
This is another way to know that you are really very high.

layin low but staying high

I got lost in the hot tub. Totally lost. Four different times.

It was almost as scary as the balloon guns at the Miami black dive.


  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Maybe it's the fact I've never been high but how do you feel lost in a hot tub? You'll have to elaborate on that for me.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Sheeesh, John. I'm glad you didn't drown.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    JS69's experiences with weed are vastly different from normal, and if he is smoking high-quality weed, there is a good chance we are smoking the exact same strains and these things don't happen to me. JS69, it's time for you to take off the human suit you wear, whatever species you are has a different tolerance to weed than us humans. That, or the strippers rolling your joints and blunts are heavily lacing them with other substances! Haha
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    The "get lost in hot tub" strain must be pretty potent. Next time leave a trail of breadcrumbs or Cheezits, so you can find your way out.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    That's what I was thinking Nina. Laced maybe.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Weed does affect me differently than many people in a good way. But it is not laced. Last night was four edibles, 10 mg each. Purchased from a legit legal store, packaging with warnings, etc. but the package didn't say a damn thing about getting lost in a hot tub.

    So here's what it's like to be lost in a hot tub. I'm incredibly relaxed, almost asleep sitting up. I have become one with the music. It is in my head, I am in it, I feel it, we are one.

    Then suddenly I come out of the haze and back to consciousness. But it's all hazy. Shit there's water everywhere. Where am I. I'm in this huge body of water. There's water everywhere. Am I going to drown? Wait a minute how the fuck did I get here.

    A few seconds later rationale thought returns but it's very slow. Everything is moving slowly. I'm in the hot tub. I know that. But where in the hot tub am I. There are four corners so I must be in one of them. But which one. This thing is too big to be the hot tub. It's like the hot tub grew 50 times bigger. I can hardly see, let alone reach, the other side. And I have no idea which corner I'm in, or where the steps are.

    Things are slowly coming into focus. The hot tub is not really that big. I can figure this out. Just think john. It's the weed. You know that. I force the tub to shrink to normal size with my mind.

    Ok the tub is almost back to being almost normal size. It's like the tub slowly shrunk. I can do this. Just concentrate John. Now, which corner am I in. Thinking is hard but I force myself. Look for identifying objects. House, trees, lights.

    Finally I figure it out. I slowly but surely get oriented. I know where I'm at. I'm not lost. That's stupid. I'm not going to drown. I'm in a hot tub.

    The Eagles are playing in the background. It's a girl my lord in a flatbed Ford slowing down to take a look at me. It's DS I riding in the truck. Then it's DS II. They're smiling at me.

    Wait a fucking minute here I might be drowning. I'm back in the water. I'm in the hot tub. I should get out. But that would take so much work. I don't have the energy. I go back into a semi conscious state, totally relaxed. Again I am one with the music, just embracing the peaceful, easy feeling.

    My "lost" episode seemed like it lasted about ten to fifteen minutes. But it could've just been thirty seconds. Or thirty minutes. There's no way to know. It doesn't matter. Just relax. Become one with the music.

    After some unknown period of time it all happens again. I'm lost. The tub is huge. Happened four separate times, until I finally took the long swim to the other side of the hot tub and escaped.

    I love weed.

  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    So you had a pretty interesting PCP trip, I see.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Hahahaha, bingo, Nina !! High potency weed is one thing, ya never know if it's been dosed until too late. :)
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Believe what you will but it's not laced. I'm just sensitive to weed. Shit like this happens all the time. Plus, like strippers, I buy the best.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    I am just joking about the PCP, your weed experiences are just funny, not to mention crazy.

    Like I said, we have probably smoked the same strains. I can go to a dispensary here in MI and hand pick whatever strain I want.

    Right now I am smoking a hybrid of "Cheese" and "LA Confidential." It has nice stats of 90% Indica 10% Sativa (I prefer Indica). It is 22.7% THC. It is not bad, and pretty mellow. I don't think I'd get lost in a hot tub though.

    I swear they're running out of names, or just being lazy, with new strain names. I've heard of strains called "Cat Piss" and "Ball Sack."
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    When I smoke dope in a hot tube, I ALWAYS bring a map with me, and if the tub is outside I bring a compass too. To not is just foolish.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the explaination JS. I guess losing reality is just not my thing.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    rh, it's actually very pleasant. Yes there's moments of paranoia, but for the most part it's all just incredibly relaxing, and wonderfully chill. It's like time slows down so you can see, feel, and live more fully than ever before. I just share the scary parts because they are much more entertaining.

    Heck, you are my marijuana mentor. You are a master of Mary Jane. But I never want to ride in a car with you again.

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    JS69 is describing the effects of weed on him the very same way I would have explained it when I first started using the stuff in college. Now I get similar results no matter what situation I'm in because of my experienced use of it. Could it be that you have only recently began to use marijuana and its effects are new to u JS69? Just wondering how long you've dabbled.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    I'm not judging - but after reading JS69 excellent description of his recent hot tub experience - I'm very happy that I stay away from that stuff. That experience would have scared the sh*t out of me.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I've been smoking weed for about one year. The DS taught me. It's one of the greatest things she has ever done for me.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Cash man, I've given you a distorted perception of weed. The crazy, paranoid, scary stuff is a very small part of it. I just share that because it's funny. At the time it's only mildly concerning. At least a distant part of my brain always understands that it's just the weed and it's not real. Plus most of the time it's just a very mellow, chill, super relaxed feeling in which your mind is incredibly open and perceptive. And with strippers, it is definitely da bomb.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    JS69 - that's good. It was a very entertaining read - and I appreciated your detailed description. I expected it to be a relaxing (smooth) high - as that sounds excellent! It can effect certain folks differently, and paranoia can be an unpleasant side effect.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    The problem with wed and everything else like it is that it means you are not feeling your feelings, you are living by dissociation instead of awareness.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG not true. The feelings are genuine. They are just magnified. If I'm horny, then I'm extremely horny. If I think a girl is pretty, she becomes gorgeous. If I'm hungry then I'm starving. If Im happy then I'm ecstatic. And if I'm sad, then I might cry like a baby. They are my feelings, but weed brings them out so they are clear and pronounced.

    It's like if you got high, you'd probably suck down double gravy bowls. And you'd crave Donna. You'd wash all the neighbors cars for them. All your usual stuff, but just more intense.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    But please don't smoke. I wouldn't want to hear about what weed does to the sleepy time rapist in you.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    By feeling your feelings I mean what people work on for decades, surfacing things which are repressed and learning to be mindful. Weed and other intoxicants interfere with this.

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