
Sticky Dancer

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I feel for the guy – from a recent review of Dancers Show Club Indianapolis:

“... I have been into this club before and always had a decent time (except for the ID scanning), but after this visit I now know to stay away on busy nights when they have a bunch of dancers. To start, the guy at the door was much more understanding about me not wanting my id scanned, but that could have been cause they were busy and there was a line of people behind me coming in the door. As soon as I walked in though I was swamped by a dancer. Like everyone, I come for the women but would at least like to get my coat off before the wanna dance questions start. I don't know what she was on, but judging by her strung out eyes, mile a minute chatter and the fact that she was maybe 80 pounds I would guess she was on a lot of whatever it was. I told her I just got there and was waiting on someone (lie) but she still followed me to a table and plopped down, still running her mouth. The waitress took forever to come over and i purposely didn't offer the dancer a drink cause I wanted to go move on fast. I still hadn't gotten a word in edgewise so after ordering my g&t I just walked away from the dancer to go tip at stage. The dancer on stage was hot, curvy with long brown hair and great tits and a nice tan so I asked her to come over after her dance to talk about some private songs and pointed at my table. She noticed the other dancer at my table and said she didn't want to interrupt, I said actually I wanted her instead of the other girl. The one on stage said she didn't work a lot and didn't know the girl at my table and didn't want to cause drama so for me to come find her later. This girl was a sweetie, with a cute southern accent and a great body and beautiful face, way better than the skeleton at my table but for some reason I guess the rule is you're not supposed to go interrupt if a girl is already sitting there, she said it was "cutthroat". I went back to my table and told the skeleton I was waiting for the girl to finish her stage dances and come over but she still just kept chattering and wouldn't leave I grabbed my jacket to move and she got right up and followed me again. I guess I should've been more forceful but instead I just left. The managers need to tell dancers that gluing yourself to customers is bad business ...”



  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    The proper response in that case is, "I'm not interested, thanks." If that doesn't work, "Get lost, bitch," is a viable alternative.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    If she won't take the hint after you tell her you are waiting for someone.
    First go sit at the tip rail for a while. Most club prohibit the dancers for sitting there.
    If that does not work ask her to leave and go to the bathroom. Unfortunately Dancers usually has a bathroom troll on Sat. nights.
    If she is still there tell her loudly enough(I have actually done this) for the tables next to you to hear "no I do not want a dance from you, you are not my type and I will give you a dollar to leave me alone".
    I did that in a different Indianapolis club once and the girl I wanted to see came over a few minutes later and told me that the girls did not like her the leech drove guys with money out the door with her antics.
    Or you can talk to the bouncer/floor manager or leave!
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I'm a nice guy so I would get a pity dance hoping to get rid of her.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I would have tol;d the trick straight up to get lost. I have one time as soon as a ugly chick came over to me trying to wrap her arms around me, I immedietely detached myself and didn't say a word. She looked confused as hell but she left alright.
  • LDKisLife
    9 years ago
    Play fetch. Ball up a dollar bill and throw it as far as possible.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    LDKIL- that's hilarious.

    OP - If the other dancer you wanted wasn't coming over until the other chick left then you needed to be blunt with her. I get it - for some of us it's not in our nature to be rude. But sometimes it's unavoidable. I think you would forget about your rudeness as some as you had that other chicks boobs in your face and hands.
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