Just finished looking through the SI swimsuit edition. Underwhelming at best. It's a very weak group.
Partially it's because of some weird focus on thick girls. The black woman just inside the front cover for example is F-A-T fat. I realize it's an ad, but it fits the theme of the whole thing. And the girl on the cover while kinda cute has absolutely no business being on the cover.
And even the normal weight girls are kinda mediocre. Not saying I wouldn't fuck them but I wouldn't pay very much to do it with most of them. There are a few exceptions, just not many. And not one that I'd say is DS level beautiful.
Is this just because the weed has worn off? Or is it because of my obsession with 18 years olds? Or perhaps it's because I don't really enjoy thick?
Did SI just pick sub standard models this year? Or is this move towards thick mediocre looking women some sort of national trend?
Club managera are far from geniuses. It does seem odd that we often see (in our collective opinions) better looking dancers dancing that what's modeling in these magazines.
Underwhelming is right. They're pushing bigger girls, which wins them free press and goodwill in the short run.
I think they're missing top of the card talent. The actual hot cover model is very generic looking. I would love to get lap dances from her, but she's not special compared to all the porn available year round .
Victorias secret seems to attract better talent, although there is overlap
I agree the talent level for the current SI swimsuit edition is poor. In fact, the poorest I've ever seen. I was curious about Rhonda Rousey's pictures so I picked up a copy in the airport before a flight. There are a few hotties in there, but not many.
I didn't mind the thick girls, curvy is nice, and thankfully there were no all out fat girls. But the abundance of way too skinny girls was disappointing. And the facial beauty of most of the models was far from impressive. Years ago I was exposed to the likes of Tyra Banks and Elle McPherson in SI and the swimsuit edition has rarely lived up to those standards in recent years.
I'll probably never buy another SI swimsuit edition.
I've been wondering what all the fuss was about with regard to the swimsuit issue for a few years now. Like someone else posted, pretty faces, or what *I* call pretty faces, have been scarce for a while now. And the abundance of stick bodies, not even as fleshed out as the spinners I like in clubs, makes me think there's more than a little truth in the stories of a concerted effort to keep the girls from eating.
last commentI think they're missing top of the card talent. The actual hot cover model is very generic looking. I would love to get lap dances from her, but she's not special compared to all the porn available year round .
Victorias secret seems to attract better talent, although there is overlap
I didn't mind the thick girls, curvy is nice, and thankfully there were no all out fat girls. But the abundance of way too skinny girls was disappointing. And the facial beauty of most of the models was far from impressive. Years ago I was exposed to the likes of Tyra Banks and Elle McPherson in SI and the swimsuit edition has rarely lived up to those standards in recent years.
I'll probably never buy another SI swimsuit edition.
It's been mostly a bore.