Going to Buckhead This week and will have time to spend on the hobby. I will have a car. What are best all-around clubs? Which has hottest dancers? I prefer whites, asian, and hispanic dancers. Thank you!
Cheetah for white eye candy. Follies for everything else.
You can get to Follies at noon and have girls to play with. I think shadow usually comes before that. I try to get there by 1 - 2 on whenever possible.
shark, the place is going full steam right after opening. It gets more crowded as the afternoon goes on. by 3 PM you have SRO. There are usually 40+ dancers on day shift, but they drift in for the first couple of hours. Sometimes it is even higher. But even right after opening there are 15-25 dancers. Day shift is probably 50-60% white. hardly any Asians, but the rest are AA and LA.
I just need a really fast spaceship now. :) Need to find some aliens to hijack. I can imagine a new movie coming out called "Dude, where'd our spaceship go?"
Knightline, I thought Tattletales was just brilliant!
I didn't try Follies because my dancer preferences are similar to yours! Since I had other things to do during the day and couldn't get to the club before it shifted to being a black club I went to Tattletales!
I probably should have tried Cheetah to, but didn't get around to it!
Dancer 95 - Sounds like a typical SW response. I've known dancers that have quit Cheetah and come back to Follies because they couldn't make any money.
Pfft, shadowcat. He asked for club with the hottest dancers and I gave him one. Maybe they moved to Follies because they were nice-looking but not gorgeous/had no sales skills hence couldn't compete with top-girls at Cheetah. I will never believe that Cheetah with its high-rollers doesn't offer good earning potential.
It appears to me that clubs that are well-liked by custies are often not well-liked by dancers; and vice-versa – i.e. seems more often than not what makes a club “good” for a dancer is the opposite of what makes it good for a customer.
I like Cheetah. But I only go there for eye candy, and then the next afternoon I usually go to Follies to TCOB. The Follies girls get most of my money. But I can see how inexperienced PLs would blow their cash wad at cheetah out of ignorance.
last commentYou can get to Follies at noon and have girls to play with. I think shadow usually comes before that. I try to get there by 1 - 2 on whenever possible.
Need to find some aliens to hijack. I can imagine a new movie coming out called "Dude, where'd our spaceship go?"
I didn't try Follies because my dancer preferences are similar to yours! Since I had other things to do during the day and couldn't get to the club before it shifted to being a black club I went to Tattletales!
I probably should have tried Cheetah to, but didn't get around to it!