Backstage pass

avatar for poledancer83
I had a couple people ask me at work about what its like in the dressing rooms so I figured it would make a good post topic. Don't worry boobies post to follow at some point today lol. First off it can be dirty. Most every dancer including myself is guilty of coming off a stage set and plopping down on the chair before putting my shorts or at least my thong on. At my club at least the room doesn't get cleaned often if ever unless we clean off our area when we get to work. The topic of conversations as well as the language would make a biker blush. Most dancers either hate or love one another and there is not a big area in between. For the me and the other dancers I get along with we talk about customers and who is tipping. Whos hot and whos not and typical girl things. We talk about sex and do so graphically. For the girls I hate I obviously don't talk about anything with them. There are fights and a lot of them depending on whos working. It is sometimes full on fighting fist and all. Been there done that and its not fun. Sometimes it can be sad backstage. I remember a few dancers crying on the phone because they have to be at work and not able to tuck in there kids at bed. I have also looked the other way to dancers who are users. It happens and when you start to see girls getting hardcore with it its really sad. But most of the time it is really fun in the dressing room. Especially on nights when a good crew that gets along is working. Ive helped and had help doing make up and hair. And in all honesty money wise it makes sense to help each other out. Most customers will at some point get tired of hanging out with one dancer all night unless he is a regular. When we get to territorial I have found we can lose money instead of make more. smaller tips from more people is more beneficial. kinda random post I know but I am starting to become famous for those lol.


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avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Great post PD. I always wonder what is said on the other side of the dressing room door.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Do you guys ever experiment (smirk) ?
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
^^^Just being silly you know I think you are school chick.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Interesting. Thank you.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
Do you girls have tickle fights?…
avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 years ago
There is a club in North Western PA where you walk through the dressing room to get to the VIP private room partitioned off in the corner. The girls are used to the dancers bring guys through to the room. BTW it is a fully nude club so the girls really do not care if you see them changing or fixing their makeup. (the bathroom is separate from the dressing room before if get any potty comments.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^ hmmm is that partners tavern?
avatar for poledancer83
9 years ago
Yeah Ive only worked a fully nude clubs with the exception of one club for a short while. That is an interesting concept though walk through dressing rooms
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
I've always envisioned the SC DR like the women's rest room or maybe a men's locker room for a woman. Sounds interesting but really it's dirty, gross, vulgar and a complete explosion of the fantasy.
avatar for gawker
9 years ago
My CF showed me a video she shot in the DR on a very slow night - 5 or 6 dancers singing and fooling around. Years ago my ATF sent me pics of her after others had duct taped her to a chair and attacked her with a large zucchini. Lots of horseplay. I've also heard lots of stories regarding conflict back in the DR.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
That sounds interesting. I've worked at a lot of clubs, some were very cliquey but I was never into that. Plus I spend as little amount of time there as possible. I usually get to work with my hair and makeup done so I can just get dressed, freshen up, and be on the floor working within minutes. I don't hangout in there either, not even at the end of the night. I put my clothes on, tip the house mom, and gtfo.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
So I have a question. I've always wanted to hang out in the dressing room. If I give you a couple Benjamin's could I spend 30 minutes hanging out with your and the other dancers in the dressing room?

If I have too I'll tip all of the dancers. It's not like I'm gonna see anything that isn't already on display in the club. I see dancers in the men's room all the time. That's what gave me the idea.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
^I don't see why not, especially if you tip. Spice things up!! It's the 'ole guys-want-to-be-where-we-aren't-supposed-to-be-fantasy or perceived inaccessibility of the DR for PLs. Hopefully they go for it!
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Thanks for the bts look PD. It sounds like it's mostly normal stuff - with sexy nude women. Outside of seeing other dancers using drugs - and fist fights - it's all good.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
And how to avoid the wet spot
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