Disrespectful Customers
I pay little attention to other customers in the club and tune out any talk that isn't likely to have any effect on me. If someone is loud and offensive, they may be unpredictable so I may pay attention as a matter of self defense. I have never had any one directly address me in a negative way. My knuckle draggin cave man lookin ass just gains me a lot of space like that. However, I have overheard customers just being extremely rude in their manner of trying to get extras, otc, etc. Just because someone may have a dim view of strippers is no excuse for this kind of behavior.
Some guys have the look (and body language) that makes them an easy mark. Those guys get singled out - and they can have trouble.
It's simple - treat everyone in the club (and everyone else for that matter) as you would like to be treated - and you should have very few issues in the clubs.
In this case you'll attract more strippers with kindness than with rudeness. Of courseyou'll attract more strippers with cash than with kindness but it helps to have both.
@whodey that is half correct.
You will attract more strippers wanting to make bank off of you with kindness.
If you want to attract them to be your GF, you need to be lazy, live with your parents, provide them with drugs, take their money, and treat them like dirt.