
Gee. Porn is popular in Utah. I wonder why? :)

Atlanta suburb
NEW YORK – Is pornography causing a public health crisis in Utah? State Senator Todd Weiler thinks it is.

The Republican lawmaker introduced a resolution Friday that “recognizes the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change at the community and societal level in order to address the pornography epidemic that is harming the citizens of Utah and the nation.”

Utah has one of the nation’s highest rates of porn use, according to a 2009 Harvard Business School study.

“I’m being mocked by the media about this but it is affecting people’s lives and families,” Weiler told FOX411. “This is not a Mormon thing, a Utah thing. This is not a conservative thing. It’s based on science. Not all scientists will agree on this, but scientists don’t agree on everything.”

The divorce lawyer turned politician said he’s not trying to impose morals on anyone but simply making people aware of porn’s perils.

“Like in the 1950s, people said tobacco wasn’t addictive and now we know it is. I think that porn is similar to tobacco back in the 50s,” he said. “Porn is being found to be addictive and damaging.”

“The resolution is a warning telling us to be careful. I’ve been a divorce attorney for 20 years and it contributes to a lot of divorces in Utah,” Sen. Weiler cautioned. “It undermines relationships and families. I’m not trying to ban pornography. I know it’s not illegal. Not everyone who looks at pornography is going to get addicted, but a lot of people don’t realize it can have that impact.”

Jeremy Boberg, sexual addiction specialist and founder of Utah Addiction Centers, agrees that pornography addiction is a big problem in his state.

“Eighty-five to 90 percent of my clients that come in annually have a sexual addiction or compulsion. For the first time in the human race, you can make love to your computer, smartphone, or tablet anytime, anywhere, and the human brain was not designed for this,” he said. “It’s cocaine on steroids. It’s touch deprivation, so you don’t need to go to your spouse or your significant other for that connection, which is paramount to cultivating relationships.”

But not everyone agrees that pornography is harmful, and some even argue it can help relationships..

“The idea that adult entertainment is inherently harmful and is the cause of marital demise is not supported by research. In fact, many couples find pornography to aid in enhancing marital excitement,” psychologist Dr. Chloe Carmichael told FOX411. “Some people might feel that pornography is misaligned with their own personal values or not appropriate within their own marriage; but to say it is harmful to all citizens and inherently harmful to the institution of marriage is simply inaccurate.”

Carmichael said for some “pornography is a healthy outlet for many people, and provides a safe way for them to explore new ideas in the context of a couple or a solo experience.”

And as far as marital issues are concerned, divorce attorney Joe Cordell of Cordell & Cordell told FOX411 that porn viewing accounts for 10 percent of his firm’s clients’ marriages ending, and is primarily “the straw that breaks the marriage’s back.”

Cordell said it is more common that “spouses are being unfaithful through memberships on dating websites and/or using social media to exchange sexual images and messages in divorce cases than pornography.”


  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago

    This all based on a HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVaaaard study where the boys like younger boys and the girls hate.
    Didn't Hilda-beast go to an Ivy league school and the Obmanations go to Haaavard.
    The safest way to have sex in Utah is with your self as the girls out there get pregnant by being in the same room.
    The clubs in salt lake are a joke.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "Utah has one of the nation’s highest rates of porn use, according to a 2009 Harvard Business School study."

    I would take that with a grain of salt. I mean, I am skeptical about how they could really know that.

    But I do say that porn is addictive. When you get accustomed to it, what you want is a steady supply of real women in high heels and makeup.

    So in Utah they need to open some more strip clubs. Maybe they are going to need some more divorce lawyers too.

  • rec0na0dcim
    9 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^ who are you calling a dumbass you just registered entity?

  • rec0na0dcim
    9 years ago
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I used to watch porn with my ex wife all the time. And she knew I watched it separately as well. It didn't bother her because she knew I wasn't cheating on her and it enhanced our sex life.

    But some women see it differently. I've had a couple girlfriends since my divorce where porn wasn't welcome.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    rh48hr, do you think porn is addictive, or that for a guy to watch it regularly will have some kind of effect on him?

  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    what else is there to do but grow corn, play football and have sex. Didn't know there were so many NERDS in Utah.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Estafador, do you think that when a guy watches lots of porn that it has some lasting effect on him?

  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I dunno, I never masturbated and porn is too boring to bother with in my opinion, so your asking the wrong dude.

    If you REALLY want my opinion, I'd say....no? Once a man gets some pussy, I'm sure that "effect" porn has on him will immediately dwindle to nill. If he doesn't...well I doubt a man will "give up his job" just to sit home and masturbate all day. There's a lot of studies with varied opinion. but Todd Weller had one thing right: Scientists don't always agree.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    There are aesthetics which underly porn. You shop and use fast forward until you find what you like.

    I wouldn't call it addictive, I think it is liberatory. But, there is a requirement to act.

    The more you watch the more develop your tastes become. The more you watch the more you are going to want and need to actualize what you like. You will want a steady supply of hotties in high heels and makeup and dressed to please you. And then soon you'll want to be holding the camera yourself.

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago

    I'd be more concerned with someone learning how to kill and maim lots of people and sneak away undetected or go suicidal rather than someone admiring some round titties. Some politicians aren't too bright in my opinion. Could have a secret agenda too. Restrict all porn but then with opposition, allow one web site or porn channel that the politician secretly has a major investment in it. It irks me when we are supposed to have freedom to do certain things in this country but someone wants to impose their religious beliefs on everyone else via a law or restriction. I'd like to have a politician be a cross between a democrat and republican. Maybe economically conservative but freedom loving in other respects and work on growing our economy, jobs, while reducing taxes and government power.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I once got in a wreck due to falling asleep while driving. The officer listed the cause of my wreck as driving too fast for conditions. If a deer runs in front of your car and you wreck, I bet the officer lists the cause as driving too fast for conditions. A politician sees a report and sees lots of wrecks in his state and sees the cause that everyone is driving too fast and decides to fix it by lowering the speed limit. In my opinion, a similar analogy to the politician in Utah. His solution would not have much impact and unnecessarily impede everyone's freedom to go about as they desire.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    sjg - I think it depends on the person, if they have an addictive personality then yes anything including porn can be addictive.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    You know why much of the population is so bothered by porn? It's because they also might be attracted to it. And they've organized their lives ( 9 to 5 job, church on Sundays, long term monogamy which ususually means zero sex or shit sex ) to avoid sexual arousal. Porn could undermine the world they live in. It could shatter their own life.

    And our economy, especially the real estate market, depends on certain assumptions and living patterns.

    Where as a serial killer whom they can not catch would do none of this. Probably he would reinforce certain assumptions, like the idea that the world is dangerous and so people have to organize into families and live behind locked doors and security cameras and alarms and move about in power driven metal boxes.


    Let me phrase it differently. Do you think a man's sexual tastes are likely to be changed by watching lots of porn? Do you think watching lots of porn is likely to make a man less likely to want to live according to the rules of strict monogamy? Do you think he might be more receptive to the idea that at least at a minimum there should be some group of women set aside as sex and eroticism experts, professional service providers?

    Rolling Stones, play list
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    "It’s based on science."

    So is evolution, dickwad. You gonna support *that* too?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ ????

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