

Nice guys make friends they don't get laid.
It all boils down to that.
Can you live with yourself for telling women want they want to hear and
being a dick to get what you want?
I can't possibly write one more lame discussion topic or review on this website.
For the record, here is an example of all future reviews I may have posted.
(Great, another beautiful whore who is trading her sexuality for money.)
I am allowing my membership to end by not writing anymore reviews to extend it.
Beautiful people have easier lives.
Fuck it. I am calling in sick today.


  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Women think I'm ugly until I tell them my income. Then they think I'm ugly and poor.
  • Tiburon
    9 years ago
    if that's the type of person you are, don't drown it in false bravado, just be you. Being friendly will probably get you better fulfilling sex and romantic encounters
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    haha, good one jacklash
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Better not to post when you're this high.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I don't know, but I don't think that "friendly" has anything to do with it, nor do I believe that anyone has lie to get laid I dated a fuck ton in between my two marriages and I never had to be a dick or lie to get laid and I'm sure the same is true for many others.

    In my experience it's simple really - guys who can interact easily and naturally with women get laid much more than those who struggle. There's a difference between "friendly" and "eager to be liked" and I think that girls can smell the latter from a mile away. It certainly helps to be good looking too, but I've seen plenty of not so good looking guys hook up with attractive girls.

    Anyway, sorry to hear about your struggles. But instead of chalking it all up to some belief that you are too nice and/or too ugly, maybe you should give some thought to what vibes you might be giving off that may make you unattractive to the opposite sex (desperate, bitter, nervous, etc.).

    Good luck!
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Hmmm, I think I'm a nice guy, and I'm nowhere near "beautiful," I don't lie or blow smoke up a girl's ass to get in her pants, I can be awkward as hell, and have a tiny dick besides, but I get laid pretty much as often as I want. Yeah, I pay for it more directly than most, but I'm still getting laid by being me.

    Good luck.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    To succeed (not just in the strip club or with women but in life in general) it's not about being nice or being a dick but more about having confidence in yourself. You can be confident and assertive without being a dick. A true Confident and assertive person gets what they want without belittling the people they are asking.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Shailynn, well said.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Shailynn said it nicely. Folks - both men and women - are more interested in a confident and assertive person. If you are comfortable in yourself - it will make others around you more comfortable. I think looks can get you noticed - but if you aren't confident enough to speak with others - things won't go far.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Timex wrote,

    "Nice guys make friends they don't get laid.
    It all boils down to that.
    Can you live with yourself for telling women want they want to hear and
    being a dick to get what you want?
    I can't possibly write one more lame discussion topic or review on this website.
    For the record, here is an example of all future reviews I may have posted.
    (Great, another beautiful whore who is trading her sexuality for money.)
    I am allowing my membership to end by not writing anymore reviews to extend it.
    Beautiful people have easier lives.
    Fuck it. I am calling in sick today.

    Telling women what they want to hear in order to get what you want? As I see it, you have to compromise with them and try to find middle ground, and I don't see anything wrong about that, and I'm never dishonest about it.

    I don't per se have any specific interest in having zero commitment sex. Rather it is just the forces built into our society which make it so it often has to be that way.

    So what I am looking for in the woman is someone who might be a comrade in changing how things work. But to get this, I have to be willing to find ways of working with her, instead of against her.


    Buddy Guy - Knock On Wood
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