are too many excellent ecdysiasts without such expectations.
  • TippingDollars
    8 years ago
    Fuck that shit because I ain't the one. That's a quote from a N.W.A song and you should take that into the strip club my friend. I pay for my own drinks and lap dances and rooms and that's about it. I tell every girl I don't buy drinks or food for anyone. It's a strip club and I'm here to pay for you to dance on me or on stage. And if she agrees to fuck or a blowy outside the club just pay for that. Nothing more my friend.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I'd never heard of paying a stripper to sit and talk in a club before TUSCL. I guess while I can understand why you'd do it, I never have. I would never pay a girl for her time OTC. The food, drink, movie, ball game, whatever is the compensation. The only time I'd pay for OTC would be getting my dick wet.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    The very rare times that I have done a lunch or dinner date with a dancer, I have only paid for the meal and drinks. I've never paid the dancer simply for time and I never will. I'm not that much of a sucker.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    Ph boy this has been talked about before on here. NO! NO! NO! it's ok to buy a stripper dinner but you should not pay them to eat it with you. Make dinner part of the whole experience. Pay her for sex not time. And she only goes to lunch or dinner with you buy the food and don't give her anything extra. Only 80 year olds do silly shit like that. No offence!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"I tell every girl I don't buy drinks or food for anyone. It's a strip club and I'm here to pay for you to dance on me or on stage."

    To each their own, of course, if that's the way you feel. That said, while you're going around espousing your philosophy, I'm sitting and groping your fave for an hour, for a measly $9 investment in food plus a shot or two. Food is almost always the best investment in the club, for anyone who doesn't dismiss it for philosophical reasons (or, who just plain doesn't like eating with strippers). Again, totally understand if it's just not your thing... but buying food is one of the smartest decisions you can make, if it IS your thing.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^ Very true. A few months back a bought a pizza to split with 2 dancers. (The Dancers had hinted that they really like the pizza here.) It easily bought me 40 minutes with the two of them for only $10 on a Sunday evening.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    I have no hard and fast rule. It depends. Depends on how much you've spent, how much you may spend in the future, timing, and too many other numerous factors to consider. Generally boils down to who's getting the benefit.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    The few times I have seen a dancer OTC they were MY clinet is a family law case and were paying me. I wouldn't pay them for anything OTC.
  • Rabbit21
    8 years ago
    I can't imagine paying for time. She is there to close a sale, and I make it clear if I am not interested. I will still be nice but will certainly tell them that I will buy a drink but am not particularly interested in a dance. That said if she decides to hang out, then that's on her and not me. I've gotten the I spent time with you guilt trip and always laughed it off.
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