Each strip club has a door fee. When you walk in the door, you just paid door_fee/strippers, for each stripper that night. If the stripper is fat/old/no ass/white/black, why should I pay for that? Each city has multiple SCs. To find the perfect dancer you have to to multiple SCs and spend multiple door fees, because each club is mixed and the same business model. If I take the 20% from 5 clubs I'd fuck, and sort them, I'd have 1 club with all DSes, instead of 2 out of 20, at 5 different clubs.
Imagine going to McDs drive through, and the speaker tells you "that will be $9.64, please pull up" and you didn't even say the order, the cashier tells you, "we are mixed restaurant sir" and hands you your bag and a drink. You dont know what you get until after you paid for it.
Dont forget about the exit plan. You dont want ass rape in prison forever. Make sure the pigs pump hot lead through you at the end. Your loneliness and rage at the world will be over when you are ashes. Ashes have no emotions, no needs. When nobody in the world cares if you are alive or dead, when they are about the die at your hands, with a 12 inch kitchen knife sliced deep into the neck like cattle, only then do fellow mouth breathers give a shit who you are. Then my friend, you are famous, for once. You are somebody, not nobody. Shine like a star, go out with a bang.
Comments made by mrcmanson