

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Anyone see the news Bill Cosby charged in one of the rape allegations today just shy of the statute of limitations!


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I didn't see it, but I'm glad to hear it. He's clearly a piece of shit. It's sad, because when you're rich and famous you don't *have* to rape to fuck pretty young things. Hint you might help out their career, throw them a few expensive gifts, and fuck that pussy. It's not hard, but he seemed to get off on fucking without consent.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Yea, it's a shame to find out one of the funniest SOBs out there is also likely a piece of shit pervert.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Even way back before all this shit started coming out, I felt this dude was off somehow. He had a decent stand up routine but I never really understood the mass appeal.
  • whodey
    9 years ago
    With a sick bastard like him as "America's Dad" it's no wonder so many women have daddy issues.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I was never really a fan. I have wondered if the victims thought they would punish him with possible jail time, why didn't they prosecute 10 or 15 years ago when he would serve more time? now he looks like he might pass away in a couple of years or maybe less. Maybe it's all about the money but I never read much about the cases.

    Might be similar to a rape story I heard on tv against a FSU quarterback that the police and others failed to prosecute for over 2 years if they even did that because well, football is and was the major money producer down there and no one wanted to mess around with that even if the quarterback raped a girl. The show I watched indicated this sort of thing happened in other college towns and usually just got swept under the rug. Lesson learned, girls should avoid being alone with any major sports team players. They can be raped in many places and get away with it.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    stephen collins is an admitted pedophile. How come nobody demonizes him?
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    This might be trickier than we know.

    Quaaludes were a popular club drug in the 1960's through 1980's. It was common to abuse the drug voluntarily and have sex. It was thought the drug was hypnotic and relaxing and was used to enhance sex. If Cosby gave it to women without their knowledge and then had sex, I suppose one could argue he drugged them with a sedative and then raped them. Put him in jail.

    On the other hand, if ludes were taken voluntarily and then sex followed, how can the women 30 years later argue successfully that they were drugged and raped. In the second case, they chose to sedate themselves and have sex with a celebrity.

    At the very least, Cosby's legend is soiled by the knowledge he was a serial adulterer and a serial drug user/provider to young women over several decades all the while holding himself out as America's Father Figure. Fuck you Bill. Our Lord will ultimately judge if there was evil intent in your heart -- and by the look of it, it won't be long.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Such a nice guy. At least that's what it seemed. He's human. The prosecutors knew they had a deadline. Perhaps it was personal, too. Drag it out, make the creep suffer some.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "Stephen collins is an admitted pedophile. How come nobody demonizes him?"

    I'm certainly not going to defend an admitted pedophile, but the circumstances are entirely different. There are more than 50 woman that have accused Cosby. There were only a few incidents with Collins and none of the woman have come forward. Collins has admitted his "errors" and received help from his church and sexual therapist. Cosby is in denial.

    Reruns of 7th Heaven have been pulled from syndication so his career has been affected.

    The only reason I offered a response to your question is because I think you are implying Collins is getting easier treatment because he's white. That's just ridiculous.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "stephen collins is an admitted pedophile. How come nobody demonizes him?"

    That guy is definitely a d-bag, but I have to admit that I didn't know that until I looked him up in Wikipedia. I suspect the absence of demonization is the fact that he's kind of a second tier has-been that few people actually know about

    I'm sure that if it had been an easy case to prove Collins would be in jail. It doesn't look like he's worked in film since the allegations came to light. So I think it is a case of non-brilliant guy does horrible shit and never works again, but doesn't go to jail because the DA's office felt they couldn't win.

    Cosby is well-known so the Philly DA's office probably felt they had to try. No sympathy from me either way. They're both d-bags! :(
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I do feel sorry for that Collins guy's co-stars who got their syndication money cut off. They did their job in good faith and then their money got cut off because the star of the show is a d-bag. Don't know if they've had other success, even if it as modest as some crap show I've never heard of, but that's kind of non-brilliant!
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @motorhead if it were JUST about race then I would be bitching about why everyone forgot about jared fogle. And he was immediately blasted and torn apart, even if some people say his sentencing is too lenient. It shouldn't matter how many you attack, just the fact that you did it. The fact that your putting more emphasis on numbers rather than the fact that the crime is done himself is extremely shallow and narrow minded. THat's like saying the man who shot up the elementary school is better than the men who shot up columbine and the batman theater only because he killed less humans. That's actually pretty sick and I'm very shocked that you had the thought process to type that up.

    So does that mean if I take just ONE little girl and rape her, I shouldn't get demonized as bad because bill cosby alledgedly raped 50? That seems pretty nonsensical to me if that's true.

    I ask that because people are going out of their way to shame a man who isn't even proven guilty AND so far, he seems to be doing pretty good because 2 women already loss their cases against him. Perhaps we should put more effort into other world issues other than a celebrity who hasn't been proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.
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