She puked all over my manjina

avatar for Rick_the_Bear
In a recent OTC encounter, the girl started puking her guts out 5 minutes after we started a 69. I mean she couldn't take her face out of the toilet for ten or more minutes. The bathroom door was open and I got to watch it first hand. She claimed that she was very drunk, but I know that early this morning I had made love to a filthy hooker from Craigslist and didn't wash I mean she didn't seem that drunk to me when we left the club, though who knows as this girl can really drink.

So what would you chaps have done? Would you have given her a ride home or maybe even to a hospital? Would you have given her money? I am curious as to how others would have handled this.


avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
I bet that filthy hooker was a bouncer. She puked because she tasted shit on a stick
Wait..... First the Stripper who says all mongers are disgusting with the my little pony avatar giving that 'penthouse forums' piece where she ends up gagging and throwing up on the guy's dick (long forum troll) and now....a piece from the 'customer' who uses a carebear avatar and talks about a girl throwing up on his.....

I'm not Sherlock Holmes (or John the Wadd for that matter) but it makes me wonder if it is the same author troll ???
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