Ever just hand all your money over to a Dancer

avatar for .juicebox69
well that's what happen to me last night. yep dancer made me LDK so good I just handed all my cash over didn't even count it. yes I over paid fo sho but that lil momma was worth it


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warning this is a troll and not the real deal
Fuck no !!
My motto "Go home broke,Go home happy"
I almost did once. Of course, I had had almost two hours of fun and she only wanted $120. She was really a major babe. Believe it or not, she was concerned that I might not be able to get breakfast in the morning. Sweet girl!
avatar for BagBoyJames
9 years ago
How broke do you look for her to believe $120 was your life saving 's
avatar for BagBoyJames
9 years ago
Besides this yes she does sound like a darling
I actually did last week. I saw an old fave and she was busy, but I pulled out my last $30 and tipped her as I was leaving. Not a huge amount, but that was probably the easiest $30 she made that night. I consider it casting bread across the waters.
avatar for BagBoyJames
9 years ago
Kinda like feeding duck's at the Lake yes I agree
Well, BagBoy, I didn't look broke at all. I frankly hadn't expected much out of this club and had no previous idea about how much fun I would have. I probably looked less broke than any other PL in the club. I was upfront (a) about how much money I had with me and (b) that I wouldn't be using the ATM.

Like I said, she was a sweetheart and had at least as much fun as I did.
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