Video that broke the Internet: Jenny Scordamaglia running nekkid

You Miami-ites might be familiar with the frequently nip-slipping interviewer Jenny Scordamaglia. Here she is running butt-nekkid on the beach in Jamaica (1:48):
She's actually too blonde and small-breasted for my taste, but I wouldn't kick her out of la cama for eating las patatas fritas, you know what I'm sayin'?
last commentYeah I've seen her before - something about her is sexy though.
I've done worse. :)
Shit, she's too small breasted for you? Fine, I'll keep her then. She's just the right size.
She's very hawt. Sure her tits are on the small side, but no woman is perfect. Except a DS.
Pretty girl; I'd do her in a minute....but if we're looking at the 10th tenth she's nothing specisl.
I think she's cute and sexy; not instant boner material for me personally - but I find her tan sexy; nice smile; and I like the shape of her face - and she seems like a fun girl in terms of her disposition although IDK of her.
Is she Russian?
She does look like a fast woman.......
She looks good, I'd give her a 7.
She's Hispanic. She does these weird Spanish speaking interviews around south Florida where she usually is wearing a low cut shirt and a micro skirt and no panties. So you get flashed boobs and pussy during her interviews. Sometimes she will take pieces of clothing off.
Brilliant bounciness!
I didn't mean to sound too disparaging about Jenny. She's obviously way out of my league, and I would certainly get lappers from her if she were a stripper. She has delightful little titties, but they're just not my preferred size. However, she does have a cute face, a dazzling smile, and a very positive attitude about nudity, especially her own :)
My "YAWN" was not a reference to the woman, rather the video. Really, big deal, a nude woman. Go to SOBE or a SC. Watch porn.
A beautiful young women. Very fine.
I'll do her.
"Pretty girl; I'd do her in a minute..."
That's about all it would take me too.
I could watch that video loop all day! She's got a great body - a great ass - wow.
@flagooner: Ha!