
Independence Day - not the movie

Friday, July 1, 2016 8:30 AM
The ATF has gotten hypercritical, but the things she says don't make sense. She does exactly what she criticizes me for. It is almost as if yshe's addressing a mirror. Is this scapegoating a projection of the things she doesn't like about herself? I think the expiration date is beyond the point of salvaging the core by scraping off the mold... I have decided that I am keeping the car I bought her, a beautiful classic 1982 Yugo, and driving it to Shailynn's for the holiday weekend so he can show me the ropes about stamp collecting.


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I believe there is a medical term for it called "bitches be crazy"
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Wait aren't you in kansas? You sure that yugo is gonna make it to the east coast? In all seriousness I remember you did say you bought her a car, how did you give it to her and manage to get it back? This would certainly be an interesting story. You need to move on, all you do is talk about how much drama she brings. I know it's hard but you need need to find a new one since stamps doesn't seem to crave your desires. The bits and pieces you've shared on this one - she's given you more drama than the last 6 strippers I had "relationships" with combined. Not that I'm that cool, it's hat yours gives way too much drama for any sane guy to handle.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    It's olny1K miles. I left yesterday and should be there in time for the fireworks. Recovering the car was easy, I just picked it up and put it in the trunk of my 1971 Fleetwood. Yeah, there are a half dozen in line vying for her place, damn fine and desirable women who'd give me ten times the mileage for a fraction of the cost, and zero PITA factor to boot. The only problem is that they aren't her, but these days, neither is she, for that matter. So yeah, I'll trade the Yugo for your stamp collection and ride a bus home. I love taking the bus. the sights, the sounds, the smells (ooof), the fleas.... Yeah, you haven't really seen America until you've traversed it by bus!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Imamutt, assuming you are pretty drama-free yourself, another dancer would be happy to take your $$ and spend time with you. I think you should stop spending time and money on this ATF.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Imamutt listen to Dominic77 - he's one of the few guys on here that pulls more free ass than me. Plus he's smarter than me but that's not really saying much.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    The irony is that I am constantly turning down amazing offers. Getting laid isn't a challenge. I could have all the free pussy that I can handle, ITC, OTC, civvie, it's no big deal. It's there for the taking, but not what I want. I don't want or need drama, it just seems to be part of the package. Why will a moth keep flying into a flame until it is completely consumed? The flame doesn't have empathy for the moth, it is indifferent, but the moth can't resist no matter how badly or how many times it gets burned.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    "A beautiful classic 1982 Yugo" Brilliant!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Do you think secretly you love the drama? I had a friend who only dated crazy girls. All he would do was bitch about how much grief they would give him. On the rare occasion he'd meet a normal girl and when she didn't give him the usually dose of drama he'd come to expect in a relationship, he would dump em and move on. It was like the drama was something he could finally bitch about. In his perfect life the girls were the only drama and he had excitement for it even though he would never admit it. He lost in the end, he got a crazy bitch preggers and ended up marrying him. She will hit on guys in front of him, and he does nothing about it because he knows he's stuck. My friend is a dildo Imamutt. Don't be a dildo like him, find some new pussy. Can't find what you want, check out some other clubs.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    The drama may go hand in hand with the exotic and passionate one I'm drawn to, but in and of itself, the drama is destructive, counterproductive, and undesirable.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Man I only have one thing to say FTCHOO you are whipped.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^ some guys can't help it. Man when I was all tied up in my ATF she could get me to do just about anything she wanted. Luckily for me her monetary requests were low and on the stripper scale her drama was very low. Now, compared to a civvie or wife, her drama was quite high but stripper scale - very low. Luckily she didn't fuck of my mentality which unfortunately imamutt seems to be dealing with.
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