
My scariest moment in a strip club

layin low but staying high
I dropped my vape.....

In the floor....

Of the VIP ....

In Hi Liter .....

Behind the table ....

Where the girls spit!


  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Oh shit! Hope you got enough soap
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ugh, lot of girls are spitting at the Hi Liter, love that place!

    Clorox wipes - always take em when I am on the road. Sometimes I even wipe my sweaty balls off with them - it's a great tingly sensation that will probably give me testicular cancer in a few years.
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    yuck, man forget trying to sanitize it, trash it and buy a new one :( I don't even know the club but that's just gross.
  • SmithWV
    9 years ago
    Nasty, unless your into that shit...... I agree with Phoenix......
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    SmithWV are you and Phoenix133 hanging out together right now?

    BTW - Hi-Liter is in Phoenix, one of the best strip club cities in the USA
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    funny that its in phoenix and my names phoenix

    And nah unless it was at the club someone would have to have as boring as a life as me to be hanging out with me and have good since of direction to get to where I live and not get lost. (happens a lot to my few and far in between visits from accountancies ((I got no friends now a days no one likes to put in the effort and its a one way thing sadly)))
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Scariest time when was a stripper told me she was pregnant and that I was the father (I wasn't the father).
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    @clackport that would be scary 0_0
  • impala
    9 years ago
    Abandon in place
  • SmithWV
    9 years ago
    Unfortunately not @shailynn...
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Fkn write it off. There's not enough soap and hot water in the world to make me put that think near my mouth again.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    "Thing" not "think"
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    My buddy thinks it will be fun to check out the Lusty Lady, a dancer-unionized-and-owned strip club. We head in, and I see a row of what looks like wooden telephone booths. I work up my courage and go into one... maybe I flinched a bit when the little door closed behind me. It's dark in here. The floor is a bit squishy. Maybe someone spilled some jello on the floor. I put in my dollar and the panel in front of me slides down. I look out, and there I see as motley a crew of skanks and floozies as I have ever had the displeasure to see. One creeps her way over and dances in front of me. Trying to be polite, I watch her for about 45 minutes -- oh shit, I check my watch, it's only been 25 seconds, 35 SECONDS TO GO! I start looking through my peripheral vision, just to give my retinas a rest, and now I can see the walls of the little booth. It's like they're covered in the slime from the Aliens movie, except the slime is slooooowly dripping down.

    holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck did I touch the side of the booth when I went in? Did I? I don't think so. What if I did? I need to bathe in Purell. Holy fuck.

  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ maybe that's what it was, someone was using Purell and they squeezed too hard and it went all over the walls. Well probably not, but it that was me, that's what I would be telling myself all the way home!
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    what vape was it?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I use micro g pens.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    You could actually get it off the floor?
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Were u wearing s maroon buttoned shirt yesterday? I saw a spender Thursday afternoon go to VIP after vaping. He happened to go in with a girl propositioning me to meet OTC, so hope whoever it was got to get first that day.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Shailynn ... well, it did smell a bit like bleach in there. So ya, maybe PUrell :) lol
  • rick33
    9 years ago
    Did it then blow bubbles?
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    micro G-Pens? Where the hell do you get the concentrates (dabs, hash oil, wax, etc [what the hell else is there in concentrates])?
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Clackport, that one has been attempted on me. I didn't buy it. C'mon, shadowcat, you do better than that :)
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I hear ya Vince. In my situation, I wasn't sure. At that point I had fucked a lot of strippers, and stupidly went bareback sometimes, it was a blur, I couldn't remember all the girls I covered up with.
  • ndnman
    9 years ago
    My sorta scariest moment was also in hi liter VIP. Finished up a fantastic hj and was zipping up my pants. Of course like any good club goer I'm commando in my slacks. Slacks with the zippers with the super small teeth. Kinda dark and moving a bit quickly since I'm getting a handy in what essentially is a public place, i tuck jr in carefully or so i thought. By this time I'm as limp as one of Bill Cosbys dates and I'm also uncut so i got some flesh congregated at the tip. I quickly zip up and it stops partway. At the same time i feel this very nice wave of pain flow over me. I immediately know what happened and zip back down. I recover and regain my composure and walk out to the car. Take a look and thankfully nothing major. Although i did have "stomach problems" for the next few nights when the wife was feeling frisky. All n all one of my scarier club moments.
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