stripclub list
Anybody ever read the comment's on man those guys are the biggest bunch of bull shitters. it makes us here at TUSCL look like PL's with integrity. You canjust make random comments on particular club's with having a username attached to it. Clown's over there claimed they have fucked every chick in the club for x amount of dollar's. Obvisously bullshit, and a good way to get a girl fired.
tlkDo: Would you by any chance be referring to recent claims of extensive OTC activity by the fine ladies of Dancers and Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis? Those pages, for example, have been ruined by trolls.
There are a lot of shill postings both positive and negative about a club, and some clubs are just a constant flame war between two posters. Luckily a few of my favorite clubs are void of much useless posting. One dancer used to post who was working there each day a few years ago. The club has since gotten lame, but at the time it was very useful.
Another club there was quite a bit of good and accurate information on the dancers who worked there, including physical descriptions, what type of dance she gave, who allowed extras, who would try to milk you out of all your cash, and who were just air.
Other clubs the information on the dancers were completely inaccurate. For example my favorite at one club is very popular and there is one or more people posting under multiple handles who completely ripped her apart, and the lamest dancer at the club is talked up about how great her dances are.
There have been a few clubs in TUSCL where the information is wrong, and I have noticed a few reviews that were obviously fake. I have reported each one, and the moderators here have removed the bad posts most of the time.
For example a lot clubs I frequent had reviews pop up with a lot of bogus negative information around July through September, and I and most likely others reported them and they disappeared here. I have an idea which club was posting the reviews, especially when looking at those same clubs at stripclublist.
The good: As mentioned, there's clubs that get ignored here. Sometimes things like raids or when a certain ladies works gets posted on some club's sites.
The bad: As mentioned, no regular log in required to post. People effectively hide behind a keyboard and the lowest forms of trolling takes place. The 'craigslist rants and raves' of strip club sites
the ugly: The site itself. I understand ad revenue supports the site but that whole website structure of surrounding the page with a hundred different banners that have to reload every time you navigate to a separate page or even refresh the page your on- its tedious and not conductive to mobile devices. Nothing says 'we don't give a fuck about our users' then the sort of medieval tedious interface they have over there, and the total disregard for the trolling that goes on in most of the club comment pages.