
stripper jealousy

New York
Sunday, May 8, 2016 8:02 PM
TLDR: get ATF to sit with you for free, all the other strippers who ignored you on previous visits try to jump in her warm seat when she gets up to work other paying customers (and the moment the other customers stop paying, ATF tries to come back to you, but finds the seat busy) ATF and dancer #2 have been missing for weeks at my SC. Since I don't have #2's phone, I've going to the SC a couple times a week to try and pin her down and get her number finally since I thought ATF probably was never coming back after she stood me up many times coming to my SC and I needed a new CF so I need to try to bump #2 to CF position. After the last time I got stood up at the SC by ATF, with a no text no show instead of ATF's usual date promise then a last minute cancel text. I never responded back after finding out ATF isn't at the SC. My last message was "now in [club name] baby". I had nothing nice to say once I learned she wasnt there so I never texted her again after that last message. A week passed since the no text no show incident. As I take the metro to the SC on a WEEKDAY to maybe meet #2 or a random new face, I get an unexpected text from ATF she is at my SC. I let her know how surprising it is that I am going to the SC and was NOT expecting to see her, she texts sorry, and I tell her I'll get to the SC at some unknown yet time tonight (she doesn't have the respect anymore for me to give her any X o'clock times). My plans tonight didn't include ATF, I wanted #2 only. I get to the SC, and DO NOT text ATF that I am there. I scan the main floor, see ATF isn't on it, then see #2. Me and #2 get all cutesy and friendly, sit down and talk for a min, then go for VIP. As #2 and I walk towards the door for VIP and dressing rooms, ATF steps infront of us with her back to us walking forwards and is at the same time using her phone, my pocket vibrates. I know ATF texted me while #2 and I are holding hands walking to VIP. ATF has no clue me and #2 are standing 5 feet behind her. #2 and I slow down to not knock over ATF in the hallway. #2 at the moment my pocket vibrates tells me "look who is there, aren't you going to say something?" I whisper to #2 "I will later". ATF goes into the DR, #2 and I then go into a VIP room. I immediately check my phone, ATF did text me. ATF will have to wait, she is a flaky stripper, so now I'm a flaky customer. After #2 and me VIP room, #2 likes my shirt and takes a photo of it (my face isn't in it), then I let #2 circulate the main floor so ATF can't see me and #2 sitting together. This is so ATF can't ask "why didn't you text me when you go here? [y u with #2]". Remember ATF doesn't know I arrived at the SC yet. Some minutes later ATF comes out of the DR and finds me sitting alone, she asks when I got there, I slightly shortened the arrival time to cover up a little bit that I already VIPed #2. So ATF never knew I VIPed #2 unless #2 actually said something in the DR, and #2 probably didn't. I then spend a couple hours together on the main floor and 1 more VIP room trip with ATF. ATF never knew I VIPed another dancer that night. 2 months ago, when ATF got up to circulate, a min later #2 plopped herself down next to me, then ATF came back and walked by giving dirty looks. A min later look ATF came by and gave a dirty look again, I waved ATF to sit, and #2 and ATF me talked for 2-3 minutes then #2 excused herself. I told ATF when #2 got up, "it is a SC, I know other dancers alot longer than you working here" her response was "I know you arent my customer but a [club name] customer". This sets the ground rules, that she is my ATF, but unless she wants to turn it unpaid BF/GF, I will have my freedom. Back to now, ATF left to circulate, #2 again plopped down. ATF walks by and asks to leaves her drink and outdoors robe with me infront of #2, I say sure, and ATF then walks away to continue working. More subtle property claiming, or ATF simply knows I am very reliable and I'll guard her stuff? #2 and I continue to talk after ATF left her drink and robe. ATF doesn't know I VIPed #2 earlier and that is why #2 is sitting with me again. Not long later #2 leaves and ATF replaces her next to me. Nothing said over #2 this time. I leave the SC very happy that all of my bucket list for the night was completed unlike the last 3 weeks where I was getting low mileage dances from college girls who hate being sex workers. My rule with favs is, if I am ITC, I better not see them sitting on their phones in the corner, they better be sitting with me. If they pick the corner and their phone, they are just money hungry low mileage, they don't need my $ and I don't need them as a fav. They earn so much $ (or they think they do), they don't need regulars. Fast forward to a weekend night. I came for ATF exclusively on a busy night. #2 is very busy and never sits talks, but does standing talk for a min 3 times in the night, but I do get a goodbye hug even though I didn't buy any dances. #2 asks why I am here but didn't text her after getting her number, I told her I wont be buying dances today but will in the future. #2 says don't forget to text me and then shows me the picture of my shirt on her Instagram she took a couple days earlier. I feel honored. #2 is trying to mark me as her property. Same weekend night. I have a ex-fav, a 10 out of 10, but super money hungry. She lies about LD prices to all customers who dont know any better and is proud of it to me she said, and she said she has the manager around her finger since she is a 10. I once confronted ex-fav why she is always on her phone in the corner, says she is too beautiful to degrade herself by sitting with a customer if they aren't going to buy a dance. She is low mileage, and "I'm not a whore" dancer who I haven't bought dances from since ATF started to work at my SC. Even you TUSCLers told me to dump ex-fav and I did (called dancer #2 in [view link] ). ATF OTCs, ex-fav refused twice over 4 months. As I take ATF to VIP room, ex-fav walks out of VIP/DR doorway past me and ATF going to VIP. I didn't make eye contact with ex-fav. Later in the night, ex-fav sits down next to me. I tell her first thing Im not buying dances. She says "that is okay, I want other customers to see me sitting with someone so they want me". WTF. For once ex-fav actually talks to me like a human being and not a trick. When ATF sits with me, I only look in her eyes or at her face the whole time. I have no idea what other dancers walk by, or walk by, stop stare, and keep going. Since ATF on this weekend night spent half of each hour for 4 hours with me. I told both #2 and ex-fav that I wasnt buying dances, but they still went on to give me unpaid 1 on 1 attention. Without ATF sitting next to me most of the time I was ITC, I dont think ex-fav and #2 wouldve been jumping so much. I think is it ironic, if a stripper A sees a customer sitting with stripper B for a long period of time, even if the customer flat out first thing says he doesn't have $ tonight, stripper A will assume customer is BSing and he has $, and that is why stripper B sits with him. That isn't the case with ATF, but none of the other strippers know that. Strippers are like ants. Initially there are no ants. When 1 ant finds food, a few minutes later, the whole swarm comes wanting a meal. My SC brings back nice memories of high school. When you are single in HS every girl turns you down. Once you get a GF, every girl wants to be "just friends" and meet up one on one after school to get you to cheat on your GF with her. My SC is the same way. Alot of lows when no ATF and no dancer pays attention to you. Then alot of highs when ATF is back and other strippers suddenly want to sit down next to you the moment ATF gets up to work. Perhaps the strippers don't like cold leather upholstery on their ass and ATF warms up the seat.


  • s88
    8 years ago
    At ATF's former club, strippers *did* mark customers as their property with their drink cups per SC rules. If a stripper leaves her cup, no other stripper can sit down or talk to that customer. I dont remember how the solo cups were labeled, by color or black marker.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    My favorite part of this screed was the first four letters :)
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I actually enjoyed reading this. Sneaking around in a stripper club seems... foolish. If you've got the cash to VIP two girls, they can respect that.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Agree with jamessd. It's great that you got the experience you wanted, but "sneaking around in a strip club seems... foolish". Or, really, worse than that ... The girls really have very little respect for guys who sneak around and try to play games (and rightfully so,imo).
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    I'm not trying to hate but can I get the cliff notes on this? I was interested in the story but it just got too long. So I get the TLDR at the start lol. Overall from what I read I'd just say that sneaking around is unnecessary. If the ATF is jealous, so what? That's her issue not yours. Maybe if she knew you were with the other dancer she would straighten up. Better yet don't spend a dime on her because you spent it on other dancers. Then you will either get better service from her or you've found a new ATF.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    TLDR. WTF? PM me. LOL MH
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I agree that having a regular that you spend on makes you much more popular. I used to be flooded with dancers whenever the DS would leave me for a short while.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"I agree that having a regular that you spend on makes you much more popular" I agree also... "popular" might not be the right word though :) But, for sure, from the girls who think, "well, she spends a lot of time with him, so he must be spending a lot" to her frenemies who think they "win" if they can steal her regular, I find I sometimes get a lot more attention. That part is true. It's the sneaking around and hiding from his ATF that I'm shaking my head at. I may be a PL, but there's a limit to how P I'll let myself get.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    From the looks of this, I'd need the summary of the abstract of the summation of the Cliff Notes to be able to get through it. From the comments, "grow a pair" seems to be the best advice.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Jeez - seems too many times too many of us turn SCing and dealing w/ strippers into a damn soap opera - why get so emotional and wrapped-up into what x,y,z dancer thinks or does; it's business to them and we should see it that way too not as some pseudo dating relationship - as a custy you are paying $$$; if you are not getting the proper ROI then stop spending on her and find someone who will give you proper/fair ROI rather than jumping thru all these stripper-hoops/drama. As has been posted in other threads; complaining about SS is not going to change a damn thing; one either deals with it or does something about-it - and IME, often times, though not always, the more we try to get w/ a dancer or try to please her often the less we get in return b/c they will manipulate us around their stripper-finger - IME when I cut-off the $$$ and my attention I often getter better results and attention (though it's not 100% foolproof).
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    As a customer you are the one with the $$$ and you should be the one to set the rules/expectations - IMO does not make sense for the custy to be the one paying and the dancer making all the rules/decisions.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    And yeah - when I'm in a SC and I start getting dances all of a sudden I start getting a lot of attention from many of the other dancers - but that's to be expected. I also hate that shit of a dancer marking her territory by leaving her shit w/ me - it's ok if I only went to see her and don't wanna get w/ any other dancers - but if that's not the case then I always tell them to take their shit w/ them b/c I don't wanna be their butler nor be cock-blocked from other dancers. And these days if I see a dancer trying to cock-block or intimidate other dancers from approaching me I take action and put a stop to that shit - it's my $$$/visit and I'm in control; not her.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    ATF knows I go to other SCs, I tell her the unique things about those other SCs, my experiences and adventures, but never go into details about what happened in VIP room or during the LDs other than saying if it is nude/topless/non-nude, any cameras, and the prices. ATF knows I go to her/my regular SC when she isn't there, and I do buy dances on nights when she isn't there, but I don't say who or how many and she doesnt ask anything further than I say. ATF's ROI is the highest in the SC out of 25 dancers I went through in half a year. I need (and DO get) a little bit of variety or else I will start to think there is something more than just friends in my relationship with ATF.
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