
Weeknight Clubbing

They never tell you what you need to know.
I always club on the weekends (Friday and Saturday) and at night (usually don't start up until 10PM). It's just the way my schedule is and I really can't change it. Too much other stuff going on during the day and most weeknights.

On a rare occasion, I found myself in Detroit last night with some free time so I knew I had to take advantage of it. I had to get up early the next morning so I arrived at my first stop around 8PM on 8Mile. It sucked as expected, so I moved to my next stop down the road. I couldn't believe the difference a night makes. Yeah, the quality of the girls wasn't as good as it is on a Friday or Saturday but like JS69 always said, "it only takes one girl to make your night." The vibe was totally different in this club (versus a weekend) and girls were knocking over chairs to come talk to me where on a Friday and Saturday night. I am typically ignored in this club, no matter how much I have tipped at the rail.

You gotta think, most of those hot girls you see on a Friday and Saturday night are usually working another night or two during the week.

You guys that can club freely during the weeknights have it made!


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Oh, I saw Kenny Corey too, so my life is now complete.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    Was at PHC myself last night from about 6pm till midnight. Good times.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Weeknights are typically the best particularly later in the week(Wednesday or thursday). You get some of the weekend hotties minus the weekend crowd. Best of both worlds.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I joined TUSCL in early 2012 just after having turned 42 y/o - up to that point I was mostly a nightshift custy and often Fr/Sat eves b/c those are the "party nights" - up to that time I thought SCing on dayshift was kinda odd and thought it would not be very-good - but after joining TUSCL and reading many PLs saying what great times they had on dayshift I eventually started doing some dayshift visits around mid-2013 and liked the more relaxed atmosphere and better treatment from the girls.

    After becoming a TUSCLer is when I became a hardcore SCer and started going on weeknights also and loved the "big fish in small pond" situation where the girls made you feel like the king of the club and greatest thing since sliced bread due to lower custy #s and not many spenders - over time I had some great visits on Monday and Tuesday eves; I loved the attention and the chicks being all over me one after the other.

    These days if I hit a SC on a Fr or Sat eve it's just b/c I wanna hang out for a while but not b/c I'm looking for a good SC experience - these days if I'm really hard-up for SCing I normally shoot for a late-afternoon dayshift; just love the dayshift girls often going the extra-mile - more often than not I actually tend to avoid the SC on Fr or Sat eves b/c of the young cocky punks or thugs.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    At some clubs 8 PM is am awkward time. The dayshift girls are gone, but the night shift may not yet be on the floor.

    At my club Thursday night is pretty busy. It's sort of like Friday Light. The difference is Friday night at 1 AM the club is crazy, where on Thursday it slows down a bit after midnight.

    Sunday night can be terrible, as can Monday. It makes sense, a girl who works Friday and Saturday night is likely going to want to recover.

    In summary, I like Wednesday night if I can
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I wasn't expecting much at 8PM. I went to a club where I have this major crush on a dancer, but I don't have her contact info, so it was a shot in the dark. She always told me she's on the floor by 9PM when she goes to work so I wanted to be there if she happened to work that night. After about 9:30PM and when I hadn't seen any dancers walk in the front door since around 8:45 I decided to go to a better club which paid off. I was back in my hotel room showered and in bed by 11:30 so I had a good night.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Yeah I pretty much only club on weekday nights. I used to do that because it was when I had opportunity. But now that I'm divorced and can go whenever I want to I still strongly prefer weekday nights. To me its a good middle ground between the dead day shift and the insanely busy weekend night shift. About the only time I go on a weekend night is when I have some regulars that I know will spend some time with me. Although the merchandise can be top notch, its often too busy to shop for women on weekends.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Thursday nights have always proven the best. The hot girls start showing up (as opposed to Sunday or Monday nights), and it's not nearly as crowded as a Friday or Saturday. It's a fantastic compromise. The only exception would be during football season, when more guys come out for the Thursday night games.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Week nights are good, yeah, you don't have the weekend babes, but I've had tons of fun on weeknights in Detwaaaaa. Guys, PM me when you are in town, I can pretty much guarantee to meet you at some fun clubs in the afternoon. I'm an afternoon guy mostly, no crowds and the babes are often anxious to make their cash.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Being retired, I can club any time I want. However, I usually go in the late afternoon and stay into the evening, which allows me to see both day and night shift dancers. Very seldom do I club late at night because I wake up at 6AM.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I'm a confirmed dayshifter, but when I do hit nightshifts, weekday nights before 10pm are the next best choice
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Gosh get up at 6am!!! Lol. A few weeks ago I went to bed at 6am!!!!
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    On the road I end up going out on week nights. This is best for me for all the reasons stated in the posts above. Strippers are more willing to approach and risk some of their time with guys they don't know on the slower nights. When I'm at home I go to the club whenever the mood strikes me. As a known commodity at the semi-local clubs (I always go at least an hour from home) I get good treatment any day of the week.

    I have never been in a club in the afternoon. I don't anticipate having the afternoon free like that until retirement.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    No dayshifts around me but I prefer weekdays. Unless you are a bachlor party or dopeman any stripper u would fuck will ignore you on a weekend unless you are her long time regular.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I don't know, if all you want is lapdance(no conversation longer than a minute) it's not that hard to get even on weekends. If you expect more than that is when weekends suck.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I like Thursday nights, most of the hot girls you would see on a weekend, but not as crowded as a weekend.
  • dr_lee
    8 years ago
    I like weeknights better mainly because not as crowded, but strangely get more attention on the weekends when it's crowded. When it's not crowded, dancers are usually stagnant and sit at the bar, or hide in the dressing room. On slow nights, I think a lot of them are looking for regulars, while on the busy ones, they move around more.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    I've been up on the air on this one. I can only speak to clubs in Vegas, but have liked Friday nights for the variety... and Thursday nights for the fact that it is just a little less crowded; you don't lose your seat.
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