I know this sounds weird. But weed works in mysterious ways.
I'm conducting an experiment. I'm not going to look at any porn.
I'm not sure how long this will last. It's been five days so far. I'm going to try and go a month I think. Maybe two. Seriously doubt that I can do that.
To be honest, I haven't completely cut out every minutiae of porn. It's fucking everywhere. When I turn on my devices, intermixed with my pictures, all over my phone, on the last active explorer tabs, in TV commercials, etc. and in a couple moments of weakness I did sneak a look at a couple face fucking videos. But I quickly felt guilty and turned them off. I've honestly cut 99.9% of all porn from my life. The remnants are minuscule.
Here are some other rules. I'm allowed to have nudity as long as it's in person. So visits to strip clubs, and OTC, are permitted. I can fuck any woman who will let me. And I can jerk off as long as I don't use naked pictures, sex videos, or any mental image that I could conjur up based upon my memories of porn. I can lust til my heart's content at pictures of women, including strippers that I fuck, if the girls are wearing clothes. Clothes means a top and bottom, although skimpy and swimsuit pictures are allowed. I just can't have any images of nudity or sex.
So don't ask why I'm doing this because I don't know. Maybe it's just because I can. And I'm curious whether it'll make any difference. In how I enjoy sex. In what I want. In how the MILF turns me on. In my horniness. In the quality of my erections, and my orgasms. In what I'm paying strippers for sex. Etc. Etc.
What effect, if any, do you think this will have in me?
I will report back once I resume my former porn habits, which could be anywhere from two days to two months from now.
Don't get mad at me, but you think about sex too much. And you know it. Weed is supposed to expand your joy in a lot of things, not limit them to just sex.
Mikey, that's so nice. You gave me sincere advice. Thank you. Weed does make me incredibly horny, but it does make other stuff better too, like talking, music, lights, movies, etc. And while mostly weed enhances sex, I thin that getting rid of porn is kind of a way of me trying to focus less on sex. I might actually practice law some.
Corvus, I usually view tuscl on my phone. On that tiny screen even Papi's avatar has tiny tits.
You're welcome John. I know you;re a newbie to weed. Besides sex, weed helped me get into drawing/painting, photography, sports, playing guitar, reading, the outdoors, etc. But this is TUSCL so I understand your stories.
Personally, I feel I have a pretty high sex drive and I'm betting most guys on here do as well. Aside from being sick the longest I have ever gone without having a release (manually or with a partner) is about 10 days.
Longest without porn is probably 2 weeks. I could easily go without porn, but I would have to be stimulated by someone - like you said, a visit to a strip club or by a sexual partner. I'm betting your visits may increase during this time period.
I'm guessing you're aware of the body of work that's already been done in this area. It's some interesting stuff. If you're like most men, if you really do go as long as two months, you should start seeing changes
Yeah subra I'm generally familiar. Much of what's out there is moralistic, judgmental bullshit. But some sounds like it could have some scientific validity. I'll let you know if I can stick to it.
You know how when you go to the library and they have that blocker that doesn't allow you to visit porn sites? Maybe you should put one of those on your CPU. You might not wanna go that far, but that would sure make things easier
I'm actually gonna join you (starting today) and see how long I can go, it'll be a good test of discipline
I'm not going to use filters. If I installed them then I could disable them. Plus they might be hard to get rid of when I'm done. And lastly, I feel like I should just be able to do this. It's not like I'm addicted or anything. Right?
You're going to need to find something to occupy your time with. For example when do you look at porn? Find something else to do during that time.
For me, it's when I am at home at night before I go to bed, or when I'm on the road in a hotel room and bored, therefore I would need to find something to occupy me during that time, like watching a TV show or playing a game or reading instead of looking at porn.
It's been 11 days for me since the last time I have viewed erotic images or porn videos (TUSCL don't count). I'm actually trying to be my old record of 21 days. I haven't been to a strip club since the last week of March so it has actually been over a month since the last time I've seen real live nudity from a woman.
I have found that a long time withdrawal from porn reduces your fantasies to real images. Like any addictive phenomena porn reduces your reaction to porn over time. Look at it as recharging your battery. I don't miss porn but I would miss the strippers. I have yet to give up both at the same time. Good luck with the avoidance . Maybe you could start working out.
yeah rock I do. But they aren't particularly relevant to tuscl. I mean, would you rather hear about the sports that I play or the strippers that I fuck? My sex and weed habits are far more entertaining.
I've noticed the less porn or strippers I look at, the more dreams I have of fucking hot girls. Your body can have a mind of it's own. I even thought a couple times when I woke up, if only I was this horny in the strip club and if only strip clubs were as good as they used to be. I think if things keep going downhill in local strip clubs, I'll enjoy going to Hooters or Twin Peaks a whole lot more. Twin Peaks did have a bigger crowd than all strip clubs combined in Greenville the last time I drove by I believe. Could be an exaggeration though.
Pasties required at Lust, then I heard dancers not even allowed to grab their tits. Sounds like it's going downhill. Greenville appears like they may shut down Platinum Plus with the soliticor's personnel vendetta against the club. PP in Columbia not doing as good either I've heard. Myrtle Beach shut down most of their clubs in the last few years.
I've done No Porn before. The part of your plan that confuses me is not imagining a naked woman. Like, what's wrong with using your imagination and mining your mental spank bank?
If I was John Smith with his $ & options porn would not be on my mind either. I used to look at porn pretty regularly but lately have cut way back. Lately I have been getting some hot real sex that makes porn seem pale in comparison. Plus, why would I want to spank the monkey the night before a real encounter. Tonight I'm still recovering from some real action last night and porn is hardly on my mind.
shark....oh, so you just meant the clubs near you? Gotcha. I thought you were referring to strip clubs in general.
John Smith- how's your experiment going? i've abstained from porn and masturbation since wednesday, and it really hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be. that said, its only been 3-4 days so far. we'll see how long i can keep this up
last commentCorvus, I usually view tuscl on my phone. On that tiny screen even Papi's avatar has tiny tits.
Personally, I feel I have a pretty high sex drive and I'm betting most guys on here do as well. Aside from being sick the longest I have ever gone without having a release (manually or with a partner) is about 10 days.
Longest without porn is probably 2 weeks. I could easily go without porn, but I would have to be stimulated by someone - like you said, a visit to a strip club or by a sexual partner. I'm betting your visits may increase during this time period.
I'm actually gonna join you (starting today) and see how long I can go, it'll be a good test of discipline
For me, it's when I am at home at night before I go to bed, or when I'm on the road in a hotel room and bored, therefore I would need to find something to occupy me during that time, like watching a TV show or playing a game or reading instead of looking at porn.
John Smith- how's your experiment going? i've abstained from porn and masturbation since wednesday, and it really hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be. that said, its only been 3-4 days so far. we'll see how long i can keep this up