Street Walkers

avatar for JBBJ

I haven't picked up a SW for a while and was wondering where they are hanging out these days. Van Buren and Broadway were hot spots and so was buckeye, then 51st ave and McDowell, The last place I picked one up was on 27th ave. Been driving around on a few occasions and end up in front on my computer with tissue. Any new information on the best place to cruise for hookers?


last comment
avatar for ime
8 yrs ago

Your mom's house.

avatar for mrrock
8 yrs ago

Why would you mess with SW's when there's so many strippers that will fuck?

avatar for shadowcat
8 yrs ago

I"m not into it but USAsexguide has a section devoted to street walkers.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

This is an international forum. Are you talking about Phoenix? It doesn't seem to have a Broadway St. It does maybe have some kind of a Broadway Neighborhood. Do you mean some place like around Van Buren and 1st St?

Here is the other place you mentioned:,-111.969725,227a,20y,283.97h,45t/data=!3m1!1e3

On Semiconductor, 50th and McDowell,-111.9725635,3a,75y,235.19h,74.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sp9rh3oHq3RS4_UuKOIElMA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

5005 East McDowell Road Phoenix, AZ 85008 USA


Lady Love, remastered 2007

Cowbell Songs

Guitar Lesson

Procol Harum w/ Robin Trower, 1971

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

Fucking SJG (the straight one) has way too much time on his hands

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

You forgot, I'm a buzzkill, The Ultimate Buzzkill.


avatar for grand1511
8 yrs ago

Try MLK Blvd.

avatar for Ermita_Nights
8 yrs ago

The streetwalkers have dried up in Detroit. Used to have to beat them off with a stick anywhere in the Cass corridor, Michigan Ave all the way out to Ypsilanti, many other spots I've forgotten. I can't remember the last time I saw one.

avatar for DoctorPhil.
8 yrs ago

dont fall for the @JBBJ troll act people. @JBBJ is probably another crap identity that @mikey made up, just like @rickthezoo, @CaraLynn87, @4got2wipe, @TheeOSU, and many others. none of these places @JBBJ is talking about is real

how did i deduce this? i am a space genoious so i win

avatar for Cashman1234
8 yrs ago

Grand1511 is right - I've seen several on MLK boulevard -

avatar for jestrite50
8 yrs ago

This guy has reviewed the Same Club 13 times in the last 2 years. Is there only one club in Phoenix ? Now let's go lookin for street walkers ! Geesh !

They're still going strong in Atlanta though in a much more smaller scale than it used to be. Especially on Fulton Industrial Blvd and Metropolitan Parkway (the old Stewart Avenue). Most SW's have now migrated to Backpage

avatar for magicrat
8 yrs ago

Yeah Backpage is referred to as sw's with a phone.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

I wish this thread had auto-locked itself after ime's response

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

Actually I was advised one that Van Buren was still hotspot for sex and drugs. So it is real, but the Phoenix police have so many problems with Mexican and SA gangs, their task forces would focus in the sex and drug trades as easy money for the cartels.

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