
Life after...

Older than dirt
Tuesday, February 2, 2016 3:08 PM
Over the past few months I've been cutting ties with my ATF. I've been spending time with a 23 year old dancer who as best I can tell has very limited OTC experience but I hate to take no for an answer. She is mixed race with some of the best characteristics of both of her parents. She is slim yet has nice "C" cup breasts and a beautiful rounded ass, which she knows how to shake. My dances with her have been great with a nice balance of grinding and her stroking and kissing me through my pants. I've been going commando recently for this very reason. She recently moved into her first own apartment and only had a bed with scattered pillows in the other rooms. It's a 3rd floor apartment with a steep, narrow winding staircase. I offered to take her shopping at IKEA and she saw a love seat which she loved. I bought it for her and it barely fit in my SUV. At her house we got it out of the car and the cardboard case ripped as we began the trek upstairs. It's February in the northeast, but I was sweating, when her young, strong downstairs neighbor came out. I offered him $40 to help and we finally got it into her apartment. If you've ever shopped at IKEA you know everything needs to be assembled. We began and it was hot and we both were sweating. I took off my shirt leaving a t-shirt. She took off her sweatshirt leaving just a bra. As we struggled to get the bolts and nuts aligned there was a great deal of body contact. Our sweat mingled and we took a break and had a drink. We resumed the struggle and finally finished. She was thrilled and hugged me, then kissed me. As she removed her bra, she suggested we Christen the couch. Our clothes were on the floor in seconds and she dropped to her knees and took my dick into her mouth. I stood and took her head in my hands and fucked her mouth. After a few minutes she asked me to eat her pussy. She was sweaty, but still smelled lovely and I took my turn on my knees. She went wild and held my head in her hands as I penetrated her with my tongue and laved her lips. We talked about what she likes and I did my best. She insisted on covered sex saying that she had been seeing another man and won't go uncovered with more than one . There's some type of logic there but it escapes me, but sex was wonderful even with a condom. She's very active and I was getting winded when my time was up. She asked if I'd manually get her off and she took my hand and had me start rubbing her clit as she humped my hand until she clenched and then the wetness covered my hand. We hugged and enjoyed each other's company until I had to leave. Today I went to the gym and as I came out to my car, she texted me asking if I'd bring her lunch. I agreed, went and got take out, and when I arrived she greeted me with a kiss. We ate a little, but she claimed a headache and asked me to join her on the new couch. She slumped down with her head in my lap. She kissed my crotch , turned and looked up at me and asked, "Can I please blow you?" Well this was great. Frankly, without Viagra, I was unsure how this would go, just 14 hours after our tryst, but I rose to the occasion for a memorable BBBJCIM. The couch was $340, the cover and pillow brought the cost to just under $400. Money well spent.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    A generous man! SJG
  • SmithWV
    8 years ago
    Hot Damn! [view link]
  • anongirl98
    8 years ago
    Hey rech, I need a new rug, what's your #???? Hahahha
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    Good deal. Wish my girls were this appreciative!
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I told you Gawker needed his own chapter in TUSCL book...
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    We're not worthy.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Does sound like a nice girl. As I have suggested, the loss of sexual ability with age may be only psychological. If it works sometimes, then the equipment must work. Better to be paying money for stuff which you know is legitimate. With some AMP girls who have offered a regular OTC at their homes, the money is basically paying for the girl's mortgage and car, etc. Did she have furniture before? What happened to it? SJG
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    SJG - this is her first apartment by herself. She had been living with one of the club's DJ's but they had a nasty breakup and she said she spent a month living on friend's couches. She told me this was her first job stripping, but another Tuscl member said he had seen her at a Providence club. When I asked her about it, she said she'd only had a try out there. She keeps her private life quite private, but the more time I spend with her the more I get to know her - warts and all. There are very few of us who are perfect besides you and me. And I'm not sure about you, sometimes.
  • rec0na0dcim
    8 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Well, she could be nice. One thing that always comes through in your stories is that you don't care about high heels and makeup. You don't want them to dress and doll up for sex. SJG
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    Frankly I do prefer nudity. The damned clothes get in the way. Makeup and all that goes with it is nice. One of the things that attracted me to this young woman is her way of projecting different personas on stage. She and I talked about that and she said how she dresses affects how she performs. Probably the most insulting activity a stripper has ever done to me was one time I fucked her ( and a friend of hers) on the floor of her apartment. She was in jeans and a sweatshirt with no makeup. She asked me to drive her to a friends house about an hour away and I agreed. She quickly took a shower and changed into a nice sundress. On the way she carefully put on makeup, eyeshadow, the whole enchilada. She asked me to wait in the car and said she'd be out in a 1/2 hour. I picked her up in about 30 minutes and when I asked what that was all about she said she was broke and needed drugs, so she had just gone to her 400 lb drug dealer and given him a blowjob for $100 worth of drugs. She said he was so fat that he had to hold his belly out of the way so she could find his dick. I stopped the car and told her to get out. Makeup can be effective for all kinds of reasons.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Interesting. So you probably wouldn't want then to dress and paint up for a photo session then, and then get to be the one to mess them up. But I see that you are dealing with people on the margins of society, involved in drugs and doing a pretty basic bare necessities type of prostitution. I think there must be something about how you go about this which gets you fixed up with the drug addicts. And then this one you told to get out of the car is the same one you were just fucking now on the Ikea sofa? SJG SJG
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    No. Far from it. The "margins of society" apparently are creeping in on all of you "masters of the universe". I don't recognize that I'm any better than the next person. If you think heroin addicts are just the scum of the earth, then wake up and look around you.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No, I don't think heroin addicts are the scum of the earth. But I do think they are living on the margins, especially if they get what they want by servicing their dealer. NO, it is not a matter of who is better than who. Just for myself, once I learned that a girl used heroin, cocaine, or meth, that would be my last interaction with her. It is not that I am better than she or anyone. It is just that I don't my life to run the way hers does. I mean of course it is up to you what you want, but I do believe that for some reason you are getting fixed up with these girls. I am not a Master of the Universe. I am not like Dougster. But in my own way I do plan to be a Master of the Universe, but it will still be very different from most. More, I plan to be the leader of a fierce activist group which has a very strong appeal to strippers who are 100% clean and sober. We will have our own world. But we are not opting out of society. We are just changing the way we relate to it. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Girl I got along with very well at the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger was a meth head. One of the smartest strippers, smartest women, I have ever met. Totally into P4P OTC too. But still, beyond a point I would not want to deal with her. She is just committed to living differently and to dealing with pain differently than I. So things would never work beyond a certain point. She in Recovery, no way, as that is bullshit. She really having no further interest in drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, or Recovery or Born Again Christianity, now that is different. I need people who are willing to fight. I want people who would be willing to kick in the door of UC Santa Barbara's Lynn Kern Kogel's home and get handcuffs on to her. I need people who would be willing to do what I would have been willing to do, to drag that Pentecostal Daughter Molester out of is home and on to the sidewalk and then cut his head off with a folding knife. I'm not saying that it is really going to come to this. But we will be doing things which still are in some ways similar. People who use drugs wouldn't do such. They try to solve their problems by putting junk into their own bodies so that they don't feel the pain. I want people who feel the pain, and then act.. Drugs help people cope with the world the way it is. I want people who won't be stopped until they are dead. Wow, this must have gone up recently. Blood of Others. I believe that this will explain what I mean. The people who fought in French Resistance would not have been interested in drugs. They were risking their lives every minute of every day. Why would you want drugs when the intensity level is already that high? [view link] I know that drug people are not like this, because it is always impossible to talk to them about anything intense or which probably involves conflict. SJG
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Great stories Gawker. There's a chapter for your stories in my book if you want to give me permission. By the way, I always carry an extra helper pill in my wallet. Along with a condom and some extra Benjamins. Best to always be prepared when you live with strippers.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    extra Benjamins :) SJG
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    so now I know why my girlfriends never need me to buy them shit. Their cheating on me with pathetic old men. Gosh damn it all to hell. CURSE YOU OLD TIMERS *wags fist as a nerd*
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Gawker, well played. Love the IKEA story and it's aftermath. Well played.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I think I would have paid the guy downstairs an extra $40 to put that shit together. I remember Ikea furniture in college, a fucking allen wrench and assembly instructions with 3 pictures for an entire entertainment center with 19 pieces of faux wood and 87 screws.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I think it's adorable you helped a 23 year old assemble IKEA furniture.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Gawker, I've slept on this and thought about it. There aren't that many heroin addicts anymore. They don't last that long. Somehow you are finding them, or getting fixed up with them by the people who run strip clubs. I am not saying that they are immoral or that I am better than they. Not at all. But still, I would not be dealing with them, OTC or ITC. Once I knew they used hard drugs, there would be no more dealings with them, as it would just be a waste of time, money, and probably jizm. I'd give them a basic pitch for the organization I am building. But that is NOT a Recovery Program, and we have no dealings with people who believe in Recovery. When the girl was going to service her dealer, what was it that bothered you about it? She dressed and painted up for him, but not for you. But I don't think this is important to you, or you'd of set it up that way with her. She is seeing him, but he is physically repulsive to her, and he lives by selling dope. She is also doing this on the cheap. But probably she takes payment in drugs. Well, that is about as basic as prostitution gets. But a heroin addict is going to be like this. It is a nasty world. So what bothered you, that he was not her BF or another SD, but instead he was a quite repulsive character. So you are not better than the girl, but you are better than her dealer? Somehow you are getting fixed up with heroin addicts, and then you are seeing only what you want to see of their lives. Hadn't you just recently learned that the BF of your old ATF was using H with her? And then either he scores it or she does. Unlikely she pays in cash. She doesn't seem to hand out cash for much of anything, right? [view link] Heroin eats people's souls. But there are always underlying reasons for this. It is not just the drug, and it is not moral weakness in the addict. SJG Here is a very interesting anti-12 Step Recovery site. But my group won't deal with people who believe in any type of Recovery, as it is still based on belief in a moral failing instead of social injustice. [view link] Jodie Foster (The Blood Of Others) Full Movie Rated R 1984 [view link] I highly recommend this!
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    SJG, there's a huge heroin epidemic right now. The mexican cartels have lost a lot of weed income and have shifted their focus.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Yes, I have heard that they have switched to growing heroin, like in Michoacán. But still, I have known very few H junkies. I see Meth and Cocaine junkies and pot heads all around me continually. If H were more popular, there would be dead bodies everywhere and we'd be hearing about it. Gawker is somehow getting fixed up with them because there is some sort of an attraction. SJG
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