Tips for writing reviews

avatar for Imamutt
Self explanatory. I just might do this. Sorry, Shailynn, none of the clubs I visit has a stamp collectors' corner.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Is there a missing questing mark or is it supposed to be an exclamation point
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
I only give tips to hoes. Not dudes.
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
Gee, Papi, I don't know. Where would you put it? That's what she said! Badoomboom-kshhhhh.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Are you asking for tips or giving them?
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Me too
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I'll bite.

Usually when I write a review I put these things in (some are redundant)

1. Cover charge / valet charge / average price for a drink

2. How many people / day visited / time of day / how many dancers on shift

3. Did I get a lapdance / how many dancers did I get lapdances from / how hot were the strippers

4. How much did I pay for the lapdance / did I have to tip a bouncer / how private was the area that the lapdance happened

5. Did anything happen more than a lapdance (always be vague on this, not specific)

6. If any dancer did anything "extra" for you do not call her out

7. If a dancer ripped you off or attempted to rip you off, mention her name.

8. Did I have a good time / would a return / have I been there before

not everyone follows my protocol, but that's what I usually try to put in a review
avatar for hassenpfeffer65
9 years ago
^excellent advice
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
just don't do one
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
thank you shailynn.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
shailynn collects stamps. Damn, I've always wanted to take up another hobby. Great advice, shailynn.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Use good grammar is #1 for me! Then just describe your experience. If the club doesn't get many reviews give details about prices of things and layout. If it's reviewed a lot those aren't as important as the experience. Don't use dancer names if you are going to be explicit with what happened. DO warn of any ROBs.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
shailynn did a very good job. I personally feel that location of the bar, stage and men's room is unnecessary. I have always been able to find them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
To add to shailynn's good list; I'd say a bit more info describing the dancers - i.e. ethnic breakdown; build type of most dancers (e.g. mostly spinners w/ A-cups; or lots of big girls; or lots of fake tits; etc).

Also - VIP costs - room fee - going rate for dancer-tip - VIP room nice/clean or small/a-dump, etc
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