
OT: Oceanside California, Rosicrucian Fellowship, Mount Ecclesia, Max Heindel

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
We have members in San Diego, and members who pass through San Diego. Anyone ever visit this Rosicrucian Fellowship and their Mount Ecclesia headquarters, or otherwise have contact with any of their members anywhere?


Mount Ecclesia

Their founder had some connection with Rudolph Steiner, but then went off in his own direction.

Max Heindel

This is only one of at least 4 overtly Rosicrucian groups in the United States. They all have both similarities and differences.

Anyone have any contact with the Reuben Swinburne Clymer people and Beverly Hall Corporation in Quakertown, Pennsylvania?



  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Can this San Jose faggit Guy get any more stupid than he already is? What a dumb fucker who is probably lurking on this site to see how many people hate him. Keep it up fuck stick and I will bust your keyboard over your faggity hands.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The Max Heindel material is based on an out of date science, talking about the 19th Century Ether, and looking at living things in ways which are no longer held to be true. But it is still interesting.

    Some newer material:
    "Ecology: A New Story" by Dr. Brian Swimme

    Swimme 1: The New Story

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Thomas Berry, 12 Principles

  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    No, but I've been to the Oceanside Target and once took a piss test for a job in O-side.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Did you get the job? Did you accept the job?


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Fraternity of the Hidden Light
    Covina, CA, ( very close to City of Industry )


    Ann Davies

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    This group is based in Spain, actually in the Canary Islands.

    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    As I read some of these materials, I can see that they real controversial issue is indeed "Sex Magic".

    So it was there with this Paschal Beverly Randolph, 1825 - 1874? But what exactly sex magic meant for him I do no know, but he sounds like quite a character. And some connection to Abraham Lincoln?

    And then in the UK with the Golden Dawn, people are still divided about whether or not they had sexual practices. People say that the founders recognized the the Free Masons did not admit women, so their innovation was to admit women.

    And all of these groups which followed are to some degree or another based on the Golden Dawn.

    I think the issue with sex magic is that the subject is just so controversial that if one's group includes that, then that is all people will see the group as being about.

    So it is said the with Ruben Swinburne Clymer in Pennsylvania, and being the heirs to Paschal Beverly Randolph, that they really tried to down play it. But holding Randolph in high esteem, unlikely they could completely disavow it. Unlikely that there are not some of their members who practice it.

    And then with H. Spencer Lewis in San Jose and his AMORC, it is extremely unlikely that he was involved in any thing like that, and even less likely with his son Ralph Lewis, or the current leader Christian Bernard from France. They do everything possible to cultivate an extremely conservative image.

    But both Lewis and Clymer were in communication with Aleister Crowley, and to a degree were seeking favor from him. This is not that widely known and would be deeply embarrassing to both groups.

    And then with Paul Foster Case and his BOTA / Fraternity of the Hidden Light, in Los Angeles, there may have been some move towards an interest in sex magic.

    In each of these cases sex magic seems to be the center of controversy and something which caused the group problems.


    King Crimson, live from 1970's

    Stick Men - 14 - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two (King Crimson cover)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    claims to be based in Europe, has many temples, one in Mountain View CA and one in Pahrump NV.

    supports sex magic, but says their is no sex in their rituals, no orgies, and draw distinction with Aleister Crowley.

    a group pitched at SoCal, but not clear what physical facility this group has, or what it does.

    seems to be in Pamona, CA

    seems to connect to this





  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    A Pathway To Adepthood: The Method of A∴A∴ – James A. Eshelman

    This seems to have been Crowley's group for preparing new members to be ready for membership in his main group, OTO

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So this is a complex topic to be opening up. Looks like in the US we have 4 main groups which overtly call themselves Rosicrucian

    1. AMORC H. Spencer Lewis, Ralph Lewis, Christian Bernard, San Jose, Montreal, France, Brazil, worldwide about 20 grand lodges.

    2. Lectorium Rosicrucian, Bakersfield CA and other

    3. Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside California

    4. FRC, Quakertown Pennsylvania, Ruben Swinburne Clymer, and now his son, claiming legacy from Paschal Beverley Randolph.

    Most of these groups operate in many countries, and there are others based over seas, like one in the Canary Islands.

    Then there are others which do not use the word 'Rosicrucian' in their title, but still claim that legacy.


    1. Rudolph Steiner's Anthroposophical Society and Christian Community, based in Dornach Switzerland

    2. Paul Foster Case's B.O.T.A, Los Angeles California, and Fraternity of the Hidden Light

    3. Vesica Institute, Asheville North Carolina

    And I'm sure there are many more.

    Most all of these groups are somehow derived from the UK's Golden Dawn. And then there are lots and lots of small groups claiming to be the continuation of this.

    And then how much of this is coming from the Free Masons, and which came first, Rosicrucians or Free Masons, and is there really any separation, or does it all come from the Knights Templar, or like AMORC and some of the others claim, is it coming from New Kingdom Egypt.

    And then by far the most infamous would be Aleister Crowley and his O.T.O. / A A.

    Not sure how many members he ever had, but his group has drawn the most notoriety and it has lots of imitators.

    One of the biggest issue, the biggest issue seems to be Sex Magic. Crowley practiced this. Some say Golden Dawn did and some say otherwise. Some Golden Dawn groups say they do, but that there is no sex in their rituals and never anything like an orgy, and distancing themselves from Crowley.

    And then the Ruben Swinburne Clymer group claims the legacy of Pashcal Beverly Randolph, mid 1800's, and he did practice Sex Magic, but for their group it is controversial, Not sure where they stand. Hard to believe that there are not some who practice it.

    Some claim legacy to middle-ages, some even to Cathars, and even to 17th dynasty New Kingdom Egypt.

    To Be Continued

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    This Netherlands based group is growing rapidly. It has a small facility in Oakland CA, and a larger one in Bakersfield. They go the farthest in claiming to be a continuation of the medieval Cathars. But beyond that I don't know that much about them. Being the newest of the large Rosicrucian groups, they actually look very interesting.



  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    THE SECRET OF THE CATHARS - Conspiracy History Occult Documentary

    Dark Secrets Of The Occult - The Occult Revival Documentary

    Aleister Crowley, Father of Sex Magick, Prophet, and 60s Cult Icon

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    This is good:


    People are trying to capitalize on Dan Brown. Someone with San Francisco Public Library once told me that they owned 400 copies of Da Vinci Code, and she thought that was ridiculous. I agreed.

    Richard Smoley has written other good books. He was editor of Gnosis Magazine, and that was always good.

    Smoley says that Da Vinci Code is a dumb book. But the subjects that it deals with are not. And Smoley's book is good.



  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    In the Center of the Fire
    by James Wasserman


    Starting to read this now. It gets into things I don't know much about, like Aleister Crowley and his practices. The introductory chapters run from about 1966 'till around 1970, when Wasserman turned 18yo and left his parents' home and started attending Antioch College in Ohio. But mostly what he seemed to be doing is drugs. Drugs, sex, and then driving back and forth across the country. Working odd jobs to pay the costs, and always driving great distances.

    I have never lived like this, nor would I want to. And he does indicate that he is being inspired by Jack Kerouac.

    Drugs in particular I do not go along with. And most of the people I have known interested in esoteric and occult subjects, would have zero interest in drugs.

    At that time Crowley's books tended not to be in print, and his OTO had less than a dozen members. But Wasserman would be key in rebuilding the OTO to over 4000 members world wide, and getting Crowley's books back into print.

    But in these early days, Wasserman did start reading some of Crowley's books and he did start doing his magical rituals. I don't really have understanding into this, into what the appeal was. Seems like it was just an extension of their drug use.

    But then they found some other guru who told them not to use alcohol or drugs. They accepted this. So we'll see how long this lasted and what came of it.


    Sex, Drugs and Gnosis Roll in the Bible
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    txtittyfag, if you don't have anything constructive to add, then it would be better if you just declined to post.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Continuing to read the above. James Wasserman might have been heavily using drugs for a few years. Then they met another guru who told them not to use drugs. So they stopped. This lasted about 13 months. Then they did start to use drugs again, and this would last over 15 years. Thought their use was quite moderate.

    Wasserman was engaging in sex and he writes that what he and some women were doing amounted to discovering "Sex Magic" on their own. But I read this and to me it does not seem like sex was ever a big part of Wasserman's life, not relative to most people.

    The main attraction to Aleister Crowley seems to have been his old books, and performing the magical rituals described therein. But I still do not have a more tangible feel for what Wasserman was looking for.

    As far as attending Antioch College in Ohio, that seems to have gotten dropped. Most of the time was spent driving back and forth across the country. First it was with a 1962 MGA. Then it was in a 1956 International Harvester laundry van in which Wasserman and his wife lived.

    Then he got rid of the Laundry Van, and settled in NYC. He worked in this Weiser's books, which had started in 1926. He became close to the owner and got involved in the management and then in their publishing projects. Wasserman was definitely a book person and being a publisher fit him well.


    He also was building a Magical Temple in this flat they were living in. The temple would come to have lead lined walls, as he explained that recording studios do, for sound proofing.

    Wasserman was involved in republishing Crowley's books and commentaries.

    He also was meeting lots of trippy people, artists and musicians. This was the mid 1970's. I've had to think back to that era myself. It was different. In the early 1980's the entire culture yuppified, and so even New Age and Occult venues changed in order to comply with this.

    But I still do not really understand what Wasserman was looking for, or what was driving him.



    Sex for Gnostics

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Thank you for bumping my thread.


    Gnostic Mysteries of Sex

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Continuing to read James Wasserman. His narrative started in 1966, drawing from his own journal. Now he is into the mid-70's. Sex became a bigger factor in his life when his marriage was disintegrating. And he is definitely a book publisher at heart.

    But beyond that, I am still having trouble understanding what is driving him and what the appeal is of this Aleister Crowley and his Magical Rituals.

    like for example:


    Seems this does have quite a history. I am just ignorant of it. Banishing? Banishing what, evil spirits? That only means something if you believe in such.

    Though one of his more experienced associates did it on a vacant house which did seem to be haunted. I know of houses I would consider to be haunted, but that's on account of who lives there. But I would want to do a thorough cleansing of some sort before I would live there.

    Some of the rituals seem very similar to voodoo, and there is mention of causing the death of enemies.

    I don't go along with that, as I see it as a cop out. If there is genuine reason for me to kill someone, I'm not going to resort to voodoo to do it.

    So I am still rather lost with this.

    But one thing one of his teachers said did resonate, "We are not trying to develop virtue, we are trying to develop the Will." I can go along with this.

    Anyway, so Wasserman is now out in California, meeting people from the Agape Lodge, the only remaining lodge from Crowley's OTO organization. They are there because the surviving widow of Karl Germer has passed away. Germer himself was the successor to Crowley, until his own death in 1962. So with the widow now also passing, they want the library. They want to continue Crowley's organization and they want the library because of the old books and lots of letters.

    There will come to be some lawsuits over copyrights and uses of names. But this does not really seem motivated by money. Doesn't seem to have been any real money in any of this. It's more just the ability to continue Crowley's work. And the appeal of this still evades me.

    There does seem to be some degree of spiritual warfare going on continually. For myself, I don't put any stock in that. Seems like a tune out, a head trip, believing that you can use that to gain control.

    But I also know of some local issues. I have known people very high ranking in the San Jose based Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. There were some problems 20 years ago with someone trying to embezzle money and outsiders trying to gain control. And then there was some leadership instability.

    On the surface this sort of an organization is nothing like Crowley's stuff. But nonetheless there did come to be some things someone did which did resemble voodoo. I'm talking about the killing and mutilation of animals, to frighten people. And some referred to all of this as 'witchcraft', caused because it was a mystical organization.

    My own view is that all of this has zero power, and that it is just psychological warfare, along with common criminality.

    So I still am not really understanding the appeal of Crowley, his books, his magic rituals, and his organization.


    King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    HOGD, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

    Run by this David Griffin. Above video criticizes him.


    Claims to be the one and only Golden Dawn.

    Pahrump - Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - Alpha et Omega®

    Mountain View - August Order of the Mystic Rose - a traditional Golden Dawn order in amity with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - Alpha et Omega)


    sex magick is not a part of the Golden Dawn

    Golden Dawn and Sex Magick

    A New Golden Dawn




  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    HOGD: Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition - Magick

    The most in depth book review of Chic and Tabatha Cicero's "Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition"

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Liber null & psychonaut / Peter J. Carroll


    The book of pleasure (Self-love) : The psychology of ecstacy / by Austin Osman Spare, 1909-1913.

    A book of satyrs / by Austin Osman Spare.

    The focus of life : the mutterings of Aāos / written and illustrated by Austin Osman Spare ; with an introduction by Francis Marsden.



    Initiation into hermetics : the path of the true adept / Franz Bardon










  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Excellent book about history of Rosicrucianism. Whole chapter on the American groups. Says Max Heindel is non-sense.


    and, an entire book about the American groups:

    1972, says Scientology took much from AMORC, as well as from Aleister Crowley. This author has many newer books.

    such as,
    Theosophy : a modern expression of the wisdom of the ages / by Robert Ellwood.
    Wheaton, Ill., U.S.A. : Theosophical Pub. House, 1986.

    AMORC claims Gene Roddenbury and Walt Disney. That latter is well known, the former if probably also true.



    Tijuana Real Street Prostitutes part 2

    Claude Debussy
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    AMORC is also credited with influencing Silva Mind Control, and this along with Scientology influenced Werner Erhard and his EST.

    As I believe, the reason why AMORC would have influenced Scientology and Silva Mind Control is a negative one. It goes back to when AMORC was founded, the 1920's, and the popularity of self-improvement teachings, and stuff like Ernst Holmes "New Thought".

    Some older AMORC people really subscribe to things like that.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    The History and Mythology of an Occult Order

    Christopher McIntosh

    A most interesting book. And here it looks like we have the whole thing online.


    and we have a forward by none other than Colin Wilson.

    So fundamentally, we are not speaking about a hoax, or even about 'wishful thinking', but about the profoundest problem of the human race. Again, Ward comes excitingly close to putting his finger on it when he says that a part of him disliked his mother for I making him live two lives' — the natural instinctive life of a child, and the superimposed and artificial life of 'the world'. He goes on to say that under LSD, it seemed to him that all children are ruined by adults, through being conditioned to the life of this world, so that they live two lives, one secretly, and one for adult approval. But then, 'ruin' is not inevitable. For example, all my own books, from The Outsider onward, have been about precisely this subject: the outsider's' rejection of 'the world', his desire to turn inward to a world of truth that he feets resides in his own depths. So plainly, I have not been entirely ruined. Ward himself remarks that he is surprised that he is not more wicked and madder than he is, considering his upbringing. Most of us do, in fact, survive, because that inner hunger is so intense.

    Isn't that cool!

    And about Pashcal Beverly Randolph

    The teaching that Randolph outlines in his Eulis! is largely concerned with the correct use of sex and its powers. He himself claims to have received an initiation into sexual magic in the Middle East, as he describes in Eulis!:

    One night — it was in far-off Jerusalem or Bethlehem, I really forget which — I made love to, and was loved by, a dusky maiden of Arabic blood. I of her, and that experience, learned — not directly, but by suggestion — the fundamental principle of the White Magic of Love; subsequently I became affiliated with some dervishes and fakirs of whom, by suggestion still, I found the road to other knowledges; and of these devout practicers of a simple, but sublime and holy magic, I obtained additional clues — little threads of suggestion, which, being persistently followed, led my soul into labyrinths of knowledge themselves did not even suspect the existence of. I became practically, what I was naturally, a mystic, and in time chief of the lofty brethren; taking the clues left by the masters, and pursuing them farther than they had ever been before; actually discovering the ELIXIR OF LIFE; the universal solvent, or celestial Alkahest; the water of beauty and perpetual youth, and the philosopher's stone, — all of which this book contains; but only findable by him who searches well.

    It is interesting that Randolph, having discovered sexual magic independently, should have come to the conclusion that this was the true basis of Rosicrucianism. As I have shown already, there is evidence that earlier Rosicrucians were interested in sex as a magical force and described it symbolically in their treatises. Sexuality is a curiously recurrent theme among Rosicrucian apologists, and Randolph clearly regards it as central to the whole philosophy.

    I am induced to say thus much in order to disabuse the public mind relative to Rosicrucianism, which is but one of our outer doors — and which was not originated by Christian Rosenkreuz; but merely revived, and replanted in Europe by him subsequent to his return from oriental lands, whither, like myself and hundreds of others, he went for initiation.

    The Rosicrucian system is, and never was other else that a door to the ineffable grand temple of Eulis.

    By Eulis, Randolph means his own system of sexual teaching. The basis of this system is the common occult belief that in sexual union the male and female secretions unite to form a powerful current. If this current is in disequilibrium, such as through solitary or incomplete sex, then disorders result. His teaching is concerned with the conduct of everyday life and marital relations so that the current flows correctly. Randolph also refers to another secretion, common to both sexes, 'which is only present under the most fierce and intense amative passion in either man or woman.' This fluid is the union of magnetism, electricity and nerve-aura ... When it is present in wedlock's sacred rite then Power reigns and Love strikes deep root in the soul of the child that may then be begotten.' Care must be taken, he says, that this powerful force is not abused.





  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The Seven Hermetic Principles


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Sex, Drugs & Rocket Science: The Occult World of Jack Parsons with Adam Parfrey

    H. P. Blavatsky
    She is the central figure behind most of the 20th Century Occultists.

    Blavatsky's Theosophical ideas were a form of occultism, a current of thought within Western esotericism which emphasized the idea of an ancient and superior wisdom that had been found in pre-Christian societies but which was absent from the doctrines of established Christianity.


    Blavatsky's Theosophy has been described as representing "a major factor in the modern revival" of Western esotericism.[305] Lachman claimed that "practically all modern occultism and esotericism" can trace its origins back to her influence.


    Isis unveiled : a master-key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology / by H. P. Blavatsky.


    Wheaton Illinois


    BABALON WORKING - Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons & L. Ron Hubbard
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Robert Lomas & Christopher Knight

    Talking about Free Masonry coming originally from Egypt and having a huge influence on the earliest Christianity. But then this kind of Chrisitianity was stamped out, and so the teaching went underground until re-discovered by the Knights Templar.

    I don't know about the Masons, but it is painfully obvious that most everything of worth in Judaism and Christianity comes from Egypt.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Colin Wilson, 1931 - 2013

    The Occult: A History (1971)
    The War Against Sleep: The Philosophy of Gurdjieff (1980)
    The Bicameral Critic (1985)
    Rudolf Steiner: The Man and His Vision (1985)
    The Strange Life of P.D. Ouspensky (1993)
    Outline of the Female Outsider (1994)
    From Atlantis to the Sphinx (1996)


    What is Polychromatic Music? - An introduction with comparison of modern microtonal instruments.

    Joni Mitchell
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    A most interesting book:


    The Secret Lore of Egypt: Its Impact on the West Hardcover – January 3, 2002
    by Erik Hornung

    Esoteric matters have to do with hidden, often deliberately concealed truths that can be grasped only through intuition or revelation and that elude any and all experimental verification. The esoteric is a way of thinking unto itself, irrational and intuitive, aimed at the over arching unity of nature and the correspondences within it, and at the possibility of unbounded transubstantiation. It lives on the magic of the mysterious, believing itself to be in possession of a high state of consciousness that remains closed to those who are not yet "initiated" into these mysteries. In our own time, the loosening of religious ties has led to an ever-increasing role of the esoteric as an ersatz religion, to the point where it has become a source of assistance in practical affairs and has in the process lost its secret character.

    This guy is in Basel, right next to Dornach

    He also mentions Antoine Faivre in Paris at the Sorbonne.

    Also some related academic chair in Bamberg, about 40 miles north of Nuremburg, and close to Bayreuth.

    Then in Amsterdam, another chair, and very close to


    Hornung talks about Blavatsky, Steiner, and the Rosicrucian Order AMORC in San Jose California. Though of this later the HQ has been moved to France.


    WHAT THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS KNEW - History Discovery Egypt (full length documentary)
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    This is the book you really want to read. Among other things, NASA was into all things Egyptian. Even their mission patches revealed that. Fully documented

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Richard Hoagland, interesting.

    I read Sex and Rockets, the first book about Jack Parsons. But I plan to read the second:

    Also this is good and it does explain more about what Parsons was doing:


    Ancient Egypt Documentary Complete History 8000 B C to 30 B C Part 1
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i just drive to san yisdro. and tj.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Some guys have posted about staying in the motel in San Yisidro. I bet it's great, one of those old fashioned television sets where a motor changes channels. Maybe order a couple of pizza's. And so close to TJ's Zona that you can just walk out into the court yard and smell the pussy juices.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    The Secret Lore of Egypt: Its Impact on the West Hardcover – January 3, 2002
    by Erik Hornung

    Mostly about origins of Hermeticism, in the Egyptian Thoth, maybe going back to Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty. Then later becoming the Greek Hermes. And then the relationship with 3rd Dynasty Imhotep, builder of King Zoser's Step Pyramid.

    Associated with the ibis, and that is the phoenix which emerges from the ashes.

    Egyptian ideas are at the core of esotericism, but they have also played a huge influence in Christianity.

    My own view is that the Catholic preference for full body internment instead of cremation comes directly from Egyptian ideas about the afterlife and their mummification practices.


    Lenny Kravitz - Whole Lotta Love
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Very interesting book:

    Liber Null

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Very insightful book, but I know that because of extensive philosophical studies, I could do better.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Continuing to read Israel Regardie's "The Tree of Life", though now it is the 3rd edition prepared with the help of Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero.

    First about the edition, it is good. Lots of good pictures added, taken from historic books. They added end notes and chapter titles, to what was a 1932 book.

    Not much else changed, with this phenomenal and classic book.

    So I find this highly annotated picture:

    Always at issue is defining the relationship between Hebrew Kabbalah, Hereticism, and Ancient Egypt.

    So here I try to reproduce some of a table from page 120:

    Sephirah, Planet, Egyptian Neter ( god )

    1. Kether, , Ptah, Amoun
    2. Chokmah, Tahuti ( Thoth, ~ Hermes )
    3. Binah, Saturn, Isis ( should add Nuit )
    4. Chesed, Jupiter, Maat
    5. Gevurah, Mars, Horus
    6. Tiphareth, Sol, Ra, Osiris
    7. Netzach, Venus, Hathor ( Egyptian Aphrodite )
    8. Hod, Mercury, Anubis
    9. Yesod, Luna, Shu, Pasht
    10. Malkuth, , Geb

    Most esoteric systems do revolve around number and correspondences.

    Conspicuously absent from this is Set. Kenneth Grant and his people assign Set to the reverse side of the Tree of Life. Set is associated with the Northern Polar Stars.

    "The kingdom of Set was supposed to be placed in the northern sky, and his abode was one of the stars which formed the constellation of Khepesh, or the "Thigh," which has been identified with the Great Bear..."

    Also absent is Sekhmet

    a solar diety

    Tehuti ( Thoth ) is not associated with the Sun, Moon, or a planet. He is associated with the stars.

    Well sometimes associated with the Moon.


    Orion's belt and the Giza Pyramids



    still ambiguity. Thoth connected with Draco, or with Cygnus, or with Orion?

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So about the Tree of Life and man as a microcosm:

    From page 102:

    Rauch = Hebrew word for "breath", "air", and "spirit", used referring to the middle part of the three of live, those 5 Sephiroth, numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

    So number 4 is considered Memory ( Jupiter, Maat ) , 5 is considered Will ( Mars, Horus), 6 is Harmony, Heart, Sun, Osiris, Ra ( center of the tree ), 7 is desire ( Hathor, Venus, perhaps also Nephthys?, on right side pillar or mercy ), 8 is imagination ( Anubis, Mercury)

    And then of this Rauch, as opposed to the three Supernal Sephiroth of the God Head, Rauch is where a mechanism so to speak created through long aeons, of evolution, toil, and suffering, as a means of acquiring contact with the outside world that by means of experience thus obtained, the Self may come to a self-conscious realization of its own divine powers and high nature.

    It is in Rauch that self-consciousness is centered.

    I want to add that this is a kind of esoteric Judaism, but it is still consistent with Jewish High Monotheism.

    The problem is with Christianity and its greatly warped idea of original sin, wanting to destroy this Rauch. And you hear things based on this daily.

    Memory, Will, Desire, Imagination, and the Harmony of the center.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Regardie draws a great deal from the Neo-Platonist Iamblichus, and he is drawing much from Plotinus, Pythagoras, and from Egypt.

    Iamblichus: Theurgia or On the Mysteries of Egypt




    And much written in the Bible and that which is believed by Born Again's comes down to:

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Rosicrucian? Who tge fuck cares about this unless you've got no life?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    There are four main Rosicrucian groups operating under that name in the United States. But by far the most intellectually credible one, based in the Netherlands, is:


    Now it is also true that they can be considered a form of Christianity, though really Gnostic Christianity.

    They are also the ones who say that Rosicrucianism is a continuation of the Medieval Cathars. And their founders have written books about this. But this is a fairly new idea, and as I see it, interesting but not necessarily so well substantiated.

    Each of these four groups has their introductory pamphlet. But this group has the best one, by far:


    Now San Jose's own AMORC has improved a great deal, since the French took over in the 90's. And they also now talk about the Cathars.


    Drummers always say that drums are never tuned to specific notes, just by ear. Well that is silly, like saying that a violin cannot play definite notes since it does not have fret wires.

    I listen to the drumming opening this, and I can tell exactly what they are going to play, even though it is not a song of theirs and I'd never known that they played it.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    "Lewis became a "secret partner" of Big Business in America.[6] According to railroad magnate Arthur Stillwell, no other man has exerted a greater influence as a secret partner in American free enterprise than Lewis."

    Well, Arthur Stillwell died in 1928. H. Spencer Lewis did present himself in a kind of "Think And Grow Rich" or "New Thought" sort of a way, as was popular at the time. But I think Arthur Stillwell is over estimating him. And I question the veracity of that wikipedia statement.



    Anyway, just to clairify, I am not a fan of AMORC or the Lewises, they are just part of the local landscape, and so I learned about them.

    1568 - 1622
    Alchemist and seemingly one of the originators of Rosicrucianism


    Viet Coffee and Bar Girls

    Joanne Freeman, American Revolution
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Reading Gnostic Mysteries of Sex, by Tobias Churton


    Churton is always way out there. But the difficulty with this is that most of what is available about Gnositcs was written by its enemies, people like Epiphanias, herisiologists.

    Carries endorsement by Jason Louv


    Richard Wolff: "Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism" | Talks at Google
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Tobias Churton is a bit of a demanding read. But what he is trying to do is difficult, so this is to be expected.

    He talks much about Hans Jonas, and thinks very highly of him.


    The gnostic religion : the message of the alien God & the beginnings of Christianity / Hans Jonas.


    A spectre is haunting Europe.

    Labor and Leisure

    Erik Davis, Nomad Codes, talks about Hans Jonas
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Nag Hammadi Library




    Full Text, recommended starting point

    The Gnostic discoveries : the impact of the Nag Hammadi library / Marvin Meyer 2005

    A new New Testament : a Bible for the twenty-first century, combining traditional and newly discovered texts / edited with commentary by Hal Taussig ; with a foreword by John Dominic Crossan 2013

    The missing Gospels : unearthing the truth behind alternative Christianities / Darrell L. Bock 2006

    A gnostic book of hours : keys to inner wisdom / June Singer 1992

    The gnostic Gospels / by Elaine Pagels 1979

    The Secret teachings of Jesus : four Gnostic gospels / translated, with an introduction and notes, by Marvin W. Meyer 1984
    ( has Secret Book of John )

    Churton thinks highly of Hans Jonas, and also makes mention of Kurt Rudolph.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Reading this "Gnostic Sex" by Tobias Churton. He is a bit of a hard author to read. But nevertheless, it is well worth it. Among other things, he has the view that Gnosticism started with Simon Magus.

    Now most only know him from the Book of Acts. But apparently 100 years later the herisiologists were writing all about him.

    Churton seems him as running a parody ministry, rather like Aleister Crowley would. And also with this consort Helen that he found in a brothel and claimed to be the reincarnation of Helen of Troy.

    All a bit much to follow. But the high point is the comments Epiphanius made about the Barbeliots. This is a well known passage.

    So two main groups of Gnostics, the Valentinians, and the more radical Sethians, and always the underlying idea that this is somewhat like Existentialism, as according to Hans Jonas.

    So the Barbeliots would I presume be linked with the Sethians, and this somehow originated with the Simonians.

    Still a bit much for me to follow, and it shows me that I have much more to learn.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Reading "Gnostic Mysteries of Sex: Sophia the Wild One and Erotic Christianity" by Tobias Churton


    Massacre at Montsegur: A History of the Albigensian Crusade
    by Zoe Oldenbourg ( in libraries ) 1988

    as quoted by Tobias Churton. "What is the practical difference between a world made by God and perverted by the Devil, and a world made by the Devil whose denizens could be saved by God?"

    Well I can answer this myself. The difference is going to be in what you think of religion.

    Also references:
    Hidden Intercourse: Eros and Sexuality in the History of Western EsotericismOct 1, 2010
    by Wouter J. Hanegraaff and Jeffrey J. Kripal


    Both authors have written lots of other stuff which looks good too.

    Still tied up with political matters, trying to take down a clique of muggles and crypto-Republicans. Have to save extensive thread reading for later.


    Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite

    Kim Wilde



    Kurt Elling - Nature Boy - Jazz and Orchestra

    George Benson

    Night In Tunisia

    Dizzy Gillespie - George Benson - A Night In Tunisia


    bump fire stock
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Most of what is known about his Gnostics if from their detractors, like Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis.



    Part 26. Epiphanius Against the Gnostics, or Borborites

    4:4 And the husband will move away from his wife and tell her�speaking to his own wife!�'Get up, perform the Agape22 with the brother.' And when the wretched couple has made love�and I am truly ashamed to mention the vile things they do, for as the holy apostle says, 'It is a shame even to speak' of what goes on among them. Still, I should not be ashamed to say what they are not ashamed to do, to arouse horror by every means in those who hear what obscenities they are prepared to perform.

    4:5 For after having made love with the passion of fornication in addition, to lift their blasphemy up to heaven, the woman and man receive the man's emission on their own hands. And they stand with their eyes raised heavenward but the filth on their hands and pray, if you please�

    4:6 the ones they call Stratiotics and Gnostics�and offer that stuff on their hands to the true Father of all,23 and say, 'We offer thee this gift, the body of Christ.'

    4:7 And then they eat it24 partaking of their own dirt, and say, 'This is the body of Christ; and this is the Pascha, because of which our bodies suffer and are compelled to acknowledge the passion of Christ.'

    4:8 And so with the woman's emission when she happens to be having her period�they likewise take the unclean menstrual blood they gather from her, and eat it in common. And 'This,' they say, 'is the blood of Christ.'

    5:1 And so, when they read, 'I saw a tree bearing twelve manner of fruits every year, and he said unto me, 'This is the tree of life,' ' in apocryphal writings,25 they interpret this allegorically of the menstrual flux.

    5:2 But although they have sex with each other they renounce procreation.26 It is for enjoyment, not procreation, that they eagerly pursue seduction, since the devil is mocking people like these, and making fun of the creature fashioned by God.

    5:3 They come to climax but absorb the seeds of their dirt, not by implanting them for procreation, but by eating the dirty stuff themselves.

    17:4 For I happened on this sect myself, beloved, and was actually taught these things in person, out of the mouths of people who really undertook them. Not only did women under this delusion offer me this line of talk, and divulge this sort of thing to me. With impudent boldness moreover, they even tried to seduce me themselves�like that murderous, villainous Egyptian wife of the chief cook�because they wanted me in my youth.

    17:7 (For whichever is prettier flaunts herself as bait, so that they claim to 'save'�instead of destroying�the victims of their deceit through her. And then the plain one gets blamed by the more attractive ones, and they say, 'I'm an elect vessel and can save the suckers96 but you couldn't!')

    19:3 For the nature of such a viper is similar to the wickedness of these people. In performing their filthy act either with men or with women they forbear insemination, rendering impossible the procreation God has given his creatures�as the apostle says, 'receiving in themselves the recompense of their error which was meet

    When I first read the key excerpts in Meditations on the Tarot, known to have been written by Valentine Tomberg, 25 years ago, I at once noted how similar this is to Tantric Practices.

    Churton also talks about:




  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So Churton goes on talking about Tantra, drawing on Hugh Urban, one of the experts.

    Says the earliest mention would have been in the Vedas 1200 BCE to 500 BCE.

    I also though note that there are some who claim that Tantra started in Egypt. If 1200 BCE is the earliest Indian possible origin, then that leaves many possibilities for Egypt.

    New Kingdom started 1550 BCE

    And then stuff travels quickly along these trade routes, southern portion of Asia.

    Amenhotep III, seen as founder of Mystery Schools, from which monotheism originated, and which led to Ahknaten, and then later to Moses.

    Boulder, CO


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The Hermetic Hour - The Hermetic Qabala

    Now, this Poke Runyon is quite a character:



    But if you take the time to listen to him and study him, he does a very good job of explaining complex things.

    So where did Kabbalah come from? Jews say Moses received it from God on Mount Sinai. And there has to be a connection to Exodus, because Kabbalah revolves around the number 10, where as Ezekiel is all based on the number 4, except for the number of species of fish in the stream.

    Golden Dawn said that God gave Kabbalah to Adam.

    So where did Kabbalah come from? Jews say Moses received it from God on Mount Sinai. And there has to be a connection to Exodus, because Kabbalah revolves around the number 10, where as Ezekiel is all based on the number 4, except for the number of species of fish in the stream.

    Golden Dawn said that God gave Kabbalah to Adam.

    Now I will point out that most scholars date Hermeticism from Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom, or maybe even earlier. There is also this Harran community in Turkey, and it goes back at least that far.

    And then Alexandria, right on the sea coast, named for Alexander, who conquered Egypt and then ruled until his death in 323 BCE. After that one of his generals, Ptolemy, ruled. And so Alexandria was the most cosmopolitan place in the world, continuing for centuries into the Christian Era.

    Now, this is a complex subject, so let me just right out get to my main interest here.

    Hermeticism and Kabbalah all seem to have prechristian origins, as do also pythagorianims and neoplatonism.

    But they are saying that Kabbalah comes from Merkabah mysticism, and also tha it was always intertwined with Hermeticism, Pythagorianism, and Neoplatonism.

    And then we have Bruce Chilton, "Rabbi Jesus", saying that John the Baptist, Jesus, and their followers were practicing a kind of Merkabah mysticism.

    And note this, Runyon is saying that Merkabah mysticism is a kind of Jewish Gnosticism.

    Okay, so now we have preChristian origins for Kabbalah and Gnosticism!

    And the formation of Christianity, Neoplatonism, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and Gnosticism are not oppositional, they always were intertwined!

    Some Gnostics reinterpret the Jesus story and see The Baptist as the central character, and they see him as running an international organization centered in Alexandria. And they assign a much greater role to Mary Magdalene, seeing she as someone who is only in the Gospels because it would have been hard to completely excise her.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Above post, I ran out of time, people over my shoulder, and on the phone.

    Jesus, John the Baptist, and their followers practicing Merkabah mysticism, which is the basis of Kabbalah, as well as also tied to Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and Pythagorianism. But Merkabah mysticism is a form of Gnosticism.

    So Christianity, Gnosticism, and Hermetecism, Neoplatonism, and Pythagoreanism, and the Kemetic Egyptian Religion, are all inseparably intertwined at their origins. The only earlier origin is the Egyptian Mystery Schools, a kind of secret elite religion behind their religion, usually believed to have started in the New Kingdom.

    So if you want to find the bullshit, just listen to what Christians say, that is it, total unadulterated bullshit invent to control the masses.

    Martin Luther said the Pope was the anti-christ. Luther was only perceiving half of the problem. Christianity is the Anti-Christ.



    Tobias Churton
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    This has the Fama and the Confessio.

    Though Case's group is not one of the 4x US groups calling themselves Rosicrucian, many look to him and this book as the definitive.

    Paul Foster Case
    October 3, 1884 – March 2, 1954


    His stuff is more Kabbalah and Tarot oriented, like the Golden Dawn.

    Case's group, BOTA, still accepting members and still sending out lessons.


    Here on North Figueroa, Los Angeles:


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ Book is well written. He talks about 3 of the main groups calling themselves Rosicrucian which operate in the US. I think his org does have something over them.

    He does not talk about the 4th, the Lectorium, coming out of the Netherlands. Started in the 1920's, but not really going strong until the most recent decades. They are the one which has gone the furthest in connecting Rosicrucianism to the Medieval Cathars. More is known about this in recent decades, and the Cathars are more talked about.



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Paul Foster Case's True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order


    Known about the book for a long time, just never taken the time to read it before. Very impressive. But it does revolve around gematria. The conclusions Case draws though are undeniable.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ This book is phenomenal!

    Not saying I agree with every word, but it is an extremely well thought out set of views. Generally for non-violence, but admits that sometimes force is needed. He says that what was called for in the Rosicrucian Manifestos, was realized 160 years later in the American Declaration of Independence.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Paul Foster Case's contention is that what the Rosicrucian Manifestos are about is all Tree of Life with Tarot Major Trumps on it.

    Not sure if I go along with this, but it is interesting. As I know, putting Tarot and Tree of Life together was the work of 19th Century Occultists. Some still dispute it, but it is still very interesting.

    about Case's org, BOTA

    THis is sort of their creed:


    Has elements like Crowley's Thelema, but it is still very different.

    Case transitioned in 1954, so mostly it is his successors who have built this org.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    So Case felt that Rosicrucian ideas were spread through Freemasonry, finally taking hold as the American Declaration of Independence was written.

    His book quotes a review from Mind Brain Bulletin. Well that was edited by Marilyn Ferguson. And it was in her Aquarian Conspiracy that I first learned about Rosicrucianism.

    Thing is, Case explains about the Manifestos that they were proclaiming something which did not really exist. It came to exist as the result of people trying to look for it. And unlike the other US based Rosicrucian groups, Case insists that there is no tangible Rosicrucian Order.

    Well this is the kind of thing which Ferguson was doing in proclaiming an Aquarian Conspiracy. It exists to the extent that people have realized it in response to her book.

    So I consider these two books and two movements to be in the same vein.


    Case started BOTA around 1923, likely in Boston, then within 2 years he had relocated to Los Angeles.

    Dr. Paul Clark, affiliated with the Fraternity of the Hidden Light, published a biography of Case in 2013, entitled Paul Foster Case. His Life and Works.[31] Besides being an extensive biography of Case (about a hundred pages), the book also includes a number of appendices, including letters from Case to Israel Regardie.

    conflict with Moina Mathers

    Apparently, Case had begun discussing the topics of sexual symbolism and sex magic, which at the time had no official place in the order's curriculum. Since no knowledge lectures exist on the subject, whether sex practices were ever taught in the Golden Dawn has been a long-standing question. In her correspondence with Case, Moina wrote, "I have seen the results of this superficial sex teaching in several occult societies as well as in individual cases. I have never met with one happy result."

    But to Case, sexuality became an increasingly important subject. In his Book of Tokens, a collection of inspired meditations on the 22 Tarot Keys of the Major Arcana, Case comments on the sex function, "You must wholly alter your conception of sex in order to comprehend the Ancient Wisdom. It is the interior nervous organism, not the external organs, that is always meant in phallic symbolism, and the force that works through these interior centers is the Great Magical Agent, the divine serpent fire." In his works, The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order and The Masonic Letter G, he writes of certain practices involving the redirection of the sexual force to the higher centers of the brain where experience of supersensory states of consciousness becomes possible.

    Mathers had also run out Dion Fortune.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Fraternity of the Hidden Light is in the LA Metro, people who were always affiliated with Case.



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    This is a totally cool picture BOTA puts out:


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Fraternity of the Hidden Light

    One of these things had had a bricks and mortar facility in Pasadena.

    Ann Davies and Paul Clark



    Hot looking girl in white

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    OMS, very complicated to understand all of this without years of study in their program, and access to all of the documents they have translated.



    another new TJ Street Video

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Treatise Concerning the Reintegration of Beings Hardcover – January 1, 2001
    by Martinez de Pasqually (Author), Willibrord Johannes de Campenhout (Translator)



    The Three Luminaries is a blog and an independent publisher primarily dedicated to the study of all branches of esoteric knowledge that relate to Martinism. We translate and publish a number of important books written by our beloved Departed Masters, including Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, Gérard Encausse (Papus), Stanislas de Guaita, Paul Sédir, Augustin Chaboseau, and Joséphin Péladan among others. In this page you can find all the books we have published so far.

    Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings
    Martinès de Pasqually

    Before time was, God emanated some beings in His divine immensity for His own glory. Those beings had to exert a cult that the Divinity prescribed to them by eternal laws, precepts, and commands. They were thus free and distinct from the creator, and one cannot deny them the free will with which they have been emanated without destroying in them the faculty, the property, the spiritual, and personal virtues, which have been necessary for them to operate with precision within the boundaries where they had to exert their power. That is positively within those boundaries that those first spiritual beings ought. Render the cult for which they have been emanated. Those first beings could not ignore, nor deny the conventions that the creator had with them by giving them some laws, precepts and commands, since their emanation was founded solely upon those conventions. One would ask what were those first beings before their divine emanation, whether they existed or not?

    They existed in the breast of the Divinity, but without particular distinction of action, thought, hearing, they could not act and feel but by the sole will of the superior being who contained the plan in whom all was actuated, which is in truth, a state of non-existence, however, this existence in God is of an absolute necessity, since it constitutes the intensity of the divine power. God would not be the Father and Master of everything if He had not innate in Him an inexhaustible source of beings that He emanates by His pure will and whenever it pleases Him. It is by this infinite multitude of emanations of spiritual beings outside of Himself that He bears the name of Creator, and His works are that of divine, spiritual and animal, spiritual and temporal creation. The first spirits emanated from the breast of the Divinity were distinguished between themselves by their virtues, their powers and their names. They occupied the immense divine circumference vulgarly called Domination, and which bears its denary number according to the following figure 1 and that is where every spirit, superior 10, major 8, inferior and minor 4, ought to act and operate for all the glory of the creator. Their demonstration or their number prove that their emanation comes really from the quadruple divine essence. The names of these four classes of spirits were much stronger than that which we give vulgarly to the Cherubins, Seraphins, Archangels and Angels, which have been emancipated since then. Furthermore, these four first principles of spiritual beings had in them, as we have said, a part of the divine domination: a superior, major, inferior and minor power by which they knew all that can exist or hidden within the spiritual beings which had not yet come out from the breast of the Divinity. How one would say, could they have knowledge of things, which were not yet existed distinctly outside of the breast of the creator? Because these first chiefs emanated from the first circle, which is mysteriously called denary circle, read clearly and with certainty what was happening in the Divinity as well as all that we contained in Her. Let there be no doubt about what I say here, for it belongs but to the spirit to read, see and conceive the spirit. These first chiefs had a perfect knowledge of every divine action, since they have been emanated from the breast of the creator to see all the divine operations of the manifestations of His glory. Those spiritual and divine chiefs, had they maintained their first state of virtue and divine power after their prevarication? Yes, they have maintained it by the immutability of the decrees of the Eternal, for if the creator had withdrawn all the virtues and powers that He put on the first spirits, there would have been no act of life, good or evil, nor any manifestation of glory, of justice and divine power upon those spirits prevaricators. One will tell me that the Creator could have foreseen that those first emanated spirits would have prevaricated against the laws, precepts and commands that He gave them, and then it became incumbent upon Him to contain them in the realm of justice. To this I will answer that, even if the Creator would have foreseen the conceited ambition of those spirits, He could not, in no way, contain and stop their criminal thoughts without depriving them of their particular action which is innate in them, since they have been emanated to act according to their will and as a spiritual secondary cause, as per the framework that the Creator had drawn to them. The Creator does no t partake in spiritual-secondary causes, good or evil, having Himself founded every spiritual being upon immutable laws, and by that means every spiritual being is free to act according to his will and his particular determination, as the creator has said it Himself to his creature, and we see the confirmation of this every day.

    If one would ask me what kind of prevarication those spirits had perpetrated so that the Creator had to use the force of divine law against them, I will answer that those spirits have been emanated to act but as secondary causes and none to exert their power upon the primary causes or the action of the Divinity, and since they have been but secondary agents, they should be jealous only of their secondary powers, virtues and operations, and not busy themselves to prevent the thoughts of the Creator in all the divine Operations, as well as past, present and futures. Their crimes first, to have been willing to condemn the divine eternity in its operations of creation, second, to have been willing to limit the divine almighty in those same Operations, third, to have brought their spiritual thoughts to the point of willing to be creators of third and fourth causes which, they knew, were emanate in the almight of the Creator and that which we call quadruple divine essence. How could they condemn the divine eternity? It is by willing to give to the Eternal an emanation equal to theirs, since they consider the Creator a being like themselves, and consequently there ought to be born from them some spiritual creatures who would be subordinated to them as they have been subordinate to the one who has emanated them. That is what we call the principle of spiritual evil, being sure that every ill will conceived by the spirit is always criminal before the creator, even if the spirit would not have brought it into effective action. It is in punishment of this simple criminal will that the spirits have been precipitated by the sole power of the creator, to some places of subjection, of privation and of impure misery, contrary to their spiritual being which was pure and simple by its emanation.

    Those first spirits having conceived their criminal thoughts, the Creator used the force of law upon H is immutability by creating this physical universe, apparently of material form, to be the fixed site where those perverse spirits had to act and exert in privation all their alice. Man, or the minor who is today in the center of the surface of the earth, must not be comprised in that material creation, for man ought not to make use of any form of this apperent matter, being emanated and emancipated by the Creator but to dominate upon all beings emanated and emancipated before him. Nan has been emanated but after the formation of this universe by the divine almighty, universe which is to be the shelter and the boundary of the first perverse spirits and their evil operations which will never prevail against the laws of order that the creator has given to His universal creation. He had the same virtue and powers as the first spirits, and although he has been emanated but after them, he became their superior and their elder by his state of glory and the force of command that he received from the creator. He knew perfectly the necessity of the universal creation, furthermore, he knew the usefulness and the sanctity of his own spiritual emanation as well as the glorious form of which he has been reclothed to act in all his wills upon the corporeal form, active and passive. lt was in this state that he ought to manifest all his power, for the glory of the Creator in the face of the universal, general and particular creation. Here we distinguish the universe in three parts with all its faculties of spiritual actions: (1 )the universe which is a. circumference in which are contained the general and the particular, (2) the earth or the general part from which emanate all the necessary elements to nourish fhe particular, ( 3 ) the particular which is composed of all the in11abitants of the celestial and terrestrial bodies. That is the division that we will make of the universal creation, so that our emulator may know and operate with distinction and knowledge-Of-cause in each of those three parts. Adam, in his first state of glory, was the true emulator of the creator. As pure spirit, he could read easily the divine thoughts and operations. The Creator made him conceive the three principles which compose the universe, and for that matter told him: Command to all passive and active animals and they will obey you. Adam did what he was told to da by the Creator, and saw by that, that his power were great, for he learned with certainty to know a part of the whole which compose the universe. That part is what we call the particular, which is composed of every active and passive being dwelling from the terrestrial surface and its center to the celestial center mysteriously called saturnian heaven. After that operation, the Creator said to His creature:

    command the general or the earth and it will obey you. Adam did as told and saw that his power was growing by the knowledge of the second part of the whole which compose the universe. After those two operations, the creator told His creature: command the whole created universe, and all its inhabitants will obey you. Adam complied with the words of the Eternal, and it was by that third operation that he learned to know the universal creation.

    Adam, having thus operated and manifested his will according to the will of the creator, received from Him the august name of MAN GOD of the universal earth, because there ought to come from him a divine, and not a carnal posterity. It must be noticed here that at the first operation, Adam received the law, at the second, he received the precept, and at the third, the command. By these three Kind of operations, we should clearly see, not only what were the boundaries of the power, virtue and force (strenght) that the creator gave to His creature, but also that which He had prescribed to the first perverse spirits.

    The Creator, having seen that this creature was pleased by the virtue, power and force innate in Him, and by which he could act at will, left him to his free-will, having emancipated him in a way distinct from His divine immensity with this freedom, so that this creature may have the personal and particular enjoyment, present and future, for eternity, provided that he conduct himself according to the will of the Creator. Adam, being left to his free-will, reflected (pondered) on the great power manifested by his first three operations. Be saw his works as being almost as great as that of the creator. Not being able on his own to perfectly fathom those first three Operations, nor those of the creator, doubt and trouble started to get hold of him. The deliberations of Adam, and the thought that he had to read into the divine power, became quickly known to the first perverse spirits (bad demons), because as soon as he conceived that thought, one of the principal perverse spirits came to Him under the disguise of a glorious bodily form, approached him and said: what more do you wish to know from the almighty creator? Had not He made you his equal by virtue of the almight that He does put unto you? Do according to the innate will in you, and operate as the free being that you are, be it upon the divinity, be it upon all the universal creation which will submit to your command. You will convince yourself then that your almight is different in nothing from that of the creator. You will learn to know that you are not only a creator of particular power, but more than that, creator also of a universal power you were told that a divine posterity will come from you. I know all this from the creator and it is in His name that I am talking to you. After this speech of the demoniac spirit, Adam behaved as if he were still inactive and felt within himself the rise of a violent trouble from which he fell into ecstasy. It is in that state that the mischievous spirit insinuated to him its demoniac power. Adam, returned from his spiritual-animal ecstasy, and having retained the bad impression of the demon, resolved to operate the demoniac science rather than the divine science, which the creator gave him to subject every being inferior to him. He rejected entirely his own spiritual divine thought in order to use that which the mischievous spirit had suggested to him.

    Thus Adam operated the demoniac thought by making a fourth operation in which he used all the powerful words that the creator transmitted to him for his first three operations, although he rejected entirely the ceremonial of these same operations. He used, by preference, the ceremonial taught to him by the demon and the scheme he received from the latter to attack the immutability of the Creator.

    Adam repeated what the first perverse spirits had conceived, namely, to become creators at the expense of the laws that the Eternal had prescribed which was to serve them as boundaries in their spiritual divine operations. Those first spirits ought to conceive nothing in regards to creation. Adam, no more than them, ought not to aspire to that ambition of creation of spiritual beings suggested to him by the demon.

    We have seen that as soon as those demons or perverse spirits had conceived their will of emanation similar to that of the creator, they have been precipitated by the will of the creator in places of darkness for a lenght time. That fall and the punishment prove us that the creator would not ignore the thought and the will of His creature, for that thought and that will, good or evil, will bounce up directly to Him and He would either accept or reject them. One would be thus guilty to say that evil comes from the creator because everything has from Him. From the creator is issued every good, saint and perfect spiritual being, no evil has been or can be emanated from Him. But, let one ask from where has evil emanated? I will say that evil is nurtured by the spirit but is not created, and that creating is the work of the creator and not that of the creature, that ill thoughts are nurtured by the evil spirits as well as the good thoughts are nurtured by the good spirit, it belongs to man to accept the one and reject the other according to his free-will, which give him the right to aspire to the rewards of his good deeds or keeps him in privation of his spiritual right for an unlimited time. I will talk somewhere else in further details of this divine mercifulness. I am back again to the nurturing of evil caused by the bad will of spirit, and I will say that the nurturing of bad spirit, being but bad thought, is spiritually called bad intellect. The nurturing of good thought is called good intellect. It is by these kinds of intellect that the good and the evil spirits communicate to an and leave upon his consciousness all impressions whatsoever, and it belongs to man to use his free-will to accept or reject it.

    We called intellect the insinuations-good or evil- of the spirits because they act upon spirituals beings. The perverse spirits are subjected to the minors who- by their prevarication- have degenerated from their superior power.

    The good spirits are equally subjected to man by the quaternary power that he received at the time of his emanation. That universal power of man is indicated (announced) by the word of the creator who said to him: I have created all for you, you have but to command to be obeyed. There is thus no distinction to be made between the location where the minor keeps the good spirits and that where he keeps the bad spirits. If man had maintained himself in his state of glory, he would have used the good and true intellect on the demon, as they used and are still using – their bad intellect on the minor. By the power of command, man could-moreover-confine them in privation by refusing them any communication, and this is shown to us by the inequality of the five fingers of the hand of which the middle-finger represents the soul, the thomb represents good spirit, the index represents good intellect, the other two fingers represent equally the demoniac spirit and intellect. By this figure, we will easily understand that man has been emanated but to be always in sight of the demon in order to combat and contain him. The power of man was by far superior to that of the demon because man joined to his science that of his companion and his intellect and by that means he could oppose three spiritual powers to two weak demoniac powers, and this would totally subjugate the professors of evil and even destroy evil itself.

    One can see by all that I have said that the origin of evil is from no other cause than bad thought followed by bad will of spirit against the divine laws, and not that of the spirit, emanated from the Creator, be directly evil, because the possibility of evil has never existed in the creator. It is fathered only by the sole disposition and will of the creatures. Those who talk differently about this subject are not doing it with knowledge-of-course of things which are possible or impossible to the Divinity. When the creator chastise its creature, one calls Him by the name “just” and not by that of “author” of the plague sent to protect its creature from infinite chastisement.

    I will enter now into the explanation of’ the prevarication of the first man. This prevarication is a repetition of that of the first emanated perverse spirits, although it is the work of Adam’ s will, it has not originated from his thought, for that thought was suggested to him by the spirits prevaricators however, the prevarication of the first man is more considerable than that of the first spirits because, not only Adam retained the impression from the advice of the demons in whose favor he has contracted a bad will, more than that, he brought himself to use all his divine virtues and powers against the Creator by operating, at the will of the demons and his own will, an act of creation, that which the perverse spirits did not have the time to accomplish, their bad will and thoughts having been killed at the outset by the creator, and by this the creator prevented their operation from tacking place. One would ask why the creator did not act against the iniquitous act of the first man as He had done against that of the perverse spirits? I will answer that man, being the instrument appointed by the creator to punish the first spirits, received some laws to that effect. The creator left intact those laws that He gave to man as well as those which were innate in the evil spirit so that these two beings operate according to their particular thought and ·will. The creator, being an immutable being in His decrees and His spiritual gifts, as well as in what He promises and what He refuses, also in the punishment and rewards that He send to His creature according to its merits, could not, without diminishing His immutability, stop the force and the action of the laws that the perverse spirit and man had. He left the two emanated beings to act freely because it does not belong to Him to read into the temporal secondary causes, nor to prevent their happening without derogation from His own existence of necessary Being to his own divine power.

    If the Creator had to partake in secondary causes, it would be necessary that He communicate to His creature not only the thought but also the will, good or bad, through His spiritual agents. Therefore, if the Creator could act that way, one would be right to say that good an evil come from God. We would not be able then to consider ourselves as free beings, subject to a divine cult of our own will. Let us render justice to the Creator by convincing ourselves of this truth that evil has never existed, and cannot exist in Him, and it is rather from the sole will of the spirit that evil comes out, and this because the spirit is clothed with freedom. What proves demonstratively the truth of what I say is this: if it were possible for the Creator to stop the action of the spiritual, temporal secondary causes, He would not permit His minor to succumb to the insinuations of the demons, having emanated the minor expressly to be the particular instrument of the manifestation of His glory against those same demons.

    Let us look at this example: If your deputy, having received your orders to go and combat your enemies, instead of attacking them, joined them and came back to fight you in order to make you their subject, how would you consider this deputy? You would consider him as a traitor and would keep yourself on guard against him. This was the prevarication of the first man towards the Creator. That is why the angel of the Lord, as it was re­ ported in the scriptures, said: Let us cast out from here the man who has the knowledge of good and evil, for he can trouble us in our spiritual functions, and let us prevent him from touching the tree of life that he might not live forever. (he tree of life is nothing else than the spirit of the Creator that the minor and his allies attacked unjustly. “That he might not live forever” means that he might not live eternally in a damned virtue and power as the first demoniac spirits. Without that punishment, the first man would not have made penance for his crime, he would not have been able to make peace with God, he would not have had his posterity and would have remained the minor of the demoniacs minors of whom he became the subject, whereas by his spiritual reconciliation, he was given back the same virtues and powers that he had before against the unfaithful of the divine law. It is by that reconciliation that he has obtained a second time the powers pro and con over every created being. Therefore, it is incumbent upon him to use this power with wisdom and moderation, and never put his free will to the service of the enemies of the Creator again, lest he might become forever the tee of life for evil.

    Now we come back to the prevarication of Adam. If you knew the kind of prevarication of Adam and the fruit which resulted from it, you would not consider as unjust the chastisement that the Creator put upon us at birth and which chastisement He has decreed to be reversible upon our posterity for ever and ever. Adam was the last creature to be emanated. 3e was put in the center of the universal, general and particular creation and he was given a power superior to that of any other emanated being because of the type of works he had to perform for the Creator, even the angels were subjected to his great virtue and powers. It was while pondering upon a so glorious state that Adam conceived and operated his ill will in the center of his glorious couch (confinement) that is vulgarly named terrestrial paradise an which we mysteriously call: land elevated beyond every sense.

    This place is so named by the friends of wisdom, because it was this area known under the name of gloria that the temple of Solomon was built. The building of this temple really exemplified the emanation of the first man. To convince oneself of this fact, one has to realize that the temple of Solomon was built without the help of tools made of metal, and this makes it clear to men that the Creator made the first man without the help of any physical operation. That spiritual couch in which the Creator put His first minor was shown by six circumferences. By the six circles, the Creator showed to the first man the six immeasurable (immense) thoughts that He has used to create His universal and particular temple. The seventh, joined to the other six, indicated to man the joining of the spirit of the Creator with him in order to be his force and his support. But, in spite of the powerful precautions used by the Creator to prevent and sustain man against his enemies, man kept acting on his own will, to perform evil acts.

    Adam had in him the possibility to create a posterity of spiritual form, that is to say of glorious form in the likeness of that which he had before his prevarication, impassive form of a nature superior to all elementary forms. The will of the first man would have only to operate, and the spiritual divine thought would have equally acted, by fulfilling immediately the fruit of the operation of the minor, by a being as perfect as he. God and man would make but one Operation, and it was in this great work that Adam would have seen his rebirth with great satisfaction, because he would have been really the Creator of a posterity of God. 3ut, far from accomplishing the design of God, the first man let himself be seduced by the insinuations of his enemies, and the false design (apparently divine) that they traced to him. Those demonian spirits told him: “Adam, you have innate in you the verb of creation, you are in possession of all values, weights, numbers and measures, why don ‘t you operate the power of divine creation innate in you? We are not without knowledge that every created being must be obedient to you: create, since you are creator. Operate in front of those who are outside of you and all of them will render justice and glory to you” Adam, filled with pride, traced six circumferences similar to that of the Creator, that is to say that he performed the six acts of spiritual thoughts, that he had in his power to cooperate the will of his creator. He performed physically and in presence of the spirit seducer his criminal operation. He expected to have the same success as the Eternal Creator, but he was extremely astonished (as were the demon) when, instead of a glorious form, he pulled out of his operation a sinister form, quite opposed to his created a material form, instead of creating a pure and glorious one, as it was in his power to do. What became of Adam after his operation? He pondered upon the iniquitous fruit which resulted from it, and realized that he created his own prison, which was thightening on him and his posterity, in the sinister boundaries, and in the spiritual and divine privation for ever and ever. That privation was nothing else other than the metamorphosis of the glorious form to a material and passive form. The corporeal form that Adam created was not really his, but it was one in the likeness of that which he ought to take after his prevarication.

    One would ask me if the glorious corporeal form in which Adam was put by the Creator was similar to that which we have now? I will answer – that it was in no way different from that which men have today. All that distinguish them is that the first was pure and sound (unfailing) whereas that which we have now is passive and subject to corruption. It is for having soiled himself by a so Unclean creation that the Creator became irritated with man. But, one would say, what is the use (for Adam) of this material form that he created? It has served him to make a posterity of men because the first minor (Adam), by his creation of a material passive form, has downgraded his own impassive form. This posterity of God would have been without end or boundary, the spiritual operation of the first minor would have been that of the Creator, those two wills of creation would be but one in two substances. But why the creator has left the fruit issued from the prevarication of Adam to remain, and why He had not annihilate it when he cursed the first man of the whole earth? The creator left the unclean work of the minor to remain so that he can be molested from generation to generation for a time immemorial, having always in front of his eyes the horror of his crime. The Creator did not permit that the crime of the first man be wiped out under the heavens so that his posterity would not be able to pretend not to knowing about his prevarication, in addition, his posterity would learn that the pains and the miseries which it is enduring and will endure for ever and ever do not come from the Creator but from our first father, creator of unclean and passive matter. We use this expression “unclean matter” only because Adam has operated this form against the will of the Creator. If one would ask again how was made the change of the glorious form of Adam into a material form, and if the Creator Himself gave to Adam the material form which he took immediately after his prevarication, I will answer that as soon as he accomplished his criminal will, the Creator, by His almight, transmuted the glorious form of the first man into a material form in the likeness to that which came out of his criminal operation. The Creator transmuted this glorious form by precipitating man into the abyss of the earth whence he pulled the fruit of his prevarication. Thereafter, man came to dwell on earth like the rest of the animals, whereas before his crime he reigned upon this same earth without being mingled neither with it nor with its inhabitants.

    It was after this terrible event that Adam realized more strongly the magnitude of his crime. He went to bewail his fault and asked from the Creator forgiveness for his offense. He deepened himself in his retreat, and there, in meanings and tears, he thus invoked the divine Creator:

    “Father of charity and mercy, Father vivacious and of eterna1 life, Father God of Gods, of heavens and earth, God strong and very strong, God of justice, of pain and rewards, Eternal Almighty, God vengeful and remunerator, God of peace and clemency and charitable compassion, God of good and bad spirits, strong God of sabbath, God of reconciliation of all created beings, God Eternal and almighty of the celestial and terrestrial regions, Invincible Cod existing necessary without beginning nor end, God who punishes and rewards as it pleases Him, God quadruple strong of the celestial and terrestrial armies of this universe, magnificent God of every contemplation, of the created beings and sound (unfailing) rewards, God father of mercifulness without boundaries in favor of his weak creature, hear the one who moans before Thee for the abomination of his crime. He is but the secondary cause of his prevarication. Reconciles Thee man unto Thee and subject Him to Thee forever. Bless also the work done by the band of thine first man so that it won’t succumb, as I did, to the solicitation of those who are the cause of my just punishment and also that of the work of my own will. Amen!

    I will call now your attention upon this invocation that Adam made to the Creator in order to obtain his reconciliation. By looking carefully into the invocation, one can see that it is positively Adam who was the first to give to his posterity an exact knowledge of the different virtues, powers and properties which were innate in the Creator, so that this same posterity could learn that it was created but to combat for the most glory of God and that it should render him the cult for which it was perpetuated in its creation. That cult, which the Creator demands today from His temporal creature, is not the same as that which He would have demanded from his first minor if the latter has remained in his state of glory. The cult that man would have had to perform in his state of glory, having been established but for one purpose would have been quite spiritual, whereas that which the Creator demands today from His temporal creature has a double purposes, namely: one temporal, and one spiritual.

    That is what the prevarication of our first father has produced. After all that was said about the prevarication of Adam, this truth cannot be overlooked by the physical, animal, spiritual, and passive sight of man without striking head on to the powerful feelings, and immense and infinite virtues, which are innate in him. One has seen that his crime was born in the solicitations that the perverse spirits made to the first man, God emanated, whom we call Adam or first temporal father or hemme roux ou reaux, which means: Man-God very-strong in wisdom, virtue and power. Three very holy things are innate in man, they are in him the thought, the image, and the likeness of the ·creator. One has seen that the crime did not originate from Adam’s thoughts, but it was rather the result of his will. In fact, as I have said elsewhere, thought comes to man from a being distinct from him. If the thought is a holy one, it comes from a divine spirit, if it is evil, it comes from a bad demon. Thus, the will of man is put into action according to the concept of his thoughts. This is not limited to this world only, neither to men in general. All the other worlds are included as well as the beings who inhabit them, be they that whom the Eternal use to communicate with His minor creature for the manifestation of His glory in the whole universe, or those that are unknown to us. Even the demons, in spite of the condemnation that they have received from the Creator at the outset of their prevarication, have not been subjected to a change of law concerning thought. They enjoy fully and entirely the results of their actions according to their thoughts and wills, but they could expect no communication of divine thought other than which they would bring to themselves by changing their bad will. The principal chief of the demons, who has sworn to attack constantly and with obstinacy the law of the Creator, is the tree of life of evil. He communicates his bad thoughts to the angels who are subjected to him and the latters, in conformity with their bad will, set this thought into motion in order to persecute the minor. This chief of abomination has given himself the special task of submitting the minors to his obscure laws which he arranges so that they may appear as clear as that which the Creator put in His creature – It must not be forgotten that any divine thought which comes to us by invisible communication of a good spirit or a good intellect should not be taken as divine will but rather only as thought. We call intellect this form of communication because it is according to it that man operates at will. One can say the same thing for the bad intellect found in the bad minors. It is by leaving himself open to the communication of those kinds of good or bad intellects that the first man has degenerated from his faculty of thinking being.

    When Adam was in his first state of glory he had no need for communication of good or bad intellects in order to know the thoughts of the Creator and that of the prince of the demons. Being totally a thinking being, he reads either one as it pleases him. But when he was left to his own virtues, power and free will, by his pride, he made himself susceptible to good or bad communications and became by that what we call pensive. The Christ Himself proves to us the infirmity of the minor in this regard since the prince of the demons tempted Him in nature under an apparent human form and operated his demoniac will against Him on the mount Thabor. I have explained to you the type of this prevarication with ‘t e same certainty that it was taught to me by one of my faithful friends, cherished of truth and protected by Wisdom. You have seen that the first God of the whole earth, made really a terrible operation by creating a material form, similar to his corporeal glorious form, and that it could not be but a form of apparent and imperfect matter since it was the fruit that resulted from the operation of a bad will. Since Adam abused his power, his operation could not go unpunished by the Creator. However, the Eternal, having promised by oath to Adam that He will support him in every operation that he will make in His name, could not prevent Himself from fulfilling that immutable promise to assist him in every circumstance where he would need Him to crown his works. God, being taken by His oath to Adam and also by His immutability, joined, according to His promise, His spiritual operation to the temporal operation of Adam, although that be contrary to His will. The Creator acted with Adam, and crowned his work, by locking into the material form he created a minor being. The miserable Adam had placed into a sinister prison a pensive and thinking being.

    The word pensive comes from a bad intellectual junction to the minor being, who was emanated thinking- being, entirely in the immensity of the Creator. This intellectual junction caused the degeneration of the minor from this first state and subjected him to be pensive. It is not surprising that Adam, after his prevarication, became a pensive and thinking being, and it is not surprising either that all his posterity becomes so following this same prevarication. This last fact is visibly proven by the different ways of thinking, acting and operating that we are witnessing among the posterity of our first temporal father. We see, among this posterity, different nations, different languages, different cults divine or material, and a great varieties of revolutions, in general as well as well as in particular. Furthermore, we see men, at all times, trying hard to have a close communication among themselves so that they can educate each other either spiritually or materially.

    This indicates that this posterity has very little self-reliance, and satisfy itself of the inspiration- good or bad- that it receives from the evil or good spirit in the sinister dwellings that it inhabits. It is because of his accession to this state, contrary to its spiritual nature, that e call the posterity of Adam pensive and thinking. e must however observe here that there have been some minors who have received the birth and temporal life by the sole will of the divine operation. Those minors have been destined (meant) for the manifestation of the glory of the Eternal, and, although their form has been emanated from the posterity of Adam, the minor who inhabited that form was truly a pure thinking being and never a pensive one·. And why that? Because the Eternal, through one of his deputies, made manifest His will in an apparition to the minor and told him what he ought to do, to operate the divine will. The intellectual inspiration is one thing, the act of visual Operation of the spirit is another one.

    I will explain that, when I talk about the minors who were emanated before Adam by the sole will of the Creator for the manifestation of his glory. In the first times of the posterity of the first or an, Heli, whom we call Christ and who is recognized as a thinking being, recon ciliated Adam with creation. Enoch reconciliated the first posterity of Adam under the posterity of Seth. Noach reconciliated the second posterity of Adam by reconciliating his own and afterwards reconciliated earth with God. Melchizedek confirmed these first three reconciliations by blessing the deeds of Abraham and his three hundred servants. This blessing is a repeat of that which God gave to the three children of Noah, namely: Sec, Cham and Japhet. Abraham and his three hundred servants make the perfect quaternary number and this brings back to mind the same quaternary number that Noah and his three children have formed.

    It is by the octerniry number, which is resulted from the junction of those two quaternaries, that we have learned that all the reconciliation and confirmations of which we have talked have been made directly by the Christ or, although they have been performed by the assistance of the minors emanated for that purpose, those minors, however, have been but apparent figures which the Christ used for the manifestation of the glory and the mercifulness of the Creator in favor of the reconciled. We know with certainty that the number eight has innate in it a double power given to the Christ by the Creator, and it is that number which tells us that the Messiah has performed everything on behalf of the temporal men of the first and second posterity of Adam. We consider as second posterity of Adam the posterity of Seth because it made itself ready for reconciliation, and we do not include that of Cain because it has yet to be reconciliated since it is still paying its debt to the creator.

    We ought to conceive this clearly by the curse that Cham received from his father Noah after the resting of the ark on earth. His exile remains fixed in the south. This is the immemorial sign to men, from generation to generation, that the posterity of Cain has not yet spiritually reintegrated in all its personal powers and virtues, although it is not -permanent on the surface of the earth.

    I will not let you unaware of the fact that what happened to Cain has been prophesied by a. sensitive sign to the children of Noah who did not understand it. That sign was the escape of the raven (crow) which flew from the ark before the earth was in sight (discovered). It directed its flight towards the south and did not come back to the ark. Those which stayed in the ark did not see it again even after they came out.

    This flight of the raven (crow) shows us, by its type, that no sad or happy event comes to man without this latter being able to either foresee it or to have one way or the other an indication of its happening. Provided that he meditates on his thoughts, he will soon see the good or the bad which can result from those thoughts, because the good intellect does not want to see anything -good or bad­ happen to the creature which its protects without warning it about what to expect.

    You would like to ask me why the first posterity of Adam in Cain has not yet been reconciliated with the Creator: The Christ, you would tel1 me, has not He came to reconciliate the living as well as the deads with the Creator? God the Son, by his passion and the effusion of his blood, has not He opened the doors of the kingdom of heaven to all those who have died in divine privation? Therefore, this posterity of Adam in Cain must be comprised in the reconciliation I will answer to that, that the Christ has reconciliated with God the Father only those who have been marked by the seal of the spiritual operation of the righteous (justs). This seal was visibly sent to them without mystery about the way they would have to use it on behalf of those who ought to receive it so that they can be more and more fortified in the faith and the mercifulness of the Creator, and also to be able to sustain with invincible strenght the powerful manifestation of the divine justice which ought to be operated in front of them by the Christ among all the inhabitants of the earth living in divine privation. What I have just said, was really done by the Christ, and I am going to explain it more clearly.

    We cannot have any doubt about the virtue of the almighty God, the Son who is truly the direct action of the will of the Creator, Father of everything. We can doubt much less that all creation has been operated by the Creator, in the presence of the divine Son who said after each operation of divine thought: everything is good. If He could say something like that, He must have known in depth the principle of the operating thought of the Creator. In fact, He knew all the goodness and the validity of the holy thought that the creator operated in His presence, and, filled with joy and delights, He applauded by saying: I am in Thee and in Thine works (deeds) Almighty Creator, as Thou art in me and in my deeds. I have tied in Their boundaries everything that Thou hast created as Thine will has ordered. Whoever follows Thee and me will verify and confirm all Thine works and mine and he will teach to all spiritual and divine beings the will touching the immutable laws upon which every created being is founded. It is by virtue of these same laws that every emanated being acts in its virtue and power, good or bad, and that every spiritual temporal operation is done, as well as its product, on behalf of he who operates pro or con the glory of the Creator or the creature. This serves to convince you that it is the Christ Him­ self who has directed the operations of the justs (of whom I have talked) on behalf of the minors who became slaves of the demons, and also in favor of those who are still suffering all persecutions from the demoniac spirits.

    We will learn it most particularly by the three days that the Christ stayed unknown to the earth and its inhabitants. The first day, He went down to the places of the greatest divine privation called vulgarly “the hells, to deliver from the horrible bondage the minors marked by the seal of reconciliation. That is really the first operation since He did not come among men but to operate-in-nature- the divine justice directly against the enemies of the Creator.

    The second operation of Christ was done on behalf of the justs whom are called Saint triarchs – who are still paying tribute to the justice of the Creator, not because they had lead a criminal life or spiritually misconducted themselves, but only to redeem the soil they have acquired by their sojourn into a material form inherited from the prevarication of Adam, whereas they ought to inhabit a glorious ad incorruptible body.

    The messiah, (which means: spiritual divine regenerator) by His doubly powerful operation, has pre pared those patriarch minors who ought to be, during their temporal life, the precursors of His advent and His omnipotence for the manifestation of the divine justice which He would have to operate upon all the emanated beings. Consequently, those patriarch minors received from the 8hrist the doubly strong feature of His Operation from which they know in advance everything that the Christ was doing and will do on their behalf, and that of the minors Whose divine situation was more urgent than theirs. It is not surprising that this Reconciler has given, by preference, the above mentioned feature to the Minors who He has Himself prepared to serve as tools for the manifestation of the divine glory. Besides, He gave them the power to make this feature effective upon the minors in privation so that they can operate on behalf of those minors for the greatest glory of the Creator and the greatest disgrace of the demons. It is because of this spiritual divine preparation that the Regenerator went first to the most oppressed minors as being the most in need of His help than to those who already knew what He would be doing for the glory of the Creator.

    You would like, to know what was this feature tat the Re generator put upon the Saints Patriarchs? It was a major spiritual being, more powerful than the glorious minors, who could only be distinguished by the different spiritual actions that he was operating among those reconciliated but not yet regenerated minors. The operation of the Christ upon those patriarch minors produced in them a change that they did not understand. They were by this means, more strongly convinced than they have ever been during their temporal life of the inviolable tenderness that the Creator has and will eternally have for His creature, since He has not created it to lose it except if it chooses to lose itself. The Christ (this name means: receptacle of divine operation) made upon the minors an impression quite opposed to that which the r had in the past, by tracing to the reconciliated minors some different works than that which they have be en doing during their temporal course. It is by this means that the slaves of the demons received the seal o divine reconciliaton, but this seal, to the truth, eas much stronger than that which was put upon the patriarch minors because their seal was to operate very succinct things, whereas the one that was put upon the slaves of the demons ought to operate much stronger and considerable feats. Thus, the change which took place upon the minors patriarches, although very strong, was infinitely less than the one that was done upon the slaves of the demons, because the Spirit who was Operating- in the habitation of these minors had two actions to bring forth, namely: the reconciliation of the minors and the punishment of the perverse majors.

    Those were the first and the second operation of the Christ during the first two of the three days He remained unknown to men in order to give us an understanding of the sepulture and afterwards that of the spiritual reconciliation and resurrection before the eyes of the whole creation.

    The third operation of the Christ refers to the third day of His sepulture and it was done upon two kinds of minors who were more or less tightened in divine privation. Thus, this third operation was divided into two substances of which one is visible to ordinary mortals, and the other invisible to the same mortals, and this because no matter can see the Spirit without dying or without the spirit annihilating that matter.

    At the time of His invisible substance of the third operation of Christ had to abridge the works and toilsome operations that were done by the minors who were complying with the duration of time in their universal, general and particular course as it was prescribed by the Creator. This universal course, to which the minor is subjected, makes itself known by the meticulous study of the three spherical planes that men of all times have done, and those of this century are still doing, in order to give themselves, wit more certainty, different means to run through all the surface of the earth. Some men do not consider these planes but as being proper to satisfy their greedy material passions, and this is due to the relatively little knowledge that they have about these planes which are called: sensitive, visual, and rational, and have in them the property to instruct man in the knowledge or space and the boundaries of the universal, general and particular creation, but men must be in very great darkness if they do not consider these three planes but materially.

    We attach spiritually the minor name to the sensitive, the intellect plane to the visual and the major plane to the rational, and these planes are nothing else than a distinct expanse in which the equitable minors will end the operation of their temporal action, invisible to the corporeal man. This operation starts in the sensitive plane, from there the minors go into the visual plane where is accomplishe of operation” since the expanse of this second plane is infinitely more considerable than that of the first one into which the minors have finished the course of the operation that fits their being, and then go on to enjoy their deserved rest in the shadow of their reconciliation into the plane which we call rational.

    All the different planetary and elementary bodies reside in the interval of these three principal planes which we distinguish again by the three principal divine powers which certainly operate between them, as I am going to explain by the three following numbers: number 4 is given to the minor, number 7 is given to the spirit, and number 8 to the double spirit or the Christ. The Christ presides over the Spirit, the spirit presides over the minor, and the minor presides over the terrestrial form.

    It is thus, as we have said, to abridge the course and the operations of the minors in these three planes that the first substance of the third operation of the Christ manifested itself so that the minors can rest themselves. The second substance, visible to corporeal men, lies in the framework (scheme) that He traced to them, either by His resurrection, or by His own instruction left by His spiritual divine word to his elected faithful. This is, sincerely, what I was told about the reconciliation done by the Christ, reconciliation truly prepared by the elected justs of this same Christ, as I am going to explain it to you- Heli reconciliated the first man with the Creator by his spirit which joined the first emenated minor. Enoch, by his justice, operated on behalf of the posterity of the children of Seth-living as well as deceased-by setting upon them the feature or the authentic seal of his operation. It is with this seal that he marked those who were worthy to accompany the Christ when He went to report to His Father about the Operations that He had d one for His glory and the disgrace of his enemies. Noah repeated the same thing, as well as Melchizedek, Elijah, Zorobabel and the Christ. Those are the ones who have be en appointed by order of the Creator to mark the spiritual minors who ought to accompany the triumph of the manifestation of the divine justice operated by the might of the Man-God and divine, according to His immediate correspondance with the Creator.

    I will not enter into the details of the different operations that those justs have done to cooperate in the identification of the marked who ought definitely to form the Court of Christ when He went to meet face to face wit the Creator, Father of all authority and divine power. However, you would like to as me how can it be that what I said about the reconciliation of the minor has been done by the justs of whom I have talked? Any event, you would tell me, temporal or spiritual, was not it forewarned by the immutable laws that the Creator has given to the universal creation?

    I will answer to you that God could not forestall what He has not foreseen, being unable to read in the mind, as I have said before, but when a thought is conceived, and besides that, He could not destroy the will of the spiritual beings. One knows that without this freedom Adam would not be able to prevaricate, and his prevarication brought about a change so considerable that the Creator has been forced to amend the operation of the general and particular creation.

    You know that the Creator emanated Adam, Man-God-just of the earth, and that he was incorporated with a glorious incorruptible body. You know that when Adam prevaricated, He cursed Him as well as his unclean work and cursed the whole earth afterwards. You know also that, by that prevarication, Adam de8enerated from his glorious form to a material form. You will know by me that all those things would be of no use the general and particular nature if the Creator has not suspended and withdrawn towards himself for a time, the powers that He gave to His first man in his state of justice.

    The change which took place in Adam-from a glorious body to a material one indicated the new laws that the Creator would give him when he would be reconciliated. It was when this reconciliation took place that the Creator blessed him for the second time, forgave him his misdeed, but did not give him back but a power inferior to that which he possessed before his crime. This is clearly and physically demonstrated by the different law that Moses brought down from the mountain. Moses did not give to the people of Israel the first tables of the Law. The prevarication of this people forced Moses to break those tables and deprive the Israelites of this divine law that they were so eager to receive. Moses, after this event, reconciliated himself with his people and promised it a second law from the eternal. This reconciliation could not come directly from the sole will of Moses, it came from the power of the Creator. The proof that one can give to this is that all the powers of a lone man can’t reconcile twenty people under his will, and if Moses did not operate but by himself without the help of a superior being, all his words and efforts would have been useless. Let us judge by comparing the men of this century who think that those of the first centuries were rough. How can we reconcile the men of this century, who have never seen any physical, spiritual or divine manifestation s, if not by those manifestations are operated by the immutable laws, which must actuate and keep the universal creation for the duration that the Creator has prescribed for it?

    You may want, to know how long is that duration, but it is not here that I will talk to you about it. I am going to pursue definitely the explanation of the prevarication of Adam, because it is from there that have come all the epochs, all the different events since the beginning of the world, and which will perpetuate until the different fights which were taking place in him when he was tightened into his material body. In this state, he made his lamentations (wailings) to the Creator, claimed the clemency of the living God who is the Christ. In his somnolence the spirit presented to him the fruit of his prevarication and this brought him the greated was considering his work. The poor man felt that he must sincerely whown to him. Adam comlyied to the divine will. He confessed with operation of his own will, which ought to tie him with the fruit of his work for a time immerorial. He confirmed this confession by giving to this fruit, of his prevarication and this brought him the greatest consternation and increased the violence of his remorses while he was considering his work. This poor man felt that he must sincerely recognize his fault and confess it as he has done it and as it was whown to him. Adam complied to the divine will. He confessed with the greatest sincerity, the work of his sinister thought and the operation of his own will, which ought to tie him with the fruit of his work for a time immemorial. He confirmed this confession by fiving to this fruit, of his prevarication, the Name Houva, or Hommesse which means: felsh of my flesh, bone of my bones and the work of my operation done by my soiled hands. That is what you wanted to know about the prevarication of Adam!

    What I have told you about the prevarication of Adam and the fruit which resulted from it proves very clearly what is our corporeal and spiritual nature, and how much both have degenerated since the soul has become subject to suffering and privation and the form from impassive has become passive. This is where you can recognize sensitively what we call spiritually decree pronounced by the Eternal against the posterity of Adam until the end of the centuries and which others call vulgarly original sin.




    107 page scan

    rare book, Weiser Antiquarian





    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Inner Witch, A Modern Guide to the Ancient Craft, by Gabriela Herstik

    she writes the Ask a Witch column of Nylon, and for Hello Giggles.

    Based in Los Angeles




    White Moon Cycle, bleed when noon is new or waning.

    Red Moon Cycle, bleed on full or waxing moon, shamanism etc, or darker energies

    Universal Laws ( I think hermiticism )

    1. Sympathetic Magic
    2. Law of Similarities
    3. Law of Contact
    4. Law of Least Effort/Resistance
    5. As Above So Below, As Within So Without
    6. Karma / The Rule of Three


    Strip Club Charisma
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ likes Starhawk

    Kristen J. Sollee
    Witches, Sluts, Feminists: Conjuring the Sex Positive Paperback – June 20, 2017



    Material Girl, Mystical World: The Now Age Guide to a High-Vibe Life
    Ruby Warrington


    Comming out of the spiritual closet!

    Broadly Horoscopes

    Numinous Books

    Invoking, CCW on pentacle.

    Casting the circle is CW

    a coven is usually 13 witches



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Witches, sluts, feminists : conjuring the sex positive / Kristen J. Sollée ; illustrations by Coz Conover
    * and her other books

    Material girl, mystical world : the now age guide to a high-vibe life / Ruby Warrington


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Kristen J. Sollee, sex positive feminist

    Witches, sluts, feminists : conjuring the sex positive / Kristen J. Sollée ; illustrations by Coz Conover



    Slutist Tarot

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    What I Wish I Knew Before I Began Practicing Witchcraft

    Kristen Sollée: Witches, Sluts, Feminists (pretty cool!)


    Lady Love, Robin Trower
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Replying to Kristen Sollée, the Medieval Cathars would sit in a circle and recite the Lord's Prayer over and over slowly. So yes, they are taking charge of their own spirituality, instead of sitting in church and listening to the sermon. But are you really doing to burn people at the stake for this?

    No, to me it has always been clear that the reason they burned the Cathars was because they had methods of contraception and abortion.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    So this Gerald Gardner, after the war and after the passing of Aleister Crowley, he invented Wicca.

    Just to set the record straight, I have never been attracted to Wicca, or to the Neo-Pagan movement.

    They say that Gardner was influenced by Crowley, and this is clear from his writings.

    They say he was also influenced by Dion Fortune's novel The Sea Priestess

    Gardner claims that he is promoting an ongoing tradition. This seems not to be so. It was Gardner who invented it himself.

    Gardner talks about 8 types of magick.

    I think this is where DiscWorld and the Colour of Magick came from. Terry Pratchett. From Gardner's idea.


    Chaos Magick pioneer Peter J. Carroll did not mention this in his first book, but in his second, Liber Chaos, he most certainly did.

    8 rays or colors of magick and a Chao Star.

    They say Wicca has lot of sex magick in it. Probably that is for some people more than others.


    Drume Hand

    Billie Jean
    | Billie Jean - micheal Jackson | John mahon, Fabio Rodrigues ,Allie Sherlock
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Yes, Colour of Magick, 1983 was the first of the series, now beyond 40 novels. Though the author has passed away.


    I wonder if The Sea Priestess influenced Ursula K. LeGuin and her Earth Sea quatrology?

    So much that I should know. The Organization will help all of our people!


    Amazing Trio! Allie Sherlock, Fabio Rodrigues, John Mahon
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Esoteric Orders and Their Work,
    by Dion Fortune, forward by Gareth Knight.

    Samuel Weiser, 2000


    Gareth Knight runs Fortune's org after her passing in 1946.


    This was actually originally a 1928 book.

    And there was a 1930 companion, The Training and Work of an Initiate.

    And then the midpoint of Fortune's occult carrier was in 1916 when she met a teacher Dr. Theodore Moriarty. And she wsa influenced by Annie Besant's The Ancient Wisdom.

    And Fortune is well known for her Psychic Self-Defense, and this has been republished under various titles.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Esoteric Orders and Their Work, by Dion Fortune, originally 1928

    Gareth Knight says in his forward that Fortune is influenced by Blavatsky and Besant. And all the founders of the Golden Dawn and Rudolf Steiner had been part of the Theosophical Society.

    So Fortune believes in the Root Races and seems to believe in some ascended masters, or something like this. So you can't take all of what she says literally. I say that you can't take any of it literally.

    And on the last page she says,

    If the preceding pages are to be understood, they must not be interpreted in their literal or verbal meaning. Those things which they are intended to describe have no words or images in the language to represent them. In order to arrive at their meaning the reader must interpret them by means of analogous experiences of his own. If he has no analogous experience, he will not receive the impression it is intended to convey, and will not unreasonably account these things foolishness. To such an one I can offer nothing; evolutionary time must do its work.

    And she also says on page 77

    There are two Paths to the Innermost: the Way of the Mystic, which is the way of devotion and meditation, a solitary and subjective path; and the way of the occultist, which is the way of the intellect, of concentration, and of the trained will; upon this path the co-operation of fellow workers is required, firstly for the exchange of knowledge, and secondly because ritual magic plays an important part in this work, and for this the assistance of several is needed in most of the greater operations. The mystic derives his knowledge through the direct communion of his higher self with the Higher Powers; to him the wisdom of the occultist is foolishness, for his mind does not work in that way; but, on the other hand, to a more intellectual and extrovert type, the method of the mystic is impossible until long training has enabled him to transcend the planes of form. We must therefore recognize these two distinct types among those who seek the Way of Initiation, and remember that there is a path for each.

    Steiner and the Golden Dawn founders all wanted to move the center of focus from Blavatsky's East, to the West.

    And this book says of Fortune's continuing Society of the Inner Light,

    "Its aims are Christian and its methods are Western."

    So she never was on the same page as her contemporary Aliester Crowley.

    I also feel that in her writing style that Fortune must be influenced by Eliphas Levi.



    Jon Hassel - The Surgeon... (FULL album) Vinyl Rip
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Dion Fortune books:

    Applied magic / [by] Dion Fortune. (1962, 1973, from her articles)

    The mystical Qabalah / Dion Fortune. (2000)

  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    ^^ quick SJG! Get in one last comment before the library closes down at 5:30 pm! See you toMorrow at Noon pacific time when you’re done drinking your Viet coffee fix and walk by the AAMPs where Donna in the
    Purple dress used to work.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Too bad I can't be posting from Viet Coffee. But too much risk of coffee getting spilled into a keyboard.

    Purple dress Donna has passed away from leukemia.

    Maybe someday though I can make you happy and become a full time tuscl poster. But for now, I do have other responsibilities.

    I am not someone who can just be posting while pretending to be working.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Esoteric Orders and Their Work, by Dion Fortune, originally 1928

    p102"And again, with regard to Black Occultism, it is impossible to label any operation as at all times and under all circumstances definitely Black or definitely White; all we can say is, that under certain circumstances it is black or white.  Dirt has been defined as misplaced matter, and evil can be defined as misplaced force.  Force can be misplaced in time or in space.  A thing may be right at one time which is wrong at another.  Black Occultism, then may be defined as misplaced force or out-of-date methods."

    p109"It is often asked whether it be possible for initiation to take place without the conscious mind being aware of the experience.  To this question the answer is in the negative.  Initiation involves the unification of the higher and lower consciousnesses and therefore cannot obviously take place without awareness, or if it could would serve no useful purpose.  This , at any rate, is true of the Western Esoteric Tradition wherein the degrees confer actual occult powers which have to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the magus before the pupil can go on to the higher grades."

    p114"Initiation cannot be obtained in less than three incarnations of steadily directed effort."
    She says that she likes Co-Masonry and Rosicrucianism.  On page 138 she endorses the Theosophical Society, the Anthroposophical Society, and the Rosicrucian Fellowship.
    By this latter I think she means, Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

    What was going in 1928 that she probably would have known of, and does not specifically endorse, are Aliester Crowley and the O.T.O..  And there would still have been Martinist groups in France.  And she does not specifically endorse the Memphis Misraim Masons.

    She kept a distance from and was critical of Besant and Star of the East.  Krisnamurti renounced that in 1929.  She was part of Stella Matuina, and that started in 1930 and only lasted about a year.

    She started her quarterly journal in 1927, and that marked the start of her Society of the Inner Light,.

    She is totally Right Hand Path, and she never went along with Crowley at all.  She is an insightful and mature writer, and I think well worth reading more of.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Episode 159 - The Rite of Memphis


    Russia Ukraine Conflict Live Updates | Russia attacks Ukraine Latest English News | Breaking | WION
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Memphis Misraim related materials




    Quest for a Lost Rite: The Origins, High Degrees and Spiritual Practices of Traditional Egyptian Freemasonry Paperback – June 13, 2021
    by Mathieu G. Ravignat (Author)


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Now this seems not to be Memphis-Misraim
    Ancient Egyptian Origins Of Freemasonry | Ralph Ellis

    lots of videos like this.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Now, we also have this Memphis-Misraim, and it has a few videos too:


    Now this is informative:

    To put it in very simple terms, this means that: the Masons (as well as the Rosicrucians, the Martinists, members of the OTO, etc.) believe that if a person conducts, or takes part in, a special ceremony, or is at least given some very important or significant information, the consciousness of the man can begin to proceed to a higher level.
    So they are acknowledging some commonality with Rosicrucians, Martinists, and with the OTO.

    Talking of two rites:

    Two such Rites that practice higher degrees, are, The York Rite, which tells the story of the construction of the Temples in Jerusalem in more detail (First and Second), and the Scottish Rite. The Scottish Rite holds degrees from the 4th through the 33rd, and recounts in extreme detail, the legend of the construction of the Temples, as well as the conquest of the crusaders in the Holy Land. In the Scottish Rite, the basic fundamentals of Kabbalah and alchemy begin to be touched upon."

    In Egyptian Freemasonry, (it’s most common Rites being those of Memphis, Misraim, Memphis-Misraim and Misraim-Memphis) there are many more degrees. The number of degrees ranges from 95 to 100, depending on the specific Rite or Order being practiced. Rituals and legends of these degrees include and involve not only the Bible and the history of the orders of chivalry, but also all of the main mystical traditions of the world. When climbing up the ladder of degrees of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim (the most common version of Egyptian Freemasonry), the initiate becomes exposed to, and acquainted with, the mysteries of the Scandinavian runes, the secret traditions of the Yazidis, the esoteric rituals of Hinduism and Buddhism, the mysteries of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and most of all, with the Sacred Traditions of Ancient Egypt, as well as the practices of alchemy, Kabbalah, and astrology, which are fundamental to the Rite, and are practiced and taught at the highest levels.

    The creator of Egyptian Freemasonry, and of the Egyptian Rite, was the Count Alexander of Cagliostro (1749-1796), born in Tunisi. He must not be confused with the mystifier Giuseppe Balsamo (1743-1795), the Palermo recruited by the Jesuits to personify, and to throw disrepute, on the true Count of Cagliostro.

    Alexander of Cagliostro was initiated into the secrets of Egyptian Freemasonry by the mysterious Master Altothas in 1776, the year of the foundation of the Illuminati Order. And yet, few know that the summit of the true Illuminati Order was constituted by six members. Four were known, those being Weishaupt, von Knigge, Goethe, and Herder. Two were secret, those being Franklin and Cagliostro.

    In 1881, the Italian general, Giuseppe Garibaldi, reunified the Rites of Memphis and Misraïm, and became the Grand Hierophant of both. After the death of Garibaldi, in 1882, the Rites entered a “dark” period, until, in 1890, various lodges of both Rites were federated, and the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm reappeared. In 1900, the Italian, Ferdinando Francesco degli Oddi, became Head of Memphis-Misraïm, and was succeeded, by the English John Yarker, in 1902. The Rite then reached 97 degrees.

    Now this is very telling, talking about OTO co-founder Reuss and his passing. Says lineage was interupted, except that Memphis-Misraim was contained within OTO.

    Names a lot of Martinist people, and Robert Ambelain, who became the head in 1960.

    In 1902, the German, Theodor Reuss, established the Sovereign Sanctuary of Memphis-Misraïm in Germany, and in 1913, after the death of Yarker, he became the International Head of the Rite. In 1924, T. Reuss passed to the Eternal East, and the succession was interrupted, except in the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis), the neotemplar order founded by Reuss in 1905 in Germany. In reality, the O.T.O. had included the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, although in a reduced version, where its principal degrees were incorporated.

    In 1909, Theodore Reuss delivered a charter to the famous Martinist, Gerard Encauss, known as Papus. The successors of Papus were Charles Detré (Tedé), Jean Bricaud, Constant Chevillon, Charles-Henry Dupont, and Robert Ambelain. In 1939, Jean Bricaud passed to the Eternal East, and was followed by Chevillon. In 1944, Chevillon was murdered by the French collaborationists of national socialism, and was followed by Dupont. Then, in 1960, Ambelain succeeded Dupont as Head of the Rite.

    On November 14, 1973, the Italian, Francesco Brunelli (1927-1982), was named by Robert Ambelain to be responsible for the Rite in Italy. On November 22, 1973, Francesco Brunelli, (Nebo), Grand Master of the Ancient and Traditional Martinist Order, as well as that of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, was received with all honors in the Grand Lodge of Italy, by Palazzo Giustiniani.

    They have these tables or tracing boards, kind a like tarot cards, and they go up to the 100th degree

    The Tarot of Egyptian Freemasonry can also be divided according to its suits, in correspondence with the stages of the alchemical processes.
    Each card of the Egyptian Masonic Tarot, through the visual language of the profound mystical, esoteric, and philosophical concepts contained therein, corresponds to the Work and the lessons of each of the Egyptian Masonic degrees.
    Sergey Karpachev. “The Secrets of Masonic Awards”
    This book deals in extreme detail with the Scottish Rite, and I used it for the compilation of the notes for the tracing boards of those degrees.

    Allen H. Greenfield. “The Compleat Rite of Memphis”
    Allen Greenfield’s book describes the extent of the Egyptian Constitution for the 34th through the 97th degrees.

    Interesting video, she seems to be at their lodge in Texas.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    100 degrees. The Tracing Boards look like Tarot cards, but I think they are really much bigger.

    Continuing to extract info about Memphis-Mishraim. ANd I say extract because this stuff is still not really out in the open.

    Legends of the Craft


    In the early days of the Grand Lodge system and following Ramsay’s Oration, European Freemasonry was plagued by degree fabricators and peddlers. Generally considered clandestine by most Grand Lodges, specifically the UGLE and American Grand Lodges, the Rites of Memphis & Misraïm are seen as clandestine or irregular as it claims jurisdiction over Ancient Craft Masonry and was seen by many as spurious at best, and nothing more than a money-making scheme to dupe title seekers out of money.. The Rites of Memphis & Misraïm are no longer worked by legitimate American Freemasons but are now under the jurisdiction of the Grand College of Rites. These rites are worked in a few countries like Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, and the Dominican Republic. Prior to 1881, these rites were separated and the Rite of Misraïm is older, but by the efforts of the renowned Italian patriot, Giuseppe Garibaldi, the two were merged together.


    video, I think TelAviv

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    So this indeed does seem to be different from the other Memphis-Misraim groups.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Yeah, this is the most interesting video I have seen pertaining to Memphis-Misraim.

    She seems to be at their main lodge in Houston Texas.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    So these Universal Co-Masons, as I know they are an American break away from Le Droit Humain Masonry, and they are based in Larkspur CO. But in AZ they have at least one lodge which has become totally independent.

    So this following video is from them:



    but linked to on:


    Curious book about Memphis-Misraim:



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Subterranean Freemason Secrets | Cities of the Underworld (S1, E10) | Full Episode | History

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Ep. 22 - Cagliostro and Egyptian Freemasonry

    There seem to be three Memphis Misraim groups operating in this country. This looks to be the newest.

    And on their site they have the above video. But the video is coming from the Universal Co-Masons.

    They have a lot of videos and they are interesting. I have listened to some before where they use this two guys talking format.


    As I know they broke from American Le Droit Humain and they are headquartered in Larkspur Colorado.

    They have lodges in AZ, and there is one which has become totally independent.

    People say that it was in the 1880's that a lot of thinking changed. That was when Le Droit Humain in Paris had to break away because they decided to admit women. And that was when Memphis-Misraim formed in Naples, and that was when the Golden Dawn formed in London. People say that the main innovation of the Golden Dawn was that they decided to admit women.

    And then they say that the real change was a bit before the Golden Dawn, with the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, and that that was being influenced by Pascal Beverley Randolph's last book.

    And then we have this book about Memphis Misraim

    Of Memphis and of Misraim, the Oriental Silence of the Winged Sun: History of the Egyptian Rites of Freemasonry; its Rites, Rituals and Mysteries by
    Milko Bogard

    It gives the history and it has a chapter on AMORC's FUDOSI.

    author has other books too:

    We have this author here too on this 67 page pdf.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Gnostic Mysteries of Sex, by Tobias Churton

    So he talks a lot about Encratism

    It was a movement of the time of Irenaeus and they were body hating and no sex an no marraige.

    And he talks about Naassenes

    Most of all he seems to want to show that this continues up into present times, and the most central thing is Sophia.
    So he talks about Cathars, and he wrote a novel trying to show that Cathars are really the same as the Troubadours.  But this is not really true.  And he has to admit that Cathars are influenced by Encratism.  But he still thinks Sopianism was able to survive into the time of the Troubadours.

    Talks about Jakob Bohme's Aurora
    He talks a lot about Rosicrucians and Josephin Peledan.

    Talks about Otto Rahn's prewar (1934) "The Crusade Against the Grail", translated in 2006 and published by Inner Traditions

    Crusade Against the Grail: The Struggle between the Cathars, the Templars, and the Church of Rome

    And this had been embraced by the Dutch Rosicrucian Lectorium.

    Otto Rahn was an SS Officer

    And then talking about the present, he likes the music of Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Erik Satie, Richard Wagner (the Liebestod from Tristan), John Barry, Burt Bacharach, and John Lennon.  And he sees Bacharach as being influenced by Ravel and Satie


    Dionne Warwick and Burt Bacharach: Live at The Rainbow Room (1996)

    Montrose at KSAN.  I like this better than the debut album

    Ginger Baker's Air Force - 12 Gates of the City (1970)
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Ep. 32 - Postmodernism and Freemasonry

    This drawing is of course Foucault's Panopticon. It is a design for a prison, but Foucault is saying that ordinary society is getting that way.

    Video from the Universal Co-Masons

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Alessandro Cagliostro

    Portuguese author Camilo Castelo Branco credits to Balsamo the creation of the Egyptian Rite of the Freemasons and intensive work in the diffusion of Freemasonry, by opening lodges all over Europe and by introducing the acceptance of women into the community. The idea of an "Egyptian freemasonry" was maintained in Italy by the Rite of Misraim, founded in 1813 by the three Jewish Bédarride brothers and in France, the Rite of Memphis founded in 1838 by Jacques Etienne Marconis de Nègre; these unified under Giuseppe Garibaldi as the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm in 1881.

  • shailynn
    3 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Next time I'll post a link to one of Shaiynn's West Texas Christian Glee Club gigs.

    But right now he is with his mom.

    She is a graduate of the Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving. But that was back when she was driving Shailynn around in the old Town and Country.

    Now she is taking a special advanced course dealing with the things in the newer vehicles, like Air Bags and Anti-Lock Brakes.

    She has got it set up so that Shailynn can stay in the waiting room.

    Since he is home schooling, she has gotten hooked up with a Christain homeschooling group. Shailynn has to read a booklet called, "Maintaining Teenage Abstinence", and then answer some essay questions.


    This order originated in 1881 by combining two 'Egyptian' Rites, those of Mepmphis and of Misraim. Giuseppi Garibaldi became the first Grandmaster of this united rite. Before that he was already the Grandmaster of the Italian order of freemasons.
    The origins of the Misraim-rite were in the late 1700s, the Memphis rite was founded in 1815 by freemasons who had joined the Napoleontic battle campaigns in Egypt and learned there of ancient Egyptian initiation rites.
    Nowadays this rite has a couple of thousand members, mostly in Europe. There are lodges in France, Belgium (140 members), Switzerland, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, United States, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Haiti, Australia and several African countries, including Madagascar.
    The order has 99 degrees and is therefore the largest masonic order in number of degrees. Not all degrees are worked in.
    The first 33 degrees are similar to those of the Scottish Rite.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    The History of Egyptian Freemasonry Memphis-Misraim is a Masonic rite which was formed by the merging of the two rites of Memphis and Misraïm under the influence of General Garibaldi in 1881.

    The Rite of Misraïm

    From as early as 1738, one can find traces of this Rite filled with alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 degrees. Joseph Balsamo, called Cagliostro, a key character of his time, gave the Rite the impulse necessary for its development. Very close to the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta, Manuel Pinto de Fonseca, Cagliostro founded the Rite of High Egyptian Masonry in 1784. Between 1767 and 1775 he received the Arcana Arcanorum, which is three very high hermetic degrees, from Sir Knight Luigi d’Aquino, the brother of the national Grand Master of Neapolitan Masonry. In 1788, he introduced them into the Rite of Misraïm and gave a patent to this Rite. It developed quickly in Milan, Genoa and Naples. In 1803, it was introduced by Joseph, Michel and Marc Bedaridde. It was forbidden in 1817, following the incident of the Four Sergeants of La Rochelle and the uneasiness caused by the Carbonari.

    The Rite of Memphis

    The Rite of Memphis was constituted by Jacques Etienne Marconis de Nègre in 1838, as a variant of the Rite of Misraïm, combining elements from Templarism and chivalry with Egyptian and alchemical mythology. It had at least two lodges (“Osiris” and “Des Philadelphes”) at Paris, two more (“La Bienveillance” and “De Heliopolis”) in Brussels, and a number of English supporters. The Rite gained a certain success among military Lodges. It took on a political dimension and in 1841 it became dormant, probably because of the repression following the armed uprising of Louis Blanqui’s Société des Saisons in 1839. With the overthrow of Louis-Philippe in 1848, the Order was revived on March 5, with its most prominent member being Louis Blanc, a socialist member of the provisional government with responsibility for the National Workshops.

    In 1850 Les Sectateurs de Ménès was founded in London which proved popular with refugees fleeing France for London at that time. About ten lodges were set up by French refugees, the most important being La Grande Loge des Philadelphes chartered in London on January 31, 1851, which continued to exist until the late 1870s. During this time it had about 100 members, often called Philadelphes. Between 1853 and 1856 other lodges of the Rite of Memphis were established. In 1856, Benoît Desquesnes, the exiled secretary of the Société des Ouvriers Typographes de Nord proposed that the higher degrees of the Rite of Memphis were not only superfluous, but undemocratic and inconsistent with the Masonic ideals of equality. Despite the attempts of Jean Philibert Berjeau to dissolve the Philadelphes, they implemented this proposal and elected Edouard Benoît as master. This group became renowned for their involvement in revolutionary politics. However the Gymnosophists and the L'Avenir lodges remained with Berjeau. In 1860 the number of degrees was reduced to 33, and by 1866 Berjeau dissolved them, most of the Gymnosophists joining the Philadelphes.

    The Rite of Memphis-Misraïm

    In 1881, General Giuseppe Garibaldi prepared to fuse the two Rites, which would be effective as of 1889. Its popularization was greatly increased owing to the works of English Masonic scholar Theodore Reuss, the agent of John Yarker, who became Deputy Grand Master in 1902 and Grand Master in 1905. He was succeeded in this office by noted occultist Theodor Reuss in 1913.

    At the "International Masonic Conference" in Paris on June 24, 1908 Theodore Reuss elevated Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse (Papus) as X° of the Ordo Templi Orientis as well as giving him license to establish a "Supreme Grand Council General of the Unified Rites of Ancient and Primitive Masonry for the Grand Orient of France and its Dependencies at Paris."

    When John Yarker died in 1913, Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse was elected as his successor to the office of Grand Hierophant (international head) of the Antient and Primitive Rites of Memphis-Misraim.


    There is disparity about this as above we have a video where people from the Universal Co-Masons dispute that Joseph Balsamo and Cagliostro are the same person. And Eliphas Levi wrote about Cagliostro.


    Montrose Live at KSAN
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    This is actually quite a site too:



    Montrose Live On KSAN
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    This is the website of the Ambassy of the Summum Supremum Sanctuarium of the FRATERNITAS ROSICRUCIANA ANTIQUA (FRA/Fra. R.C. Antiqua), a hermetic order founded by Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller (Master Huiracocha) around 1928.


  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Hey dickless NOBODY CARES. Go back to collecting aluminum cans and let one of the jr high kids have a turn on the computer at the library.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Shailynn in the waiting room Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving. His mom is taking an advanced course dealing with air bags and anti-lock brakes. Shailynn is home schooling, but today he has to read a booklet entitled, Maintaining "Teenage Abstinence", and then answer a bunch of essay questions.


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality
    Craftsman, Warrior, Magician

    By (Author) Angel Millar


    The Hermetic Science of Transformation
    The Initiatic Path of Natural and Divine Magic

    By (Author) Giuliano Kremmerz


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The three stages of initiatic spirituality : craftsman, warrior, magician / Angel Millar
    Millar, Angel, author. Inner Traditions | [2020]

    The hermetic science of transformation : the initiatic path of natural and divine magic / Giuliano Kremmerz ; translated by Fernando Picchi ; translation of foreword and introduction by Jane Rumsby
    Kremmerz, Giuliano, author. (2019)
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Divine Magic
    the Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation : a New Interpretation of the Hermetic Classic Alchemical Manual The Kybalion
    Virtue, Doreen, 1958-


    The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Of Memphis and of Misraim, the Oriental Silence of the Winged Sun: History of the Egyptian Rites of Freemasonry; its Rites, Rituals and Mysteries Paperback – October 4, 2018
    by Milko Bogard


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation: A Complete Course Paperback – Illustrated, August 8, 2006
    by Lyam Thomas Christopher (2006)


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    292 Pineal Brain & The Dark Eyed Woman


    In the Shadow of the Cathedral of Souls


    Linda Ronstadt - You're No Good - 2016 School of Rock AllStars Team 6
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Memphis Misraim US




    [email protected]





    [email protected]


    Seems to be the first group, as linked to on AMO web site

    Milko Bogaard "Of Memphis and of Misraim, the Oriental Silence of the Winged Sun": History of the Egyptian Rites of Freemasonry; its Rites, Rituals and Mysteries _ Paperback over 400 pages


    also lists this:

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    On that facebook page, "Dominick Carlucci Sorry, Sergio. Bogus crap, at best."

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago

    Dominick Carlucci
    Where was this link supposed to go?



    Dominick A. Carlucci, Jr
    Customer Service Rep at LabCorp - NorthEast Logistics
    Elmsford, New York, United States


    Hospitals and Health Care
    Burlington, North Carolina 158,404 followers
    In Pursuit of Answers

    Studies Human Interaction at School of Hard Knocks


    Dominick A. Carlucci
    Elmsford, NY
    Sleepy Hollow, NY
    Dominick Carlucci
    Grace Carlucci
    Joseph Carlucci

    ^ youngest one. One more A. comes up who is 73 yo.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago

    Dominick A. Carlucci, Jr
    Customer Service Rep at LabCorp - NorthEast Logistics
    Elmsford, New York, United States76 connections
    Join to connect
    State University of New York at Binghamton
    State University of New York at Binghamton
    Personal Website
    Personal WebsiteExternal link

    LabCorp Graphic
    Service Representative and Medical Specimen pickup
    Jul 2015 - Present7 years

    Cortlandt Manor, New York

    Servicing accounts through pick-up of medical specimens and delivery to a processing facility, delivering reports and supplies, and seeing to our customers' needs.

    Hellman Memorial Chapels Graphic
    Limousine Driver and Maintenance Professional
    Hellman Memorial Chapels
    Feb 2009 - Nov 20145 years 10 months

    15 State Street, Spring Valley, New York

    My primary responsibility as a Limousine Driver is to transport the immediate family of the deceased from their home to the funeral chapel, and then to the cemetery and back home again, or as required. Further duties include acting as a doorman at the chapel, fueling the limousine and maintaining the interior and exterior of the vehicle, and driving the hearse as necessary. In addition, I have performed various clerical duties, including the filing of permits with town and county authorities, and have performed other transportation services as required.

    I have also performed various cleaning and maintenance tasks for the Chapel, and am responsible for keeping the funeral home and its grounds in peak condition; particularly, the prep room and refrigerator, where strict OSHA regulations are enforced. I am also responsible for alerting the manager when supplies are low, and for storage and distribution after shipments have arrived.

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    Autopart International Graphic
    Truck Driver/Warehouseman
    Autopart International
    Dec 2006 - Aug 20081 year 9 months

    Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York

    In this position, I was responsible for transporting various auto and light-truck components from warehouse directly to dealer or repair shop. In addition, I was responsible for pulling components and registering them prior to transportation, and in assisting reception and processing of shipments, and for stowing them appropriately in the warehouse. I have also been tasked with processing Invoices and shipping manifests. As a representative of the company, I was required to maintain high standards of appearance, as well as the utmost courtesy to the customers I served.

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    Black Tie Transportation Graphic
    Limousine Driver
    Black Tie Transportation
    May 2006 - Dec 20068 months

    West Red Oak Lane, White Plains, New York

    While working for Black Tie Transportation, I provided transportation for high-end business clients and others to and from airports and hotels; to and from private parties, or to other locations as needed. I was required to present a clean, neat, and dignified appearance at all times, treating clients with the utmost courtesy and respect, as well as keeping the limousine clean and neat, and in peak operating condition at all times.

    State University of New York at Binghamton Graphic
    State University of New York at Binghamton
    1974 - 1976

    Sleepy Hollow High School Graphic
    Sleepy Hollow High School
    Liberal Arts
    1965 - 1969

    general Liberal Arts education

    Volunteer Experience
    The Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm - a French Rite of Freemasonry Graphic
    Executive Secretary and Lodge Secretary; Lodge Treasurer, as well as other administrative duties
    The Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm - a French Rite of Freemasonry
    Apr 1992 - Present30 years 3 months


    In my capacity as Executive Secretary, I am responsible for helping to set policy guidelines for the organization and for overseeing operations as a whole; in my roles as Lodge Secretary and Lodge Treasurer, I perform all tasks assigned to me regarding bookkeeping and administration, financial operations, including banking and keeping financial records, writing business correspondence, printing and binding documents, editing, proofreading, and other editorial functions; I also have translated documents from French to English.
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    Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Graphic
    Light The Night Walk Fundraiser
    Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
    Oct 2013


    Raising funds for cancer research, specializing in blood-related diseases.
    For more information, please see:


    KRONOS: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synethis
    Kronos Press
    An in-depth look at the reign of Pharaoh Haremhab, and his correct place in history, according to the reconstruction of ancient history proposed by Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky. Published in Vol. V, No. 3 Spring 1980.

    Co-authored with KRONOS publisher Lewis M. Greenburg.

    Other authors
    Lewis M. GreenburgDwardu CardonaRoger W. WescottLynn E. RoseC.J. RansomFrederic JuenemanWarner B. SizemoreRalph E. JuergensImmanuel Velikovsky
    TalkGnosis webcast
    Feb 2014
    You Tube webcast program discussing various aspects of religion, esotericism, etc.

    Other creators
    Bishop Kenneth Canterbury (host)Fr. Anthony Silvia
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    Would seem to be a younger guy, but looks like he graduated from high school in 1969

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    High school in Sleepy Hollow, New York
    Address: 210 North Broadway, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591

    Sleepy Hollow is on the Hudson River

    Elmsford is a village in Westchester County, New York, United States. It is part of the New York metropolitan area. Roughly one mile square, the village is fully contained within the borders of the town of Greenburgh. As of the 2010 census, the population of Elmsford was 4,664.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    History of Martinism and the F.U.D.O.S.I.
    By Marcel Roggemans

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Memphis Misraim US, facebook page

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Dave Evans History of British Magick

    Ira Craddock

    HML Lodge

    Memphis Misraim

    Esoteric Freemasonry

    Bart Johnson

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Following the Sun : A Practical Guide to Egyptian Religion


    Lulu.com publisher, 2010

    self publishing.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Gregory B. Stewart, The Apprentice


    Move Over

    Another school of rock 28min concert

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The last alchemist : Count Cagliostro, master of magic in the age of reason / Iain McCalman
    McCalman, Iain. (2003)

    The Colour of Magick


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  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
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  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Heaven's bride : the unprintable life of Ida C. Craddock, American mystic, scholar, sexologist, martyr, and madwoman / Leigh Eric Schmidt (2010)


    School of Rock
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