
avatar for Timex345
The only thing stopping me from going on a rage killing spree at work is that it would interrupt my visits to showclubs.
Pussy saves me again.
I hate my coworkers.


last comment
I have been fortunate to never have to deal with shitty coworkers.

Maybe you need to change your work routine.

Do something different for lunch - listen to relaxing music on headphones, take a 5 minute walk outside, try some yoga or stretches before and after work. Go workout after work. Join a gym.

This is all what my wife does and bitches about her coworkers a minimum of 2 days a week. She goes to work out classes 3 nights a week and it's like a different person comes home after those classes. It's been the best $400 I've spent in the past year! Even better than the $400 I spent in Detroit last month!
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
Show clubs lol
It's good to see a tuscl member with his priorities in proper order! Don't kill your annoying coworkers - as it will impact your clubbing. I have the same thoughts every fucking day!
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Hmm . . . you don't work for the Postal Service, do you? I suggest that you change jobs and/or attitudes. In the meantime, hit the clubs, avoid the ROBs, and don't get emotionally attached to strippers!
^^^ if I remember correctly I think Timex is okay with his job, just to co-workers that annoys him.
Life is too short to hate anyone, unless they are politicians.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Good time to watch 2012, your boss and coworkers all die in the apocalypse. Almost everything is toast. The scary part is that something like that could really happen. I have a countdown clock set for Armageddon around 2056. Over 2/3's of humanity dead by 2057. I may not live that long to see it though.

This life is temporary.
Don't hate Timex345! When you hate people the people you hate either don't know you hate them or they don't care that you hate them! But you're letting them in your head by hating them!

Being irritated is sometimes unavoidable, but hate is pointless!

Hate = not brilliant!
Ace comment londonguy! But even politicians aren't worth hating. Trump scares me because he will have a better likelihood of runnin the US into the ground. I'd be scared of your current leader of Labour too.

But anybody else over here it'll largely be same shit different person at top! None really worth hating!
Timex, I think what you are saying is simply that there are other good things about this world and about complying with society's rules that keep you from going nuts.

Okay, but instead of just fucking strippers, how about getting yourself a different job? And how about finding ways that you can become part of the solution. How about helping to organize workers so that they don't have to be in abusive environments, and how about finding ways to help establish social and economic justice? How about finding ways to do something about the wrongs you are seeing?

Believing that everyone should only take care of themselves is actually how all these sorts of problems you are describing first started.


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avatar for mrcmanson
9 years ago
Dont forget about the exit plan. You dont want ass rape in prison forever. Make sure the pigs pump hot lead through you at the end. Your loneliness and rage at the world will be over when you are ashes. Ashes have no emotions, no needs. When nobody in the world cares if you are alive or dead, when they are about the die at your hands, with a 12 inch kitchen knife sliced deep into the neck like cattle, only then do fellow mouth breathers give a shit who you are. Then my friend, you are famous, for once. You are somebody, not nobody. Shine like a star, go out with a bang.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
Just pull out and eat her pussy
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