One I was sitting with a dancer and she kept putting her finger in her mouth, then in her pussy and back in her mouth. She kept doing this the whole time we were talking. I finally asked her what she was doing. She said "my pussy tastes sweet, here try it" as she stuck her finger in my mouth...
In the midst of having relations with a dancer (as well as civvies), I've had a dancer put her fingers in her pussy and present them to me for taste testing (which I always oblige) but never in the manner you described.
I thoroughly enjoy the taste of fine pussy juices myself, but to be honest, your random scenario kinda weirds me out much more than turns me on...
No but I have had a dancer licking and sucking every single one of my fingers and thumbs before she even asked for a dance, She said I tasted really good.
I have had several dancers take my hand stick my fingers in her pussy then guide my hand to my mouth and asked me to taste how good she tasted, including at least one feature dancer may years ago.
I love watching mrs sea do this. It is sexy as hell. If a stripper did it that would just let mrs sea knows she likes the taste of pussy. No need to even ask.
Not that, but I've had a dancer reach in her drawers, touch herself with her fingers then run them over my hand or arm to show she was wet.
You say fingers and all Juice can think about is "dipping sauce" for his Chackin Fangers
I thoroughly enjoy the taste of fine pussy juices myself, but to be honest, your random scenario kinda weirds me out much more than turns me on...
Bob Dylan