
TUSCL's most controversial

I'm just wondering your thoughts on the controversial people I post in this thread.

Juicebox69- I wasn't here when apparently he was trolling a lot. Some people love him, some people hate him. I don't see any harm in juice. I don't have any clue who his aliases are though.

San_Jose_Guy- Most people here seem to dislike him because of his long essays and his off topic stuff. Once again I don't see any harm in SJG, he posts his opinion, and he's very consistent in that. He stands up for what he believes in. The modern day Muhammad Ali lol. I just wish he would write some reviews.

JohnSmith69- Some people hate his stories and all that DS stuff. I personally don't mind them. He writes a lot of reviews and gives good club Intel, very valuable contributor. The only thing that annoys me a little is when he's high and he posts on here, and he tells us he's high and not to pay attention to anything he says. His writing is kind of incoherent when he's high. I don't know when he has time to be a lawyer, between fucking all these DSes, smoking weed all the time, and writing long stories on TUSCL :)

Lapdanceking82- I'll admit I'm kind of tired of all his cum in the pants stuff, does he have any other spiels? Some people love him and some people hate him.

Bavarian- not so much controversial, but just being a huge PL for allowing his CF to take advantage of him as much as she does. I admire him though for being able to tell his stories on here, and not being sensitive when it comes to the criticism he's got on here.

4got2wipe- perhaps I've been unfair to him, but when you have the lamest username in history, and in every comment, you say "Brilliant!", it kind of gets annoying after awhile.

Rech- Once again I wasn't here when most of his supposed trolling happened. From what I understand he used to spam the board. He seems like a cool guy to me.



  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    OJ Simpson was pretty controversial when he was posting on here.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I don't find any of these guys controversial.

    Juice is just a good ol boy
    JS69 are SJG are just long winded. No harm done
    And LDK is just funin' us. No way is he serious

    Now, if you want to hear who is controversial....
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Motörhead, perhaps controversial isn't the right word. What I means there is a love hate relationship with those people I listed, you either love them or hate them. There are varying opinions on them depending on how you ask.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think Larry means polarizing, rather than actually controversial. I don't really take any exception to any of the people on his list. I don't see any of them as ever meaning any harm.

    Some of them are colorful characters, and I believe they are much more so f2f than online.

    But they aren't trying to choke off discussion or anything like that.

    Some on Larry's list do present views which can provoke people. But I don't see anything wrong with that. And I actually admire Mr. LDK because I see him as being completely straight and a very entertaining guy. And as Mr. Deuce pointed out, there are lots of guys going to strip clubs for LDKing, its just that most won't admit it.

    People who say provocative and challenging things are interesting.

    But there are others who are continually trying to choke off discussion. After being a member for 18 months and declining to use Ignore, I've finally had to use it.


    Robin Trower- Record Plant, Sausalito, Ca 8/11/73
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Exactly, polarizing is the word I meant.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    One thing about online is that it gets people talking to each other who otherwise would not. One responds to people that F2F they would decline to engage with. F2F you see all sorts of bodily posture and manner of dress cues, and one is much more guarded in what they say.

    But online people feel safe and those sorts of cues are hidden, and so people talk quite openly and so there can be big disparities in POV.

    What I take real note of are just that subset of people who really seem to believe that not complying with the herd is somehow wrong.

  • Ermita_Nights
    8 years ago
    Is Dougster still around?
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Alucard was the most hated. He was a strange person--humorless, self-righteous, paranoid. He had an enemies list on his profile. Many TUSCLers called him a retard. For the record, I never referred to Alucard as a retard, but he did have some sort of personality disorder. Alucard was 1 of only 2 people I ever put on ignore.

    Dougster. He went silent at the end of last year, but for a long time he relentlessly attacked a some people--Rickdougan and Tittyfan especially. I don't know why. Dougster and I got along, but I can understand why the objects of his wrath did not like him. I'm worried about Dougster. At best he got a wife or significant other, and no longer feels the need to post on TUSCL. At worst he is dead.

    Juice, I think, is very inventive, and often very funny. He has created a lot of aliases like BagBoyJames that I enjoy. For some reason he started attacking Shadowcat, which was unfair. Shadow is a good and unobjectionable person.

    LDK is an eponym. He writes about a strip club activity I'm not interested in, but he is certainly the king in his field.

    San_Jose_Guy writes such long posts that I can't read them (and I've read War and Peace). SJG is, I think, genuinely strange but harmless.

    JohnSmith69 is a valuable contributor. I don't know why some people hate him. He starts a lot of threads, which get a lot of comments. He produces some very good sex writing. He reveals a great deal about his personal life and feelings, putting himself out there for people to stomp on. JS69 writes well. I don't always agree with him, but I'm glad he is posting. For those who think JS69 is some phony troll, I can tell you that I've met him and he's the same in person as he is online.

    Rech. I've met Rech several times, and he strikes me as a good guy. I think he tries to be funny, not a troll.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Well he seems to have retreated to some sock puppets. But I shouldn't out them, as Dougster seems to want it that way. But he was controversial for some. I think many really went along with his economic views, but I did not. I also did not like his making fun of some people in homophobic ways. I do think he added a great deal to the forum in other ways though.

    There have been some female members who have added a great deal of insight at key times, like one we had in Portland. But she seems to have retired from dancing and vanished from TUSCL.

    There are a couple of guys who have brought substantial insight about Tijuana too.

    Papi is one I have always found to be a bringer of crucial insights, even though I don't always see things the way he does.

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Alucard and Dougster were a little before my time.

    To clarify I'm just talking about the people who are still active on TUSCL.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Many people are afraid of posting views which they know will provoke people or otherwise be controversial. And likewise, that which is most polarizing is not going to be something completely crazy, but rather something which really challenges people to think and which some will find that they can agree with at least to an extent.


    Robin Trower- Boston Music Hall, Boston, Ma 4/1/76
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    Transcendentalism, a type of philosophical tradition derived largely from Immanuel Kant.

  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    You just missed Dougster. He stopped posting around Thanksgiving 2015. Shortly before you joined. He was a bit of an enigma. I think he wa a very intelligent guy. He knew about psychology but claimed it was just a hobby not his profession. He knew finance and my guess is that was his job.

    Having said that, he often exhibited trolling behavior. Bumping old threads for no reason other than to just write "Fuck you Ricky Boy"
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Thank you for all the kind words guys...the love is much needed.

    Jack I agree with you about shadow and I do apologize for my actions

    I got a feeling Dougster never left just using multiple accounts

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Juice regardless of what people say I still think you have Down syndrome.

    Nobody mentioned my boy Crazyjoe. Tisk tisk.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    "Controversial" is lending legitimacy to the spammers/trolls. The ignore button works wonders for cleaner, more effortless reading.

    larry-f, if you can't recognize a troll or spammer when you see one, I can't help you there.
  • RTP
    8 years ago
    We have left out my favorite Troll of all time, Anongirl. I think many members had plane tickets to meet her in Miami. She had great photos, and then it turned out she was Juice.
    Ever since then, I think every new poster is a troll until proven otherwise. Also, most of the dancers. I know Hotstuff is real and I think Nina is, but not sure about the rest.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I enjoy the posts of most all the folks on these discussion boards. Aside from the odd trolling of Bangladesh movers and some other outliers - it seems that everyone has useful insights into the sometimes strange world of strip clubs.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Wouldn't call any of them controversial. Just majority are weird. Don't know Bavarian but he just sounds sad if he continually let's his CF take advantage of him. JS69 just has a bad tendency to do things like fall in love when he's a little too old for all the stripper games and should be teaching us young folk how to move through the club without breaking the bank and other wonderful tidbits.
    4got2wipe I don't read too many of his posts but his adlib seems to be considered hilarious. You don't hear too many people say the word "brilliant" after all.

    Both SJG are boring as hell. They're just long winded but always catch me when he's saying something until I wonder why the poster is making it so long winded and realize SJG dun dooped me agaiun.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    With respect to SJG:

    If you have the time to wade through his posts, you'll find that he has great taste in music, he's interested in social issues, knows a lot about math and science, and just generally a good guy. He needs to learn the subtle art of telling people to fuck themselves (skill that comes so naturally to me).
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    RTP got it right with picking anongirl as the most successful troll here in a long time but Larry you started out as a troll yourself so for that reason alone you haven't been sucessfull, others here that do some trolling have been funny entertaining and all that but for the most part not negative against any individual those guys are fine. The ones that take themselves to seriously are a bit jerky and can be annoying.
    The only thing you need to know about posting here in my opinion is that if you don't get the joke maybe it's you.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I never fell for Anongirl. I presume every "female" on here is a troll (with the exemption on lopaw of course and Nina. I've corresponded with Nina on TwoSheds about mutual acquaintances so I know she's not a fake)

  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    larryfisherman has promoted me to one of "TUSCL's most controversial" posters! Brilliant!

    Seriously though, the comment by motorhead:

    "I don't find any of these guys controversial.

    Juice is just a good ol boy
    JS69 are SJG are just long winded. No harm done
    And LDK is just funin' us. No way is he serious

    Now, if you want to hear who is controversial...."

    is spot on. However, I think lapdanceking82 may be serious. If he enjoys ejaculating in his pants who are any of us to judge?

    If you're using "controversial" as a euphemism for trolling, I'm not trolling and I don't think any of the people you listed are trolling. Trolling requires some sort of intent to stir things up or, at the very least, a case where any normal person would know that what they're saying will piss people off.

    Dougster did troll some people, but they were very easy to troll. He could bump a thread with "lol" and every 20 or 30 bumps rickdugan would write a three or four paragraph reply. So yes, Dougster was trolling rickdugan. But shame on rickdugan for responding. I put the blame for the trolling on his shoulders!
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Was anongirl the supposed 18-year old that liked sex with old guys? I didn't think that turned out to be Juice, but whoever it was all I can say is "that was some brilliant trolling!"
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    As I said, "controversial" wasn't the right word. "Polarizing" was the word I was looking for.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @4got- I'm not using it as a euphemism for trolling. Trolling is a little bit different than what I'm talking about. I'm just talking about trolling.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Guys and gals, Alucard was controversial, yes. I've met him a number of times in both Michigan and Ohio, and he is a good person. His views are his views.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    ^^^Vince, you may have missed the news. Alucard passed away a couple years ago.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I would have liked to have met Alucard. After I made a joke in one thread he sent me a rather nasty PM. After I explained to him it was just a tongue-in-cheek comment (he didn't understand humor) he was very pleasnt towards me in PM's. Until one day I said the wrong thing and he turned hateful towards me in his messages.

    I agree he was probably a nice guy, but he could be different.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Wow, thanks, jackslash. I didn't know that. Being away from here as I was I missed a lot.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    If someone is trolling they are intentionally saying things which will be found offensive.

    I think what the OP meant though was when someone is not trolling, when they are doing their best to present their views in a civil and respectful manner, but yet somehow people still feel threatened by this, and so that member is polarizing.


    "The transcendentalists desired to ground their religion and philosophy in transcendental principles: principles not based on, or falsifiable by, physical experience, but deriving from the inner spiritual or mental essence of the human."
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I'm pleased being an unabashed social liberal no longer is controversial! I consider that progress.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I died to self
  • Daybreaker
    8 years ago
    For the record, I'm a female poster that isn't a troll. I'm very real. I knew from the start that anongirl had to be fake, though. She just didn't sound like an 18 year old.
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